
In the year 2078, the new and imerced VRMMO game called 'Infinity' went live all over the world.

No one knew who or what company created the game but it took the world by storm creating awe and excitement.

The game stated that it had a 99% realism and that players should treat is as another world, little did they know that it would become one in the future.

With the dawn of a knew eara of gaming came excitement and mystery, for this game was the breaking point for humanity.

Just little over 1 month of the announcement of 'Infinity', a gaming company known as 'New eara' revealed themselves to the masses, stating that this was going to be the best VRMMO game in the world and that they should look forward to it.

With the announcement of the game, the game was said to be dropped on the 27 April 2078 at 12 p.m. nation wide.

They stated that all they had to do was buy a VR helmet made by 'New eara' to play the game.

Although some people questioned the safety of the helmet it was approved by the UN (United Nations) and stated that everything about the helmet was safe and that you would have no need to worry.

With it been safe people started to swarm shops and malls to get the helmets. All over the world people were going crazy to try and buy one.

When the game was online for the first time people were shocked at how real the game was. Some started to question whether it was real or not.

As soon as people started to play the game they found out they you could earn money really quickly in the game.

Because monster drops were very rare (1 in 1000 monsters would drop equipment) the prices for them at the early stages of the game would go for a lot of money.

Poor would get rich and rich would get richer. Just this fact alone brought more people to the game.

In the first week of the game more than 2.5 billion people were playing. 

The game kept rising in popularity until 2 years after the games was released, the world of 'Infinity' and Earth merged making the world 2 times bigger.

With the 2 worlds merged players from infinity got their power from the game in real life.

With these powers they fought the monsters back but were overwhelmed by the sheer number of them.

Needless to say this was all of the gods doing. This was their way of getting more power. If there world is bigger they get more power.

(sorry couldn't think of anything else)

Of course it was also for the gods amusement. They wiped out humanity and regrew their monster population for the next world taking. 

Although the gods made the game the truth was that they have not 100% control over the game.

Humans did stand a chance against the gods but there were to few powerful humans to try and stand against them.

They targeted the powerful humans and grouped killed them, killing all possible threats.