2 The Protagonist

"What a weird dream."






'Seriously though, what am I even supposed to do here?'

An empty void, a blue, alien-looking box in the middle of five glowing spheres. How did binge-watching the first season of Tensura lead to this?

[You have been chosen by The Randomized, Non-Japan-Hitting, Non-High-Schooler-Killing, Non-Killing-In-General, Truck-Sama]

Is this box supposed to be Great Sage or something? They sound alike but they sure don't look alike. My brain not even getting that right is a little depressing. Its name though is pretty weird and out of place, didn't Rimuru get stabbed to death?

At least this dream isn't THAT weird compared to my last one.

[Because you were chosen by The Randomized, Non-Japan-Hitting, Non-High-Schooler-Killing, Non-Killing-In-General, Truck-Sama, you are now given 5 wishes to be granted by the favor of the Creator of The Randomized, Non-Japan-Hitting, Non-High-Schooler-Killing, Non-Killing-In-General, Truck-Sama]


Hearing those words, I turned my head to the side and blankly stared at the talking box, waiting for it to do or say something else. Minutes passed with just me staring, but it's pretty clear that this isn't one of those dreams. Maybe it's because I just woke up, but there is no dreamy, heavy feeling. Everything I see is in ultra HD, maybe even higher. My five senses also work normally, although I've only used four of them. I can't exactly go and try to lick that bizarre box now, can I?

Maybe one of those spheres would taste better.

"Don't tell me this is real?"

[Positive] (better believe it, dude)

'So I'm supposed to believe whatever this box is saying now? I'll just try to wake up with my own methods.'

Since I'm already lying down (somehow), I try to sleep again. You might think that trying to sleep while in a dream is weird, but it works for me so shut up, I'm trying to sleep here.

Closing my eyes, I waited for my eyes to feel heavy. I even consciously yawned to try to speed up the process, but not having a soft bed or a blanket made the process so much harder.

A minute passed, then five, ten, thirty. Forty minutes in, I tried to bash my head against the ground, another of my highly effective dream waking methods, but I just ended up hitting nothing, the momentum leading me to do a frontflip.

Weird how I can stand and lay down, but not hit my head on the invisible "ground".

"When will this dream end?"

[This is not a dream]

[You have been chosen by The Randomized, Non-Japan-Hitting, Non-High-Schooler-Killing, Non-Killing-In-General, Truck-Sama]

[Until the individual, Elias Williams, uses the 5 wishes bestowed upon you by the favor of the Creator of The Randomized, Non-Japan-Hitting, Non-High-Schooler-Killing, Non-Killing-In-General, Truck-Sama]

[You can never leave]

'...Did I get hit by a magical truck while I was asleep?' It's the only possible explanation that I can think of.

If I did get hit by a magical truck that grants wishes, then isn't this pretty good? I've read about these kinds of things, so being actually one of them is pretty insane.

Now, what to wish for? If this is real, then I really might just get my wishes granted. If this is really just a dream, then I guess I'll be able to leave and start on season 2.


[The individual, Elias Williams, has received the following]:


-Omniversal Body |Rank: XX|

-Universal System |Rank: XI|

-Universal Travel |Rank: XI|


"Oi! I haven't wished yet!"

[Indeed, however, another individual had previously wished for you, Elias Williams, age 25, male, and chosen by The Randomized, Non-Japan-Hitting, Non-High-Schooler-Killing, Non-Killing-In-General, Truck-Sama, to receive the aforementioned skills]

"Huh?" Did someone use their wishes for me? What kind of saint does this?

Wait... this is suspicious. I don't have friends or any close relatives. Maybe the convenience store guy can fit the description, but I just greet him and leave. What kind of person would just give their wishes out to another person they haven't even met?

"Talking Box, can I know who wished for me to receive all these things?"





[The individual, Elias Williams, wished for the individual, Elias Williams, to receive the aforementioned skills]

"I haven't wished for anything dammit."

[Positive] (yeah you haven't, now do it already)

What do you mean?!?! I haven't wished for anything and yet I still get skills that I wished for? This doesn't make sense...


