chapter 45

I appeared in "his" house and killed him in the most brutal way possible and left just enough evidence to make it look like someone else did it.

with him gone everything should be way better for AI. although she won't get pregnant, it's better that she doesn't.

"fight me coward" I heard ares voice yelling from outside my door.

he was banging loud enough to wake the neighbors including Ai.

I walked to my door angrily and slammed it open and got into ares face.

"fuck off before I send your decapitated head to your father and shove it so far up his ass he won't be able to take it out" I growled.

Hestia wasn't here to calm me down and I was pissed. I was about to go take a nice long nap on the couch when he interrupts it.

"fight me" ares yelled. "you're not held by the ancient laws, so I don't have to hold back."

I rubbed my temples when I felt him try to punch me. I jumped and did a handstand with one hand on his head.

"if you continue to fight you sign your death Warrant" I proceeded to kick his neck sending him flat on the floor.

once he was on the ground I proceeded to walk into my house.

ares soon got up and tried charging at me eagerly for a fight. so I gave him one.

I kicked his chest and teleported us to Mount Olympus. I put my fingers in his eyes and proceeded to gouge his eyes out with my fingers.

"we aren't done" I cut off his finger and then forced him to eat it. The gods were beyond horrified and stunned at this.

I proceeded to do this with each of his fingers and then his toes. when he screamed I punch him in the jaw and made him swallow broken glass.

finally, I took out my scythe and put it behind his neck. In one slice, i his head fell off, and his soul was destroyed.

soon an all-out brawl happened on Olympus. gods, nymphs, satyrs, and even demigods joined the fray.

I stood killing everyone except three people. Hestia... Artemis... and Percy. this time I switched to my normal katana.

"I can only promise you an afterlife..." *I said with tears in my eyes. my hands were shaking.

"why... would you do this" Artemis yelled.

"I warned Ares. I gave everyone a choice. you guys attacked, I defended" My voice was cracking and my blade was shaking.

" have something in mind after this" Hestia chuckled.

I couldn't help but softly laugh. "who knows me better than the woman I spend my time with."

"different timeline right?" Percy sighed.

"indeed... however you will always be my little brother," I said with tears in my eyes.

in one clean slice, I gave them each a painless death. I grabbed a neckless and enchanted it and then collected their ashes and put them in three different necklaces.

this way I can always have them with me. my sorrow soon fell across the multiverse. small tsunamis, tornados, volcanic eruptions, and even hurricanes began happening on every planet.

when I stopped grieving the storms stopped raging across the planet. My death count was reaching the trillions.

I sighed and wiped my tears before I appeared at my home and took a shower. I took a shower and wiped all of the ichor and blood off me.

I slept horribly that night and when I woke up that morning I felt like complete shit.

soon me and ai began going out but I never recovered from my sins. I could have made Ai immortal but she didn't want that... she just wanted love and that's what I gave.

every moment I was with her, during her concert or even at the end. I sat at her hospital bed as she was reaching her death.

"I... really enjoyed our time together," I said a tear falling from my eye.

"I did to" she whispered.

"do not worry... your pain will be over soon... but mine will last for eternity," I said as I gently rubbed her head.

I gave her one last kiss before her eyes closed for the last time.

I closed my eyes and seconds later my wings appeared on my back as I grabbed her spiritual body and flew to heaven.

the real heaven. not the other ones like the supernatural or anything like that.

I flew Infront of the pearly gates still holding onto ai soul.

"the angel of death... you have returned" Micheal said as he appeared before me.

"I'm not in the mood" I brushed past him still holding Ai.

"you should know you won't get past the gates, Nasha has already forbidden you from doing so. otherwise, you will be destroyed" Micheal said in a warning tone.

"be destroyed I will, but I don't care," I said walking past the gates of heaven.

almost immediately I felt my body tearing and my soul was getting chipped.

I brushed past the pain and continued walking with Ai in my arms walking to the soul restoration temple and laying ai in the water.

her soul was slowly reforming and she was accepted into heaven. I gave her one last kiss before my wings flapped.

"may you rest in peace love," I said and I disappeared. A feather from my wings floated down and lay on ai chest.

"Goodbye," one fellow whispered surrounding ai before disappearing.


lady Nasha's magic was powerful as fuck. my soul and body began repairing themselves slowly.

I grunted but let my body repair itself. my soul began repairing and I was soon good as new.

but if there was one thing I knew... was that the next time I pulled this stunt I was DEAD. not oh wow you died and now you get revived.

I mean as Nasha herself will erase my soul. she was very, very strict when It came to her laws.

I collect ai's ashes and put them in my fourth necklace around my neck.

"Until we meet again...."


nahhhh she killed all the gods... what is she gonna do now? well be a "parent"

ngl i teared up on this chapter