Chapter 12 meeting my cousins

'system finding "Nico di Angelo" it said in my mind.

'failed would host like to buy [skill] location detection'.

I clicked on the skill it recommended,

[location detection] (can find anybody's or anything the host is searching for).

'buy it' I thought.

'[skill location detection] acquired'

'locate Nico di Angelo' I thought.

'he is in room 69'the system told me.

(In case your wondering why she had to buy this skill it's because nico and bianca are protected by magic to mask there parents aura.)

With that I started walking around the hotel looking for him. I walked around for a couple of minutes until I found were the rooms were.

With me finding the start of the room I began walking down the hall towards room 69.






'and 69'

When I found there room I knocked on the door and waited for a bit. The door opened and out came a little girl.

"I need to talk to you guys about" Was all I said.

She immediately tried closing the door but I wasn't having that so I used kamui and walked through the door.

Her expression showed awed and she immediately went over to cover Nico.

While she was doing that I was walking to the chair in the corner of the room. Once I sat down in the chair I looked over at them.

Nico looked in awe at what I did while bianca looked at me with fear and caution.I just pulled out a Dr pepper out of my inventory and opened it.

This just made bianca more cautious,but I didn't say anything and continued to drink it.

"Who are you" she asked.

"I'm your cousin" Was all I said as I let that information sink in.

Nico looked shocked that he had a cousin while bianca looked like she was trying to do trigonometry.

"How do we know that your telling the truth."she asked.

" Believe me or not but I'm just here to let you guys know that somebody is going to get you out of here soon but I needed to do something before they get you."I explained.

"What do you need to do" Nico asked as he poked his head from behind bianca.

"Well I was here to just tell you that but since I did that I'll leave, but first can you both come here I need to put something on you."I said.

" Can I trust you.."bianca said.

"Honey if I wanted to hurt you I would have done it already." it'll her as I gave her the " you just asked a dumb question" look.

She walked over to me reluctantly. When she finally reached me I gently reached out my hand and grabbed her shoulder. She quickly looked into my eyes but I just gave her a small smile.

"Don't worry I'm not going to do anything harmful if you want I can swear on it" I said.

She gave in and I turned her around and I pulled out a FTG formula that had a paper form and applied it to her neck.

"What did you do" She asked as if I had kicked her puppy.

"Don't worry I just made it so that paper will never come off but it's beneficial to you it will inform me when you in trouble". I said as I turned to Nico.

"Can you come here I need to also do it to you." Once I applied the formula to his neck I took a sip from my soda."Anyways if you guys ever see me just know that you guys are in danger, if by any chance your getting attacked just tap the back of your neck" I explained.

They nodded there heads, And with that I walked towards the door when I was about to open the door I heard bianca yelling, "WAIT" i turned my head to face her.

"What's up" I replied.

"Who are you" Was all she said.

I did a bow," Alice Jackson twin of Percy Jackson at your service."

Bianca looked embarrassed as she seen me bow but I decided that was all and activated kamui and walked through the door.

'Now that I marked them it would be easier to save them from the manticore in 2 years. When I walked out I headed towards the gaming area to find Percy and Annabeth.

Percy was easy to find he was at the counter eating and drinking. He was going to eat another locus flower. I grabbed the flower and took his hand.

"Hey I was going to eat that" he said.

I just shook my head and said,"let's go get a hamburger and cookies."

"Cookies blue ones?" he asked.

"Yeah big blue one" I replied.

That all it took for him to follow me. I walked around looking for agriculture games and I found Annabeth there.

Annabeth I really didn't want to deal with her yelling and extra so I did the thing Percy did.

"Excuse me ma'am is that a spider on your arm." I said.

It took her two seconds to register what I said before she frantically started searching her whole body.

When she looked at me she finally snapped out of the trance I grabbed her hand and we went towards the exit.

A person came up to use to offer use a deluxe card and since he offered it me I gladly took it and left the building.

When we left Percy and Annabeth started looking around them only to see the date was June 20th.

"How did 9 days already pass." Percy said in disbelief as he read the date.

"Time passes differently in magical places." I told him.

" How are we going to get to the underworld." Annabeth said.

"Let's go there" I said as I pointed to CRUSTY BED PALACE.(I forgot the name and this came to me.)

"Why there" Annabeth said as she tried reading it.

"If we go to a store that has a monster in it that's near the underworld we can find an easier entrance to it" I explained as we begin to walk up to the entrance to the store.

