chapter 15: moon has fallen and can't get up.

"no," Dr. Thorn said. "it can't be".

He was cut short when a silver arrow hit him in his shoulder. he stumbled backward a couple of feet and finally regained his balance.

He tried throwing his (thorns/spikes) back from where the arrow was shot from, but more arrows continued to be shot until Thorn pulled out the arrow from his shoulder. He yelled like a little b-, baby. With that, the hunters of Artemis entered the clearing.

"The hunters" Annabeth yelled.

"oh, wonderful" Thalia muttered. Percy looked a little confused about who they were until I mouthed, "Artemis", he gave me a nod.

The oldest (Zoe) came out of the woods with her bow drawn and looked over at Artemis and said, "permission to kill my lady."

"This is not fair" screamed Thorn, "direct interference, it's against the ancient laws."

" not so," Artemis began, "the hunting of wild beast is within my spear, And you creature, are a wild beast." she then turned to Zoe and said, "permission granted".

Thorn growled, "if I can't have these Alive then I'll have them dead," he said as he lunged at Thalia and Percy knowing they were weakened.

I guess fate always corrects itself because here comes Annabeth bull riding Dr. Thorn screaming, "no" and the hunters making him fall over the edge of the cliff with her.

Percy tried running to the cliff to see if she was still down there, but sadly no luck. *snap* *snap* *snap*. the sound of gunfire sounded as the helicopter began to shoot at us.

"Mortal's" Artemis announced, "Are not allowed to witness my hunt." she thrust her hand at the helicopter and it turned into ravens.

The hunters came toward us and stopped a couple of feet in front of us.

Zoe stopped short of us and when she saw Thalia, "you" she said with a hint of distaste.

"Zoe Nightshade," Thalia retorted. "perfect timing as usual."

She looked at the rest of us, "five half-bloods my lady."

"Yes," Artemis said, "I see some of Chiron's camper's."

"Technically I'm not a camper," I said.

"Annabeth you have to let us save her" Percy yelled.

"Don't worry Percy she's safe at the moment" I reassured him.

"How would you know" he turned to me.

"because sometimes fate has a way to work around anomalies, anyways it's a pleasure to meet you lady Artemis," I said as I took a bow.

"so you could recognize me," she said as she narrowed her eyes.

I rolled my eyes, "I said on the first day of camp that I could see people's aura. So you hiding your presence doesn't affect me."

(past this point all the words I wrote didn't get saved twice. so everything that happened in canon happened the only difference was that Alice put an FTG seal on the back of Artemis. I had gotten to the part where they were about to land. thalia still drove.)

After Thalia "parked" the bus in the lake we all got off. I took the chance to look around the camp. I noticed that there were more cabins than last year, I only notice around 23 and a couple of more being built.

'it's nice to see other cabins finally getting built' thought.

Nico started rapid-firing questions asking about the lava wall or other camp-related questions.

The Hunters started heading towards their cabin while the rest of us headed towards the big house. Along the way, we showed Nico the camp we showed him the cabins, stables, and finally the big house.

When we arrived at the big house we were met with Dionysus and Chiron. Chiron went to introduce Nico to the orientation film, while I and percy had to deal with Dionysus and his stupid behavior. I probably would have castrated I'm if it wasn't for all the drama that would have followed. (aka Hestia on my ass).

We talk to them about what happened on the cliff, to what the manticore said. Dionysus wanted to call Annabeth, Annabell, but percy snapped at him too.

"yes, yes," he said." and you procured a small annoying boy to replace her. So I see no point risking further half-bloods on a ridiculous rescue. the possibility is very great that this Annie girl is dead".

"For your information, oh great lord of dumbass, she is still alive. She is being transported currently," I said.

"exactl-" Chiron said before he registered what I said.

Dionysus however looked at me and tried activating his domain in his eyes (like how ares did) and tried to make me insane. unlucky for him his magic didn't work on me because I had barriers that protected my brain from outside influence.

I raised an eyebrow at him, "your domain of madness doesn't work on me. so if you want me to challenge you just say the word and I will fade you faster than your dad can cheat on Hera." thunder could be heard outside after I said the last part.

Just as he was about to retort Nico busted into the room yelling, "SO COOL, you're a centaur."

Chiron managed a nervous smile, "yes, Mr. di Angelo, I prefer to stay in my human form for first encounters."

I watched as Nico went on his little rant about mythomagic. I let my mind wander about what to do during capture the flag. should I be a chad and just win or be a simp and let the hunters win. the answer was obvious I was going to win, what do I look like.

