chapter 41

I walked down into the chamber and looked around

"𝖜𝖆𝖐𝖊 𝖚𝖕," i said as the basilisk began to move through the pipes before entering the place.

I readied my sword and charged forward, while the basilisk tried biting me. however, I rolled to the side as the basilisk turned his body to swallow me.

this time I reacted faster, I rolled and punch it with my left hand causing it to fly away from me and into the pillars before planting itself in the wall.

... meanwhile outside.

all the students heard there was a loud crash, and teachers were also readying their wands at Hogwarts ready to cast defensive spells.

"Merlin's beard," McGonagall whispered.

the front door opened and out came professor Jackson with two basilisk fangs in hand and blood all over her.

"Now students, time for class," she said before she tripped on her cloak.

she however caught herself and flipped to land properly, causing little to no harm.

"Now chop chop, I got classes in 5, and a homemade meal to eat," she said turning around and heading inside.

"what," Hermione was about to say before a cake splattered on her face.

...5 minutes before

stab stab stab, was the thing running through Alice's mind as she continued to stab the already dead basilisk.

every new hole was giving her immense pleasure, and with every hole, the wider her smile became.

i finally stopped after the seven hundred and fifty-second hole and yanked off two of its fangs.

there use? bullets.

... present time...

"and that students is how you dodge properly," I said as class ended.

"excuse me... professor Jackson," Hermione said walking up to my desk.

"what can I do for you miss Granger," I said looking up from my paperwork.

"may I check out a book from your collection," she said nervously.

"of course, make sure to write your name and the date you took it out and return it in a week," I said as she eagerly went out and picked up a couple of books, and began heading out the door.

"and miss Granger," I said as she turned around.

"make sure you tell Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley to come to my office, but make sure to bring Mr. Weasleys pet rat," I said as my eyes narrowed a little.

"preferably this afternoon but I will settle for the morning," I said as she left.

"lunch," Hestia said as a plate with tacos and a burrito appeared on my desk.

"thank you Hestia," I said smiling, to which she responded in kind.

the door opened to an angry professor McGonagall and Snape tailing behind her.

"Professor Jackson, are you teaching my students how to kill," she said as an audience of students joined us.

"define kill," I said tapping my chin.

"Are you teaching my students to take a life, professor Jackson," she said with a higher-pitched voice.

*sigh* "no, professor McGonagall I am not. I'm teaching them combat techniques, but not the particularly deadly spells, those are saved for my books. which no one has access to mind you, unless they asked," I said.

"It's true," one of the students yelled.

"the professors are talking Jonathan," I said looking at the culprit.

"that isn't an excuse," she began to say before I cut her off.

"you know you are saying I'm in the wrong, what about Dumbledore. he caused the downfall of good wizards. bloody hell tomorrow I'm going to fix one of his mistakes.

if I didn't apply for the job he would have sent the fraud gilderoy Lockhart and then you guys would have been screwed.

I mean the book of mistakes I could write about Dumbledore. *humph*" I began to ramble as Hestia put a taco in my mouth.

"Forgive my interruption, I believe you have classes to attend," an adult version of Hestia appeared behind me wrapping her arms around my neck.

"uh... yeah we do," McGonagall said stunned as she turned around.

I flicked my wrist and the door closed behind them and I continued eating my lunch.

"delicious as always," I said to Hestia who smiled while staring at me.

"you look cute when you get angry," Hestia said combing my bangs away from my face.

"Hestia if I didn't know any better I would have thought you were flirting with me," I said as my eyes began to twinkle.

"Who knows," she said flicking my forehead.

I just smiled and took another bite of my taco, before going back to grading some paperwork.

the paperwork was for the first years since the only spells I can teach inexperienced wizards is expelliarmus.

okay, maybe I could teach them others, but not at the beginning month since there new.

oh, how much fun I was going to have tomorrow.


"What did you need of us professor," Mr. Potter said as Mr. Weasley stood next to him.

"May I see your rat Mr. Ronald," I said as he reluctantly handed it to me.

I put him in a cage and looked over at the duo.

"now then Mr. Weasley, today your rat will work with Harry, and I for a bit, here's 500 galleons," I said and he was more than happy to take it.

"Now then Mr. Potter, please hold my arm," I said as he grabbed my arm and I teleported us to the ministry.

"whoa," Mr. Potter said looking around.

"come on otherwise we will be late," I said leading him to the courtroom.

I got a couple of glances but a short notice me not and we were off.

"When we enter don't say anything and just sit there," I said entering the court and placing the rat on the desk and Harry on the chair.

"Alice Artemis Jackson, you stand here for the release of Azkaban prisoner Sirius black," Amelia Bones said looking down at me.

"indeed and I have key evidence that Sirius black is innocent of all charges," I said as the rat became nervous and tried biting the bars.

"nonsense," the prime minister said dismissing the idea.

"everyone welcome peter Pettigrew," I said releasing the rat that was forced to transform into a man.


are you serious?