I pulled out my dagger because honestly I didn't feel like dealing with monsters right now, I just wanted to get home and add more rooms to it so I can get my clones training.

With that said when I entered and I threw my dagger at procrusteous and he started to dust. I looked over at my shoulder and said,"let's find the address."

Annabeth came out a minute later after searching the office and came out with a paper that had a shipping address to Doa Recording Studios.

"Well looks like we found the entrance can you guys go outside I want to continue looking for something" I told them.

They just nodded there head and went outside.When they went outside I started creating seals and made it so no one can enter this place besides me.

With that done I made 100 shadow clones and made 20 get to work on space seals (to make more room for bedrooms and bathrooms and stuff.) And 60 to work on daggers, and 10 playing chess and checkers to upgrade my thought acceleration and multi thought processing.

With that done I walked outside and met with Percy and Annabeth. We continued walking until we came across the Doa Recording Studios.

We went inside and looked around and seen Charon looking at us. I did the most reasonable thing I reached into my back pocket and took out a pouch of dracmas and put it on the counter.

"I give you this and you give us a ride or I take this and you won't get the money for a suit." I told him.

Apparently bribes can work on deities because soon after he decided that taking living being is a good idea.

When I got onto the boat I heard a familiar DING.

[dagger mastery leveled up (3/10).]

I got into the boat and we started drifting down the Styx. In the books it was said that the Styx was polluted, but the book didn't do this justice. If you looked at it you almost couldn't see the other side.

I honestly took pity for the nymph I could only imagine living in smelly Gabe's junk for a day. I reached out my senses towards the River, the Feeling of the River was like dying to the same boss over and over again.

I thought about how to cleanse the river but I could only thing of makings all the items disappear or taking them out I couldn't do that as they would reappear.I concentrated on the whole river as a whole and imagined all the trash finally disappearing from it.

When I finally finished I opened my eyes and looked at the clean river Styx that didn't have any trash.I smiled before I felt before woozy, I clenched my head and started rubbing it.

"I don't know how you did it but it looks like you just made a new ally." Charon said as he looked over at the Styx.

I looked over and seen a woman look at me as she bowed her head as if saying "Thank you". I took a bow in respect and Annabeth and Percy followed my lead. When I looked back she was gone.

What ruined the mood was the sound of barking that made me cover an ear and looked up. Cerberus was the one doing the barking and he was quite big.

"Well it was nice knowing you old three face is hungry." Charon said as he looked at the direction of Cerberus.

When we got off I looked at Percy and said, "Percy take off those shoes please." He gave me a weird look as if saying "your joking right".

"Do I have to there's are my only pair that was given to me" he said.

(I'm making him use them because who else was going to get the shoes).

"Who gave you those shoes" I asked him.

"Luke" he told me.

"And who did I tell you not to trust?" I asked.

"Luke" he replied.

"Hey why can't he trust Luke. He's a great guy." Annabeth said as she got in my face.

"Well Annabeth I see people's aura and his was black and I don't care who told you other wise besides I know things you don't" I said.

Annabeth tried arguing with me and I looked at Percy and grabbed the seal on my hip and pulled another pair of shoes and gave it to him.

He reluctantly took off his shoes and gave them to me.With that we walked towards Cerberus, when we arrived at the three lines.

I tapped on their shoulder and pointed at the EZ death,"let's go there" when we were half way I gave Percy my kunai and told him to keep it until he reached the other side.

When we were halfway Cerberus started growling at us.When I grabbed a ball from my seal and walked towards Cerberus his growling got louder.

I bounced the ball on the ground and his attention immediately went towards the ball.All three head looked at the ball with great interest. I looked at Percy at told them to go.

"You want the ball boy" I said as I waved the ball, His heads followed it. When I threw it he immediately went and grabbed it and returned it.

His tail started wagging,"whose a good boy" I threw the ball again and when he returned it he noticed Annabeth and Percy and growled at them but I stoped him by throwing the ball in the middle of his head and the three heads started fighting over it.

With that I teleported to my kunai and yelled ,"I'll be back boy." Which caused him go howl.

We started running once we reached the metal detectors. We ran until we reached the hole. The shoes sprouted it's wings and started desperately trying to fly towards the pit.

"Now you see why I told you to get rid of the shoes." I looked over at Percy who nodded.

I let go of the shoes and they flew into Tartarus.i felt the bag that Percy was carrying fell different but I didn't say anything as we walked towards the palace gates.

Once we reached it, it opened revealing Hades throne room.

Honestly I kinda liked it. All black, little to no light perfect for introverts.