I was taken out of my thoughts when Chiron asked me and percy to make the rounds to inform the cabins about capture the flag. so I wanted to ask him a question.

"Are all powers allowed or not?" I ask.

"All powers are allowed" he reassured, with that thalia,percy and I left the big house.

"you guys already have ares on your bad side." thalia reminded, "you don't need another."

she was probably right about that, but I mean if they wanted to fight I was more than prepared. I had mastered seals without having to draw them. Although it took my vitality it was quickly replaced with sage body.

percy went to inform the olympian cabins and I went to the minor god's cabins to inform them. it took maybe twenty minutes to inform them all but we were ready.

dinner was a different affair, I got my dinner and sacrificed some to Artemis and Hestia. I then went to sit down. we ate in silence except for the hunters who were cheering. 'i can't wait to put them in their place.' i thought.

I was a little tired so me and percy headed to bed. I almost immediately fell asleep. I had a dream of Annabeth standing on a hill.

I watched as Annabeth went to help luke with the weight of the sky. I also watched as he left her alone under the weight, leaving her to die.

I woke up and sat up as did percy, we looked at each other and we immediately knew something bad was going to happen.

the next day I did what I usually did at camp, practice with my bow or spear. I typically practice then eat and sleep but today was us vs the hunters. both sides looked ready and hell if the aphrodite cabin was taking this seriously then I suppose I should give them a chance.

"ill take offense," thalia volunteered. "you guys take defense".

" Before I agree to any plan of yours thalia, let me ask a question. how many hunters do you think you guys can attract. because I have a way for us to win." I said.

"oh, and what that way huh," she said as she got a little closer.

"teleportation. I can just mist travel to their flag grab it and win us the game" I said.

she nodded her head and told her team to attract every hunter they could. with that Chiron blew his horn. thalias team ran into the forest and ten seconds later bows were heard being shot. I then used mist travel and appeared next to their flag. I appeared next to their flag and yoinked it. I began to sprint until I got to the creek.

I sensed that Zoe was at our flag so I jumped over the creek earning our victory. Chiron blew the horn and everyone saw that I held the flag in my hand. the campers suddenly cheered after all this was their first-ever win against the hunters.

however, that was stopped when the oracle came running and dropped some fire.

Five shall go west to the goddess in chains,

One shall be saved in the land without rain,

The bane of Olympus shows the trail,

Campers and Hunters combined prevail,

The Titan's curse sea's daughter must withstand,

And one shall be cured by an allied hand.

'fuck those fates.' I thought.

I mean sure I did not have to go and do the quest, but if I don't do it then the fates will force me out of the world. Sure I could get a skill that could nullify their powers but I didn't want to do that.

all of the camp councilors met up inside the big house. originally percy was supposed to go but since the prophecy had me in it I had to go with him.

"This is pointless," Zoe said. " there is no time for talk, our goddess needs us. the hunters must leave immediately."

"and go were?" Chiron asked.

"west," Bianca said. She looked different from the last time I saw her. she looked like Zoe 2.0. "you heard the prophecy. five shall go west to the goddess in chains. we can get five hunters and go."

"yes," Zoe said, "Artemis is being held, hostage! we must find and free her ."

"your missing something, as usual," Thalia said. " campers and hunters combine prevail. we're supposed to do this together."

"no!" Zoe said. "the hunters do not need thy help."

"your" Thalia said. "nobody has said thy in, like, three hundred years. get with the times."

"enough!" I yelled. "we have a quest and you guys arguing won't solve anything. you don't let personal feelings get into the mission otherwise it will fail."

that seemed to have gotten them out of there arguing, I'm glad they were starting to give me a headache. I wanted to just leave after saying bye to Hestia and save the Artemis asap.

"I fear the prophecy says you need our help." Chiron said. "campers and hunters must cooperate."

"we're supposed to work together," thalia said stubbornly. "I don't like it either zoe, but you know prophecies. you want to fight against one."

"We must hurry" Chiron warned, "today is Sunday. this very Friday is the winter solstice."

"oh, hoy," Dionysus muttered. "another dull annual meeting."

"Artemis must be present at the solstice,' zoe said. "she has been one of the most vocal on the council arguing for action against Cronos (Kronos) minions. If she is absent, the gods will decide nothing. we will lose another year of war preparations."

"Are you suggesting that the gods have trouble acting together, young lady," Dionysus asked?

"I thought that was obvious," I said. everyone started to turn to me. "what I said what was on everyone was thinking."

"one more word from you and your dad will have one less child," he threatened.

"and another snarky remark from you and I will castrate you and send you crying to apollo just like areas. no offense to you guys but your dad has been getting on my nerves for a while," I said as I looked at the Dionysus councilor.