"Truck-Sama, was there another Elias Williams that received wishes?" This has to be it right? If not, then... nothing really. From the skill names that I will receive, they sound pretty op.

[Positive] (took you long enough)

"So basically, some other Elias Williams wished for Elias Williams (himself) to receive the skills he wished for, but he didn't know that there was another Elias Williams (me) that also received wishes?"

[Affirmative] (I'm changing it to affirmative since that sounds cooler than PoSiTIvE)

What a good day. I get 5 free wishes AND 3 free OP sounding skills. You know what? I'ma just check what the other guy did that let me have the skills he wished for.

"System, can you show me the full interaction between you and the other Elias Williams?"

[Affirmative] (Why not?)






HOLY CRAP the skills are amazing, especially that OP body skill. The other guy was definitely waiting to get hit by a truck. He damn well knew what he wanted. I did get a lot of information from their exchange.

Wishes have a limit, and I can use more wishes to go beyond that limit. I guess I can upgrade the other two wishes since the body skill is op enough, or wish for more things. Upgrading skills, here we go.


The Omniversal System |Rank: XX|

- Previously mentioned abilities are enhanced Tremendously

- Rewards received from Quests are enhanced Tremendously

- New functions have been added


[Further improvements towards the skill, 'The System', is currently impossible]

"Uhh... can I see the specific improvements though?"

[Negative] (figure it out yourself)

Well, that's not good.

What is good though, is that the skill is just as OP as my body. Surely something of XX rank wouldn't be so useless? It's not like I wished for the system to become less useful.

Next up is Universal Travel. Honestly, it's already pretty good as it is and probably doesn't need an upgrade anytime soon.


Let me try something first.

"Truck-Sama, may I know how many wishes it would take for me to receive the Ultimate Skill "Azathoth" from the Tensura Universe?"

[To create recreate the Ultimate Skill 'Azattoth', two wishes are necessary]

At least the blue box responds. Then...

"Can I recreate the Ultimate Skill 'Azathoth' by sacrificing the skill 'Universal Travel'?"

I mean, isn't the skill pretty much worth one wish. The other guy did say that he wanted for it to have no cooldown and yet, it has one, so it must have hit the wish limit.

Now then, for the moment of truth...


"Cool. Then can you do just that please?"

---------------------- (Note: Wikis are great.)

Azathoth "Void God" |Rank: XV|


- Soul Consumption: The upgraded version of Predator. It consumes everything, including the target's soul.

- Turn Null (Nihility Collapse): An immensely destructive Energy produced through a separate dimension (World of Chaos). Fully controllable via Manas.

- Imaginary Room (Chaos World): A dimension made to isolate any and all targets. The upgraded version of Stomach+Isolate with unlimited space.

- Space-Time Control: Instantaneous travel (teleportation) is possible with the user's will alone.

- Multi-Dimensional Barrier: An always active, multi-layered barrier. An absolute defense that makes use of dimensional gaps.

- True Dragon Release: The ability to have Individuals: Dragons (Velgrynd and/or Veldora) use one or more clones. Even in the case of death, memory recovery is possible. This skill has no time limit.

- True Dragon Core Transformation: An ability that manifests a Blade Core with consent from the actual person (dragon).



- Teleportation/Time Warp: The ability to transcend time and space to reach the location the user desires.


Not gonna lie, I don't know how to use 90% of them. The only reason why I grabbed it was because of the teleportation ability that will let me travel to any world I want, just like the Universal Travel skill, only that it's buffed.

The question is... do I upgrade it one more time?

I certainly can, and I still have two wishes left. The last wish should be easily granted, and if not, then I can just grab it by traveling to where I can get it. You know what? Let's do it.

"Truck-Sama, use one of my remaining wishes to upgrade the Ultimate Skill 'Azathoth'."

