Everyone had their eyes on Mia, waiting for her to smile. The overwhelming amount of attention made her feel anxious. Her heart was beating so fast, as if it was about to pop. She felt like she was about to pass out, but then...

"Aah~ let's stop," Said Vivi. "Look here! Don't you guys think my smile looks much better?" She made a silly face and the whole class laughed.


The teacher slammed the table. "All of you! What are you laughing at? Are you attending class or in a movie theater?"

The laughter subsided and class went back to normal. But Mia, who wasn't able to utter a word, was upset. 'They must be annoyed,' She thought, blaming herself.


It was dinner time at the orphanage.

Mia finished off her meal quietly and left the table, still bothered by what happened at school.

'She seemed happy this morning, so why go back to gloomy again...' Rosaria, who noticed Mia thought to herself with a concerned face. 'I wonder if something happened at school.'

Mia, back in her room, was writing about what happened today in her diary. Looking at her diary, Mia remembered Vin's diary she found that day. She took the dairy out and placed it on her desk. It looked just as it did when she found it, because it hadn't been open once since then. Today as well, she hesitated to open the dairy, and just placed it back into the cable.

Mia looked out to the moon outside her window at the sky, remembering the dream from last night. 'That boy... was it really Vin?'


'...a dream?'


Something soft brushed on Mia's cheek, it was as light as a feather. She then opened her eyes and found herself under a big cherry blossom tree. The blossom's petals were falling all over, with the wind gently blowing them. It was one of the most beautiful scenes anyone could have witnessed. Mia stared at the tree in awe and surprised.

"You're awake!"

Mia turned to the voice that just called out her name. "...Vin?!" She was surprised to see Vin, the boy in the dream from the night before, showed up in her dream again.

"What is with that expression? Are you not happy to see me again?"

"No... that's not it, but I thought that I wouldn't see you again because it was just a dream... I thought it won't happen again."

"Haha, what are you saying? I told you that we would see each other every night, remember?"

'He even remembers what he said...' Mia thought to herself, still puzzled by what was going on but strangely happy.

"Don't worry, Mia. We'll always be meeting here every night, just the two of us."

Mia smiled in relief after hearing Vin's words. "So everything here is real?" She asked as she was looking around her surroundings.

"Of course! Everything here is real, for us at least," Vin stood up and extended his hand. "Come Mia!"

Mia gladly took Vin's hand. "Where are you taking me?"

"Where do you want to go? I can take you anywhere."

"Hmm... Oh, I remember! How about the big blue magic tree from the story book we read? The one that was surrounded by vines and fairies hanging out around it?" Said Mia, enthusiastically, as she remembered just the perfect location to visit.

"The book we read?"

"Huh? Can we not go there?"

"Ah... no, no, it's nothing," Vin replied awkwardly.

'Huh? Has he forgotten?' Mia thought to herself wondering if Vin had forgotten about the story book they read together. The favorite place they chose, where there was a big blue magic tree from the book, because of how magically it sounded, yet, Vin seemed to not remember any of it. She was a little bothered but chose not to say anything.

Vin gripped Mia's hand tightly and turned to her. "Are you ready?"

Mia nodded.

Vin drew his hand, and once again, their surroundings started to change. What Mia had described appeared right in front of them.

A big blue tree with vines hanging from its branches, standing at the end of a walking path they were standing on. The path was submerged under clear shallow water that rose to the length of their ankles. Magical flowers and plants grow on both sides of the path, accompanied by fairies flying around staring curiously at the two new guests who had just arrived.

Mia was overjoyed by the sight of the magical tree, and she turned to Vin. "This is amazing! Thank you, Vin."

The two of them started walking toward the tree, gently stroking their feet along the shallow water. As they moved, parts of the water surrounding their steps glewed the color of cyan.

Mia excitedly explored the area, enjoying herself while Vin followed her around. After a while, they decided to rest under the magic tree.

"You know, being here reminds me of the time we planted flowers around the big tree back at the orphanage," Said Mia as she rested her head on Vin's shoulder. "Haha, it was kind of a silly idea, but we had a lot of fun."

"...yes, it was fun, wasn't it."

Mia smiled as a response.

"Anyway Mia, how have you been doing with school?"

"School? Hmm, not much actually. I'm still just as I used to be, I still can't make any friends," Mia sulked. "and this morning..."

"What's wrong this morning?" Asked Vin, but Mia continued to stay quiet. "You can tell me what happened, I'm all ears."

Mia sat up straight and told Vin what happened in the class, about Vivi and the reason for her upsetting. "...I don't hate her, but I wish she would stop putting me on the spot..."

"Haha, maybe that's just her way of being friendly."

"No way, as if anyone would want to befriend someone like me," Mia muttered, hugging her knees.

Vin was saddened by the way Mia worded herself. "Mia! You shouldn't say that about yourself," he grabbed her hand. "Look at me, I am happy that I have become your friend! I'm sure everyone is missing out on a wonderful person, if they don't want to be your friend."

Mia made a surprised expression and laughed. "Haha, what are you saying, you are making me blush."

Vin flustered. "Ah- I... I was just trying to cheer you up..."

"Thank you, you always go out of your way to look after me. And I feel the same, Vin. I am happy that I've become your friend," Mia smiled.

Vin was relieved to see Mia smiling again, he laughed along with her. The two were enjoying each other's company, just like they did, years ago.

As time went on, the sun shone it's brim light through the window. Mia as well, woke up to the sound of the bell like any other day. But one thing was certain, may they meet again, in the land of the dreams.