7 Blissful = BOOM!

"Good grief."

Picking her up into a princess carry, my tired body started to hover before flying into the direction of the town.

Hmm... did she say ice cream earlier? We might just get along after all...





-----??? POV------




Quickly coming into my bedroom through the window was easier said than done while carrying a person through it. It's a good thing that I can just will the window open or else I may have needed to kick it down.

In the end, that little hurdle was conquered, and now starts the beginning of another.

'Where do I... keep her?'

Undoubtedly the most pressing matter and the most difficult to answer.

The number of places on Earth where you could dump a body, dead or alive, and have no one else finding them is numerous, just that this isn't THAT type of situation, and they aren't exactly nearby. I can't frequently check something far away, especially when I have school. The possibility of her being a danger to people and this planet exists, so being nearby to interfere would be very helpful.

Or, she's just an idiot like Nendo, which explains why I can't read her mind. It doesn't explain why none of my powers can affect her. A super idiot perhaps?


Gently laying her on my bed, my gaze stayed on her face for some time, before shaking my head.

'Even though she might be, no, is the most beautiful woman in the world, there's no chance I'll let her go off on her own with the risk of ruining my already disastrous life.'

From my experience, good looking people are the most manipulative. Who knows what's under that pretty face?


Unconsciously, a yawn escaped me, the exhaustion finally kicking in.

'For now, resting is my priority.'

The sleeping figure on my bed, however, remains unmoving.

'...Good grief. I guess I'll sleep on the couch then.'

With that thought, the bedroom door lock fastened through psychokineses to prevent other people from coming in, followed by my tired body falling backward.

Instead of hitting the floor, a soft, fluffy sensation greeted me, the reason being that a couch "materialized" below me. Not really, I teleported above it.

Looking around, the room had considerably grown, its walls changing from the previous light blue to a paler shade of brown.

Turning my head to my left, a low, dark blue coffee table is placed right in front of the tv, accompanied by a tall potted plant my mother takes care of. It's the living room, everybody.

The comfy sensation kicked in, making my drowsiness feel boundless. With that as a signal, the lights turned off, ending this little episode.







(Drinking too much was a bad idea. Ugh.)


(Crap! I woke up late for school!)


(Ah... it's a Saturday... I don't have school on Saturday... wait... I'm 42 years old, why would I go to school? YEEESS-)


The thoughts from my neighbors entered my mind just as usual, but there was also a special voice entering my ears, a voice I knew well. Instead of the normally gentle and calm voice that I hear every day, the words which came out were dripping in alarm and worry.

"KUUUUSUUOO! Wake the hell up! Oiii!"

Another voice entered my ears, a voice I'd rather avoid. Similar to the first voice, alarm and worry were in their tone but the second one was just overall irritating. Another burden that came with my powers? Perhaps.

Hands grabbed onto my shoulder before shaking me profusely, scrambling my brain and undoubtedly ruining my morning. Even without opening my eyes, there was only one suicidal person who would do this, someone who knew exactly what I am capable of yet they never changed their troublesome behavior.

In fact, it only got worse.

Resisting the urge to fling my dad away, I swatted his hands off and glared at him. Undeterred by this, he grabbed my ankles instead and yanked me off the couch.

It was an action that didn't really hurt me and I doubt that was his intention in the first place, so I let him. Just makes him more annoying though, as always.

"Have you gone insane?!?! With powers or not, as your father, I'll whoop your ass for what you've done!"

(Kusuo, don't hit me back alright? This is all for your own good okay? Please?) Those were my dad's real, pleading thoughts.

[A/N: (Text) = Telepathy/Mind Reading]

...Maybe I spoke too early.

The annoyance lunged at me but was held back by my mother, somehow overpowering him. Not really, as even without my telepathy, my dad wasn't putting in any strength to resist mom's hold on him.

"Dear, I'm sure Kuu-chan has a reason for doing 'it', so let's listen to his reasons first!"

"R-Right! let's listen to him first. You better have a good reason motive or I will discipline you... after your mother of course."

{What is going on?}

[A/N: {Text} = Saiki's way of speaking/telepathy coz he very rarely opens his mouth.]