[Very Well]


Protogenoi-K |Rank: XX|

- TheSoul: Never to Depart

- TheFragment: Never to Create

- TheRoom: Never to Escape

- TheFabric: Never to Sway

- TheRefuge: Never to Distress

- TheMemory: Never to Forget

- TheBlade: Never to Pass

- TheWay: Never to Stray


[Further improvements towards the skill, 'Azathoth', is currently impossible]

"Uhh... Wat da hel."

The skill came out all weird. The truck won't help so I'll need to figure this out all on my lonesome, though I will need to go somewhere far, far away. Maybe not too far, but far enough from any living creature to not get caught up in what I'm about to do.

Interestingly enough, it has the same number of effects as the 'Azathoth' skill so if I remember the previous effects correctly, they should have the same function. I did only ask Truck-Sama to upgrade the skill afterall.

It is finally time for the last wish. Hopefully, it works so that I don't have to go through all that hassle of trying to get it myself. My body is pretty ridiculous, so it's only a matter of time until I get the skill I want. The downside is, it's a matter of time. I don't want to spend too much time trying to get a skill when I can be at home, reading an LN.

"Truck-Sama, I wish:


To receive the skill, 'Magicule Breeder Reactor', from the Tensura Universe."



Magicule Breeder Reactor |Rank: XIII|

- Allows the user to infinitely generate magicules. Highly dependent on the user.

- Allows the user to harness the densest possible type of energy in the world called "Stardust" energy.


"Cool, now I don't need to worry about ever running out of magical juice anytime soon."

The magicule breeder reactor, although broken, does have its limits. More specifically, if the person to have this were a normal human, then the amount that they can infinitely generate is pretty low due to their inability to store large amounts of it, or not being to store it at all, assuming that they don't from how toxic Magicules are.

Basically, The stronger you are, the more magicules you can generate and then use.

Now that all's said and done, I wanna go and binge-watch Season 2 already. A man has his needs after all, and I've been waiting for a year or two for Season 2 to come out just so I can binge-watch much longer, and much farther.


Looking towards the hovering space cube that now lacks the hovering spheres from before, I shouted.

"Truck-Sama, can you let me out to the real world now?"

[Very Well. The Creator wishes you luck in your travels]

As soon as those words rang in my ear, a blinding flash of light overcame me, causing me to close my eyes as a feeling of weightlessness came. The feeling did not stay for long though, as I felt the dirty ground right below me.

'That really hurt you know!' Cursing the box in my mind, I waited until the pain was no longer there to open my eyes. Squinting a bit, I finally see where I'm standing.

There wasn't much light that I could see until my eyes adjusted really quickly. Right in front of me was a forest, a really big forest. Not big as in 'the trees are everywhere' big, but 'big trees taller than a plane' big. They resembled pine trees quite strongly, apart from their humongous size.

The blue box and its wishing spheres were way bigger though so they seemed a little underwhelming.

Walking up to one to touch it for myself, I find the bark to be fairly rough. Truth be told, I haven't touched a tree in years and especially not one as big as this ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Don't you know that insects reside in them?

Because of the dense leaves, light couldn't easily seep in making it hard to see what color this tree is. Right now it just looks dark brown, maybe a little reddish. I was going to try and focus my eyes and see if my body would adapt to the low light when a sudden pain struck me.

Clenching my chest, I fell to my knees, still feeling that indescribable pain coming from my heart. Confusion and anxiety hit me, and as if it were a signal, the pain immediately spread from my chest to my neck, then to my head, shoulders, arms, legs... everywhere hurt, and it made no sense.

The pain was all too sudden, and there was no way to stop it, so instead I focused on my beating, erratic heart. It wasn't normal that I could hear it even with all the groans and my rapid breaths, but the events that lead up to now are the furthest from normal. I hoped that whatever was happening would stop soon, either by some miracle or by the skills I have.

The pain was growing in intensity as time passed, and I knew I couldn't hold on even if I tried. I was supposed to be home at this point, watching the Season 2 of the Tensura anime, and I should've been. 'That damned space box didn't tell me any of this. I'll whoop his metallic ass one of these days.'

