Mia brought Cloud to Vin's tomb.

Cloud stood there and stared at the headstone with a painful expression. It had been 5 years since Vin passed away and yet he heard nothing from his mother. But both Cloud and Mia knew better, Madam Aria surely didn't want to break the bad news to him.

Cloud got down to his knees and started talking, "Hey Vin, it's been 5 years..." he placed his hand on the headstone. "Didn't expect to meet you again this way. How I messed things up back then... I didn't even get to apologize properly. You must have been disappointed."

"No." Mia interrupted, "I'm sure he has already forgiven you. He's a forgiving person, you see."

"...yeah, you're probably right."

Looking at the picture of Vin smiling on the headstone, Mia was reminded of the boy in her dream. How had she not noticed sooner? It was obvious that he wasn't Vin. His smile, the way he spoke and laughed, they were nothing like Vin's. Although he had the same appearance as Vin, Mia could feel the difference.

It had been so long that Mia's memories of Vin were but blurry, which must be why she didn't realize sooner after meeting the boy, or maybe she already knew, but her loneliness caused her to selfishly use him to replace the empty space in her that Vin left behind.

Mia made a bitter expression and ran her hand on the headstone. Many memories of Vin played in her head, his warm smile, his kind and gentle voice, and the way he would always stay by her side... she missed him. She hated how she had almost forgotten how he looked.

Mia then glanced at Cloud beside her, he looked saddened. "Hey Cloud, if... if someone pretends to be one of your friends but you end up becoming real friends... uh, I mean, what would you do...?" she bit her lip, "ahaha, nevermind it. That was a stupid question?"

"What do you mean?"


Mia might have tried to brush off what she said but Cloud had a habit of thinking hard when he's asked a question. "If they pretended to be your friend, that means they had lied to you..."

Mia went silent at Cloud's words.

"But... if they went as far as to do such a thing, wouldn't that mean they might have good intentions? Why suddenly? Did something happen?"

Mia grabbed her own hand. "...something like that."

"I see. Honestly, I don't think I have the right to meddle over your personal problems but if you want my advice, I think it's best you listen to them first. Like what happened with us back then, I'm sure there could have been a misunderstanding."

Mia's eyes widened, "...maybe you're right. I've never thought about it that way, I've been thinking only about myself."

"Yeah, it's better to let them explain their reason too."

Mia chuckled looking at Cloud. His serious expression looked just like Vivi when she tried to advise her. Cloud flustered at her sudden laughter, "Wha... Why are you laughing?! I'm being serious right now!"

"Sorry, you just reminded me of someone I know," said Mia, still laughing.

"Hey c'mon... you're laughing too much."

After that, the two continued to chat and laugh for a while. It seemed like they finally became friends once again, just like how they were years ago.

The evening breeze brushed through their faces and hair. Cloud glanced at Mia who was dyed in the bright peach shade of the setting sun.

Mia turned to Cloud and said, "Thank you, Cloud. I think I know what to do now."


That night Mia was filled with determination as she fell asleep into the dream world. The dream that recently only herself and the various different environments could be seen.

Finally, Mia stepped into her dream. She took a deep breath, gathered her courage and called out, "Hey..." She glanced left and right looking for a response but to no avail so she tried again, "Umm, hello? Can you please come out...?"

Nothing once again. Mia was obviously trying to call out to that boy, but since she didn't know how to address him, she felt awkward. Mia didn't want to call him 'Vin' anymore since he wasn't Vin to begin with.

"Please come out! I know you can see or hear me from..." Mia got no answer again. She tried a few more times and the results were indifferent. At this point, Mia was upset and tired out.

"I just want to talk to you about this whole situation. I will listen to you so... will you please come out?"


Mia sat down and hugged her knees. She gave up, not to say, also was quite pissed. But as the situation seemed hopeless, Mia felt a shadow cast upon her. She looked up, and it was the boy, standing in front of her.

The boy looked down to Mia, she also stared back at him, with a noticeably bit of anger in her expression. He flinched and looked away, seeing her like this.

The atmosphere was awkward as expected. Mia did say they'd talk but she honestly didn't know where to start. The boy was fidgeting with his hands and started talking first, "Umm... you said you'd listen to what I have to say, so..." He hesitated a little as he gathered some courage and looked into Mia's eyes. "I-I'm not Vin, and I'm... not anyone either. I was created by you a long time ago..."


"You always wished for someone to be with back then and that was when I came to be. Your desire for love and breaking free from loneliness was what created me..."

"W-Wait, hold on..."

Despite Mia telling him to stop, the boy seemed to have lost in his own world and continued to ramble. "I had always been here within you, but I didn't know how to reach out to you so I-"

"Stop, stop! Please wait a minute!"

The boy was startled by Mia's scream. He realized he just went off on her and suddenly looked anxious.

Mia looked at the boy's state and thought for a while. "Umm... about what you just said. You said I... created you?"

The boy nodded.

Mia looked puzzled. "But how... I don't understand."

"..." The boy looked down at his hands. "I... will tell you."

「 When I came to be... that day when I was "born", I did not know nor understand 'me', all I felt was fear and loneliness. Everywhere I looked was white and empty, I was scared, I was lonely. It was almost like I would crumble from the overwhelming emotions.

But then, I heard a voice... It was you, Mia. You, who looked so small and pitiful, were crying. Looking at you pained me greatly, how I wanted to comfort you, but no matter how hard I tried to call out, you never heard it... it was almost like there was an invisible wall between us.

You were always lonely and desired for someone, anyone, to love you, and that's how I was born. Maybe my role was to be that person who you so wished for, but I could do nothing. I did not have a body nor a voice like you, so I could just watch you cry.

From time to time, I would be able to access your memories. I could learn more about you, watching them. Strangely, some of them were inaccessible, it was almost like you were trying to hide them, locking away. Either way, I remember that all I wanted was for you to be happy.

But all of this suddenly changed one day. That day, when you meet a boy named Vin. It was fine at first, you were able to smile being with him and that was all I could wish for, maybe things finally taking a good turn for you, or so I thought. As time passed, you were spending more time with him, and I started to fade away. I was not able to fulfill my role, to make you happy and so he came and replaced me. Slowly, I was losing myself and finally, I ceased to exist.

I thought I was gone. I could feel the time passing, but like it had stopped at the same time. I continued to feel this way for a long time, until suddenly, I could feel myself again. When I awoke I saw you crying and I was confused. But it didn't take long for me to understand what was going on. Vin died that day.

After being resurrected from the long slumber I continue to exist within you just like I used to. Vin, who was able to make you smile was no longer here, so that meant my original role that was taken away by him finally fell back to me. I thought that would make me happy but you were crying and I felt a stinging sensation inside my chest. Why do I feel like this?

I had to find a way to make you smile like he did. But it's easier said than done. And just like before, I couldn't reach you at all. Suddenly, one day the wall between us started to fall down. Slowly but surely, I got closer to you. Everyday I tried my best to call you. Then, finally, that wall collapsed entirely and the barrier between us was no more, and I could finally embrace you. But due to the appearance of Vin I had taken, you mistaken me for him. I did not know what to do, so I just decided to play along. 」

" that's what happened."