"Him and I, after graduating college, decided to get married because we didn't want to take any more time in taking a step forward in the relationship we had built over the course of years."
Lia snorts. It is a Sunday morning and she is tired beyond her mind's comprehension. There is no reason she can come to though, not at all because she hasn't been doing much and had barely woken up. Lia believes she needs to start getting more on the side of being physically active because the lack of enthusiasm in her is pretty alarming. At least that is what Lia thinks of it as.
What comes in handy while living alone in the city that always seems so busy is nothing other than technology. Lia thinks it's the most massive step humanity had ever managed to take but what else could have been capable of filling her empty, barely even set, apartment other than a YouTube video she has playing in the background while she tries to do some chores.
Keyword; tries.