These kinds of thoughts continued in my head until finally, I passed out.








Too bad I missed out on the weird part where I suddenly disappeared from the forest.







The sun was nowhere to be seen, and the familiar dullness returned once more. It's a recurring process that will last millions, if not, billions of years until the ever-present celestial body will engulf this Earth and take it along with its inhabitants.

For now, said inhabitants are currently bustling with energy, either busy with cleaning their fur, hunting for prey that will last them days, singing to attract any nearby mates, or sleeping inside their homes. The ground, a nest, a burrow, or a bed, the comfort they provide towards their resting occupant can be seen in their faces.

Most of them anyway.

Inside an apartment block that has no distinguishable features, unless you count how it looks just as old as the others around it, a figure suddenly appeared atop their small bed, causing them to drop onto it with a faint creaking noise.

From the small cracks in the window moonlight gently flowed in, fully illuminating the interior of the now disturbed room. Their whole face and body were sweating intensely, causing the already ruined sheets below to dampen, and perhaps due to the pain, their body continued to move in an unnatural, convulsing manner.

Suddenly, an arctic blue light emerged, fully enveloping the agonizing figure in its deep, warm glow. The light seemed to have a soothing effect as the rustling of sheets slowed to a stop, and the previous erratic breathing returned to a more natural state. It was as if the previous pain was just an illusion, never to be seen again. The changes to the person, however, now became more noticeable.

Their black hair lengthened then lightened in color until it became an unnatural yet lustrous white. Their dazzling yellow eyes deepened in shade as faint blips of crimson blended with them, creating a rich honey gradient that would melt any in their gaze. A crack suddenly appeared, morphing into vertical slits resembling arcane, draconic eyes.

The previously tanned skin continued to fade until it seemed to emit radiance similar to the streaming afterglow, while improving their skin to surpass the alleged smoothness from a baby's bum (I haven't touched a baby's butt before. Tell me if this is accurate).

Many changes continued throughout the night, but the dozing person continued to sleep unaware, and so, the night continued to pass.







*Beep* *Beep*

*Beep* *Beep*

*Beep* *Be-*

A hand reached out to snooze the alarm, not noticing how the device now bent in a strange way. It was only until an hour passed that the person finally decided to get up and get on with the day.

Sluggishly, the person headed towards the "kitchen" to grab some leftover croissant and a tub of 'Not tell ya'. This was his favorite brand of chocolate spread and the only one allowed to hide the ingredients added in, although the government did give it the thumbs-up for production and later distribution after having some highly confidential personnel check the ingredients and process for anything harmful.

Taking a spoonful of NotTellYa and unevenly spreading it over the croissant, he then hunched closer to the table to avoid spilling any of the crumbs or chocolate on himself, afterward biting on the end with the thinner spread. He continued to eat and repeated the process when he finished a croissant until his stomach was finally satisfied.

After gulping down a glass of water, he then made his way to the bathroom to brush their teeth. Almost forgetting to take the towel with him, he turns around and grabs it before entering, revealing an unfamiliar face inside.

He rubbed his eyes just to make sure that he wasn't seeing things and even slapped himself to try to wake himself up. The person, however, continued to stare at him.

That is until he remembered his nice-turned-shitty dream.

Yet, what he does not remember, no matter how much he searched his mind, was ever wishing to turn into a girl.





















Similar, murderous thoughts continued to flow in and out of my mind for a while until some unnatural force calmed me down.

"So I became a bishoujo?"

'I mean, what else could I be. A dragon? Actually, that would be pretty cool.'

It still doesn't explain why I became like this though, and I NEED TO KNOW.


[Reviewing saved memory data]


I didn't get to finish my rant as scenes played out like a movie in my mind.



To receive a unique body and mind capable of adapting and assimilating any information, technique, and skill, and that sudden power boosts would cause harm.

The body will also be able to house any and all kinds of energy such as Chakra from the Naruto World, Ki from the Dragonball World, Mana from Solo Leveling, etc. without harm.

The body will also have a very high affinity for any and all kinds of energy.

