Flight to Catadrid

"What time does our flight leave, Ayia-nee?" Aurora asked as the group stood in the foyer of the manor, only the four of them remaining.

"Hmmm, I told our pilot that we'd be leaving between 10 and 11 AM," Ayia replied, glancing at her phone to check the time.

"Pilot?" Aurora asked with a confused expression.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you, Aurora-chan. We'll be flying on mine and Shizuka's private airplane." Ayia smiled brightly.

"What?" Aurora's eyes widened, her surprise evident.

Theo, already aware of the arrangement, chuckled at his sister's reaction. He watched the curiosity flash across her face as she tried to process the sudden revelation.

"I never knew you two had a private plane," Aurora said, looking between Ayia and Shizuka, now thoroughly impressed.

"Well, the plane isn't exactly ours. It belongs to our family, but it's basically ours," Shizuka explained, her voice steady as ever.