"three and two," percy said. Everyone looked at percy.

"were supposed to have five. three hunters, two from camp half-blood," he said.

"It does make sense," Thalia said.

"I would prefer to take all the hunters. we will need the strength of numbers." zoe said.

"you'll be retracing the goddess's path, Chiron reminded. "moving quickly. no doubt Artemis tracked the scent of this rare monster, whatever it is, as she moved west. you will have to do the same the prophecy was clear: the bane of Olympus shows the trail. what would your mistress say 'too many hunters spoil the scent.' a small group is best."

"this monster- the bane of Olympus. I have hunted at lady Artemis's side for many years, yet I have no idea what this beast might be." zoe said.

"I do," I said. everyone turned to me expecting me to say what it was.

"well what is it" thalia demanded.

"does no one read myths anymore, dang, anyways I'm not going to tell you. not with so many ears around. but if we can contain it then we will still win this war," I said. I wasn't going to tell them because I know Selina had a change of heart but she will still send messages to Cronos (Kronos).

"one shall be saved in the land without rain," Beckendorf said. "it sounds like one of you will be close to dying."

they started muttering in agreement.

"and the titans curse sea's daughter must withstand," silena said. "what could that mean?"

Chiron zoe and I shared a look. I didn't add myself in because I didn't feel like interrupting them.

"percy is right," silena said. "two campers should go."

"oh, I see," zoe said. "and I suppose you wish to volunteer?"

"don't look at me," Selena said as everyone was staring at her.

"a daughter of aphrodite doesn't wish to be looked at," zoe scoffed. "what would thy mother say"

"Stop it," Beckendorf said. "let's start with the hunters. which three of you will go."

"I will go, of course, and I will take phoebe. she is our best tracker," zoe said.

"you won't need a tracker zoe, you have me. I currently know the locations that Artemis has visited in the last 48 hours," I said.

she turned to look at me, "lady Artemis" she corrected.

"Hey man, I'm not a part of the hunt. although I could technically join the hunt. after all, you guys swore to not fall in love with men. and I'm dating a woman." I said while wiggling my eyebrows.

she didn't argue about that, because I did point out a flaw in the oath. " I wish to take Bianca then."

"and for the campers," Chiron asked.

"I have to," I said. everyone looked over at me again. "what the prophecy said 'sea's daughter' I'm the only demigod daughter of Poseidon."

"then I will go," percy said.

"Not," zoe said.

"I know my brother like the back of my hand zoe you will be fine," I said.

"I will not travel with a male," she said.

"anyways while I can sit here arguing with you I have a suggestion. instead of a tracker, we should have thalia. although I'm not saying she's bad or anything, I would have some combat power than someone else with the same skill." I suggested.

zoe looked like she was trying to calculate how many licks it would take to get to the center of the popsicle. "fine I will take this male of thy on this quest, but should he do something I dislike he dies."

"fine with me," I said as I got up from my chair.

everyone was dismissed, and while someone would go back to their cabins I did something different. I teleported home. I was welcomed as soon as I teleported in. with kanao hugging my leg while Shinobu hugged me.

"Where have you been," Shinobu asked.

"I came here to visit and to get the car to drive and use in a quest," I said.

"When are you going to stop having to do these," she asked.

" in a couple more years. I still have to deal with the titans and giants," I said.

with that, I spent as much time as I could with them until it was bedtime. Shinobu and I cuddled inside the bed and slept. I was awakened by my alarm at 6 and got out of bed. I got up and brushed my teeth and took a shower. after I finished I went back to Shinobu and kissed her on the cheek.

I walked into the garage and got the keys to my 1967 Chevy Impala. I got in and closed the door and started the engine. it roared to life and I was backing out of the driveway.

I headed towards camp and parked outside of the camp on the hill, luckily I enchanted the fuel tank so it has unlimited fuel. I parked the car and headed to the trunk, and just like the original supernatural impala, I had this thing stocked.

it had pistles to assault rifles to even the colt, but I never brought out these weapons. I closed the trunk and went to the driver's side of the car and slept.

I awoke at 8 and got out of the car and waited for the gang to show up. it didn't take long before they did. They all came up the hill with Chiron.

"whoa, where did you get this car" percy asked.

"I made it," I said. 'i got this from the system but the things in the trunk I made'.

"anyways scratch my car and I will kill you," I said.


hope you guys enjoyed this. I know I hadn't updated in a while because of my other books, but just know I will continue to update. I hope you guys have an amazing day/night. also, I'm going to be updating probably (percy Jackson into Tartarus) or (naruto with a system).