Also, the body must be immortal, like I can't die, immortal.

Also also, I have to be suuuper duper handsome, with a long little bro.'



"But I don't get it?"



To receive a unique body and mind capable of adapting and assimilating any information, technique, and skill, and that sudden power boosts would cause harm.



"Bro just explain"



To receive a unique body and mind








"Oh... but why exactly?"


[The other Elias Williams had previously wished for a new unique mind and body]

[However, he did not realize that he was not the only one to pass the requirements of]:

- Name: Elias Williams

- Age: 25

- Gender: Male

- Special: Chosen by The Randomized, Non-Japan-Hitting, Non-High-Schooler-Killing, Non-Killing-In-General, Truck-Sama.

[The entity known as Truck-Sama, fulfilled his wish by granting him the Omniversal Body (male) while you, the host, received the Omniversal Body (female)]


"So you aren't that garbage truck?"


[I am the host's Omniversal System, and my purpose is to serve you to the best of my boundless ability]


"That oblivious bastard. Wait it's the truck's fault as well. Those two..."

It looks like his being specific in his wishes benefitted me greatly, also backfired in some way.

'Wait, why is this a bad thing again?'

I mean, what exactly changed? I lost my little brother and... nothing else. It's not like I used my little brother too often anyway, and when I did I get into some kind of Sage-like state that gives me a clear mind that only lasted a few seconds. Like sure, the nut was nice, but I feel really regretful after.

'Anyway, I don't care anymore. I wasn't really the romantic type since I'd prefer watching or reading the things I want which are mostly novels, so it's not like anyone will miss me if I were to disappear. Not that I mention it, how would I explain my appearance? I can't just go out to my neighbors and say,


"Hey, remember that sketchy-looking guy that never comes out from his apartment, and when he does he always carries back a ton of food that will last him a month or two. Yeah, that's me."


...if someone said that, even I would stay away from myself, although...'

Looking at myself in the mirror again, I'm pretty sure no one can beat me in terms of looks. If actors and actresses were to be judged out of ten, they would be eight or ten depending on my preferences, while I would be...


[The most beautiful person in this world currently has a Charm stat of C, according to the information located in the host's memory]

"Oh yeah, I have a system now." Let's play with it for a bit.

"Then can you tell me what my current Charm stat is?"

[The host currently possesses a Charm stat of %^#&%@!*]

"Does that mean that it is immeasurable?"

[Affirmative] (Of course)

'Welp, I guess it wasn't even close. The other guy did wish to be suuuper handsome, but that changed when the Omniveral Body made me a girl. Now I'm immeasurably beautiful.

The good thing is, this solves the harem problem. I might be a man of culture, but a harem is definitely not something I want to have. It's a very heavy responsibility that I'm sure I can handle given enough time, but it's a matter of preference, and what I want is for me to have no harem. Nada. Never gonna happen.

I don't have anything against harems, but I just don't want one if I was given the option.

Now then, I wonder what my status looks like.

Do I just say "Status" or-'


[Elias Williams]

[Age]: 25

[Level]: <985> | <(*&!$@^>

(The level is unreliable, mostly gonna use it to generalize someone else's strength but if it's the MC's level, then it will keep rising whenever she tries for the smallest bit. Plus, the level doesn't take our MC's skills into account, only for the other peeps. I'm lazy that way.)

[Titles]: Otaku, Otherworlder












Physical Resistance |Rank: S|

Magicule Breeder Reactor |Rank: XIII|

Protogenoi-K |Rank: XX|


'Now THAT is surprising. I doubt that this increase was due to my Omniversal Body since the other guy didn't have this kind of strength. Is it because of one of my two new skills?'


[Protogenoi-K's origin is of that of the Ultimate Skill 'Void God Azathoth', which had effects that complemented those of draconic entities]

[When the host received the Ultimate Skil 'Void God Azathoth', the host's Omniversal Body would have adapted to be extremely compatible with the skill after coming out of the entity Truck-Sama's, built-in Wishing Point]

[That is how it was supposed to go, until the host upgraded it]

[The upgrade not only increased the skill effects but also affected the extent of the host's skill adaptation, resulting in the extreme pain]

Shaking my head, I grumbled,

"So that thing I had to go through was because of me."