" You are brave to come here children of Poseidon" he said,"After what you guys did or perhaps very foolish."

"um, uncle I came her with two requests" Percy said as he had sweat falling down his head.

"Only two Heros these days are so arrogant."he said as he rolled his eyes.

"See a war with the gods will be... bad" he said.

"Really bad" I said as I mimicked a bomb being dropped.

Hades eye twitched when he sat my hand sign." You still want to keep this act up".

I just sighed," I don't have time for this." I placed my hand over my heart and said," I swear on the river Styx that nor me or Percy stole the lighting bolt nor your helm of darkness."

Percy and Annabeth looked at me with opened mouths while Hades looked at me with an intrigued expression.

"Listen Hades While Hestia is my favorite goddess your my Favorite god/uncle besides I need to get this over with or else my girlfriend will kill me."I said as I looked at him with a pleading look.

He showed a knowing look about the girlfriend part but then he got back to the important matter.

"How did you find out my helm was missing" he said.

I gave him a shrug,"I found out when I was on the mission with Ares I mean after all he did give us the master bolt" I looked over at Percy and Annabeth,"I always told you guys that guy was shady since the beginning of the quest."

Annabeth and Percy were asking alot of questions between "When did you find out we had the master bolt" to "then where is Hades helm."

"Shut it" I said."you're giving me a migraine.its not hard to figure out. Someone steals the helm then the master bolt and then Ares finds them and they convinced him to not say anything to cause a war, we go on a quest Hades kills us and boom three way war."

Hades gives me a weird look"Are you sure your my brothers son" I gave a nod,"dang that's a first."

"Anyways Lord Hades can you teleport us to the beach so we can get your helm back, just send a fury or come get it yourself it's fine either way."I said.

He just gave a nod of his head and next thing you know we were on a beach.

I got my daggers ready and about a minute later here came out Ares from the street.

"You weren't supposed to make it out alive" he said.

"And I see you still haven't healed." I snickered as I pointed.

Ares took the bait and summoned a boar I just used sun drip woos skill Mutiliate. All around the boar it was cut into pieces.

dagger mastery leveled up (5/10)

"How about a duel god of war if I win I get Hades helm and if I loose you get to kill me and everyone here" I said as I looked over at

"Fine I swear on the river Styx" he said as he grabbed the air and a sword came out.

I activated my Sharingan and ready my daggers. I approached him as he stood there.


Warning you are about to fight a race above yours xp doubled for this fight.

I looked at my stats and looked at my dagger mastery


I then started attacking, I would attack and he would defend, he would attack and I would roll or Dodge.

Ding x8

I decided to end it a controlled the water and created my own hurricane and started beating him into the ground.

That's when we felt a presence time froze for a couple of seconds before it returned back to normal.

"I lost this battle but everytime you wish for success your blade will feel heavier and when you wish for you blade to protect you it will fail." he said before he disappeared in a light.

We all averted our eyes.With that all we needed to do was go to mount Olympus.

"So Annabeth you going to come to mount Olympus with us or no." I said as I looked over at her.

"Yes" was all she said.

I walked over and grabbed Hades helm. I sent a silent prayer saying that we retrieved his helm.

The shadows under the palm tree started to get darker and out came the man himself Hades.

"I didn't expect you to win that fight to be honest" he said.

I just tossed him his helm and said ,"when you decide to release the "angels" let me know so I can rescue them." He paled and looked at the sky.

"Don't worry uncle I never sell out my family if you need to contact me tell Hestia" as I gave a nod and walked towards Annabeth and Percy who were talking.

"My my if I didn't know any better I would have said you guys were a couple" I said.

They both blushed and started trying to argue how they weren't doing anything of the sort.

"Grab onto my shoulder guys were about to go to the empire state"I said.

They got used to my weirdness and I used the most at the entrance of the empire state to make it so no one will see me teleport there.

When I teleported using kamui Annabeth and Percy threw up, of course not on me but on the poor plants.

When they finished barfing we entered the building and went to the front desk.

"600th floor" I said.

"There is no floor kid"was all he said.

I wasn't having it i took of the backpack Percy was holding and opened it.

He took a look inside and he paled and looked agape"is that..." was all he said before he gave us the key to mount Olympus.

We entered the elevator and we put the keycard into the slot and the elevator and the 600th floor popped up.

Before I can press the button I heard...


Hey guys hope you enjoyed the new chapter, also hope you like the cliffhanger always wanted to do one. But have a nice day