That was definitely something I wouldn't want to go through again, or anyone really. It was good that I got stronger from that, but having an event like that come out of nowhere is not good for my heart.

While the issue remains unsolved, at least now I know why I became like this, so I come back to the issue of my identity.

'How am I supposed to live peacefully in this world without proper identification?'

I don't want anyone bothering me while I'm watching Season 2, so this is priority Numero Uno.

[I would like to suggest creating your own]

"I don't exactly have the skills to do th- waaaiiit a second."

With renewed vigor, I quickly went out of the bathroom and went towards my old PC. It wasn't the best, but it was definitely good enough to watch anime from and load images and texts from the various manga and novels that I read daily.

Quickly sitting down and pressing the power button, I wait for it to boot up. I waited and waited but the screen was not coming on.

Worriedly, I checked the computer case only to find a big hole going through it, starting from where the power button was.

"...this is problematic."

While I am living 'comfortably' in this ancient apartment block, it doesn't change the fact that I do not possess enough money to buy replacement parts. I don't have a very good job, but it was enough to cover my living expenses that weren't all that high.

I also don't have many hobbies apart from anime, manga, and novels so that also kinda helped with that aspect. Most of the novels I read are online since money wasn't readily available that I can go and support the authors or creators, so now that I broke this computer case that came from my old high school, I really can't fix it.

This body reeeaally comes with its shortcomings. You will be missed, computer #42. You were a good companion, a good gaming spot away from the teacher's prying eyes, but now it's time to let go.






'Now, where was that high school again? I need a new computer case.'

Wait, do I really have to get a replacement? I should just go to an internet cafe since I do have enough money for a few hours.

'It's decided then, I'm gonna go outside!'

But first I need to control my strength. I don't know just how strong I am, but it should be way up there.


[The System has a Status-Limiter function available]

[The Status-Limiter function can be used to limit your power to lower levels]

"Oh yeah, the truck did say that there were new functions available. How do I use this function?"

[Simply think of a value or comparison to limit your power to]

Information appeared in my head, describing the different letters and roman numerals that I've been seeing, making me realize just how much ridiculous what my current self can do with just pure strength alone.

Quickly changing my STR and AGI values to D+ level, a level that I can probably control on my own, while keeping all my other stats the same. Not really. I tried using the Status-Limiter on my CHA stat, but after a certain point, it wouldn't budge.

It might be due to how high my CHA stat is, that somehow, the Status-Limiter was limited in its use. Right now my CHA is stuck on S+, still really high in my opinion, and hopefully manageable.

Walking towards a nearby mirror, I find that nothing much seems to have changed, perhaps due to my lacking aesthetic sense. I'd much rather have comfy clothing than the ones that will make me look good, not like it's a remaining issue: HAVE YOU NOT SEEN THIS FACE? pretty sure anything I wear now would look fine on me unless a huge amount of effort was put into making me look weird, weirdly beautiful.

(A/N: don't ask me how pretty she is, I just can't describe that. I tried my best with her hair, eyes, and skin, but faces? I can't even describe my own. Just know that if celebrities were 10/10, she'd be like 10000/10 with an S+ charm stat. Idk if this will be useful in the future but it's not like I planned anything in this novel.)

"Well, ima just roll with it." Not really. I'm gonna be wearing thick clothing, shades, a mask; I'm gonna hide this face as best as I can.

As I was changing, I paused due to me now only noticing my feminine figure. (A/N: If I can't describe the face, how do you expect me to describe THIS?!)

Getting a better look by standing in front of a mirror, I see a lithe figure approx 168cm tall. Contrary to my expectations, muscles were not bulging out all over my body like I thought they would due to my high STR, AGI, END, stats.

Examining my new body, I started from the face. Even though I've seen it before, it couldn't stop my now tantalizingly, red lips from rising upwards.

'Anyone would be happy to have a face like this.' I briefly thought.

My eyes soon trailed downward towards my smooth, ivory neck. With my hand I caressed it, almost getting lost in the soft sensation. No moisturizer in the world can ever get this kind of effect. I then brought my busy hand to eye level, inspecting it.

My hands from the past were quite soft, mostly due to my idle, and introverted nature that I didn't do a whole lot of physical labor. In spite of all that, or maybe because of it, my hands slowly became cold and increasingly lifeless. What was before me, however, is different.

The dainty hand in front of me didn't possess those qualities. They are definitely pale yet they exuded soft vitality, the opposite of what I once had. Interlocking my hands together, they felt even softer and more pleasant to the touch. Warmth can be felt as the two connected, increasing the slight giddiness in my chest.

Soon, one of my hands wandered off towards my pulse. Curiously, the throbbing feeling was quite slow, so I checked my heart as well. Placing my hand over my chest, I felt it beat ever so slowly, and every time it did I felt a powerful wave spread, like a gentle giant passing through.

As my hand continued to feel the beating of my heart, I couldn't help but notice a soft sensation. Previously, I was wearing baggy clothes that fit the previous me that stood at around 186cm in height. The clothes became bigger since my transformation made me smaller, essentially acting like a dustcloth that covered me completely. Now though I can see that 'they' while not big, will fit perfectly in your palms. Nice.

Having said that, I directly skipped over my stomach towards the one and only... (Blah Blah nice Blah Blah) (A/N: You may or may not know what I mean, but you will if you just think about it long enough.)

Probably never gonna use that. I'm not into dudes so I guess you will remain there just chilling.


With my curiosity sated, I quickly changed into a black oversized hoodie and gray sweatpants that fortunately had tie-able laces, which I will first replace before going to the internet cafe. All I need are proper pants or something similar, underwear, and a shirt. Don't forget the shoes as well, since they might slip off just by walking.

Grabbing my apartment keys, dark shades, mask, and phone- You might be saying "Why don't you just find whatever you need on your phone?" Stupid, I can't exactly practice with a phone can I? What I'm about to do doesn't necessarily need a computer, but using a phone to do it would be the same as using a spoon and fork to cut a steak.-

Anyway, putting my shades and mask on, I opened my apartment door for the first time in 2 weeks, the first thing that greeted me was the UNBELIEVABLY BRIGHT SUN, causing me to close the door.

While taking off my mask and shades, I thought to myself 'Why was it so friggin bright?'.


[The host's eyes are currently adapted to places with low visibility]


Now that I think about it, my apartment is actually pretty bright for a place that has low-quality lights.

'Don't tell me that the lights were off the whole time?'

Confirming my thoughts, the room was suddenly filled with ultra-bright light after switching the power on, like a continuous flashbang. Hurriedly turning the lights off, I then tried to will for my eyes to return to normal.

A brief second was all it took for the room to darken until I could barely see a faint silhouette of the furniture inside.

Turning the lights on, with a lot more caution this time, the interior is finally revealed.

Right in front of me was a rectangular room, surrounded by faded grey walls. On the right was an enclosed space for my bathroom, accessible by a door. Further along, is my vertically angled bed squeezed between the bathroom area wall and the apartment wall. Just above where the headboard should be is a small window. How nice.

Looking towards the left, was where my "kitchen" area is, without the actual stove and oven, although it does have a small fridge and just above it, a microwave. Beside the fridge were drawers that had the meals that can last me a month before I'm forced to head out. A wooden table for two is in front of the kitchen area accompanied by two circular, wooden stools.

Further ahead in the top left corner is where my broken computer is, where I obviously watch and do whatever. Lastly, my "mirrored wardrobe" is between my desk and bed. It's not a proper mirrored wardrobe because the mirror part of the wardrobe is just a large mirror I strapped onto the door.

'Hey, it works if it works!'

Nodding to myself that everything was normal now, I once again wore my mask and shades, and finally went out.