"Hearing" my voice, their heads slowly turned to face me. Meeting both their gazes, my dad quickly went behind mom and urged her to talk.

"Umm... Ummmm..." She couldn't continue, and instead, her eyes jumped back and forth between me and dad. Even with that, there was no need to talk with me around. Telepathy is one of my powers after all.


((Who is the girl upstairs?!?!))

Annoying Dad: (Did you kidnap her? Makes sense really, she's extremely pretty... BUT your mom is prettier! Wait, that's not what I'm trying to say. DON'T JUST ABDUCT SOMEONE BECAUSE THEY ARE PRETTY!)

Gentle and Kind Mom: (Kuu-chan, you know how I always told you to use your powers for good right? And I know that you are really responsible, much more responsible than your dad, so don't worry, mom trusts that you kidnapped her for good reason...)


Ah... no wonder. So they found her.

'Wait... I'm sure I locked the door, so how did they get in? Before that...'

Before the situation could escalate any further, images of the premonition were sent to their minds, excluding the latter part where animals and people die, and mostly showing the destruction caused by the meteor.

Soon after, images of my confrontation with the meteor arranged themselves to show that the meteor was actually the girl upstairs or at least contained her.

Ending the direct telepathic communication with the image of me falling asleep, the concern in their eyes was then replaced by simple, black dots.

Yes, that's right.

Their eyes turned into small dots, their mouths hanging while indecipherable noises occasionally leaked out. A sign of incredible astonishment, bewilderment, surprise... A common occurrence really.

Slowly standing up to sit on the couch, minutes flew by with just me waiting before one of them had the slightest twitch of a muscle, indicating their return to the real world.

Mom woke up first, proceeding to check my body for any injuries and asking if I was okay then Dad woke up too, now sitting right beside me without saying anything, externally that is. Thoughts of relief and disappointment occasionally reached me, frustrated by the fact that he couldn't 'discipline' me with a good enough excuse.

'Ah... peaceful times.'

"So, what should we do with her, Kuu-chan?"

{...I don't know}

It's not every day that an unconscious alien, who may or may not want to conquer Earth, suddenly comes crashing near the area.

"How about throwing her back into outer space from the direction she came from!" Glasses glimmering with enlightenment, my father spoke aloud.

"Dear! We can't do that to someone so vulnerable." Mom answered back without delay.

"Then how about waking her up and then asking her if she came to our planet to sight-see?" Another ridiculous suggestion, but the waking her up part wasn't a bad idea.

'Why didn't I think of that?'

The memory of a resting figure resurfaced.

Lips as red as a rose. Unblemished, milky skin. Streams of hair much paler hidden within her pristine, contrastingly dark clothing...







"No, Mika!"


"I know! Yuki!"

"Well, that is pretty accurate... Aiko!"

"Gah! Why is this so hard?!?!"

Snapping out of my reverie, names were continuously thrown out with the frustrated grumbling of my parents. Through the thoughts in their minds, it seems that in my short absentminded state, they decided to give our alien visitor an 'Earth Name'.

'I guess it's a step in the right direction?'


"There's no need to fight since I know exactly what name to call her."

A crisp and clear voice resounded within the room, not belonging to either mom or dad.

"Well, not really a normal name. There are just too many that would fit her appearance."

The young and nonchalant voice continued, unperturbed by the strange events that have been happening all around.

"What made this name special is because of the character who has it. I heard of the character from one of my colleagues as he talked about a well-known story around the world, especially so in London."

Turning my head away from my parents, the TV that was previously off was now flashing with colors, its screen showing a familiar face.

"This character was described to be the most kind, the most graceful..."

Blonde hair long enough to cover one of his similarly colored yet empty eyes, an angelic smile plastered on his face, his body hidden underneath a white lab coat.

"...the fairest of them all, but I wouldn't know since she probably looks like a monkey just like everyone else. Still, the name is pretty fitting considering the circumstances: Both of them are sleepyheads after all."

"Oh! what is it then Kusuke?" my, no, OUR dad spoke.

Kusuke, my genius, sadistic and obsessive older brother continued.

"Alright, listen up then! The name should be pretty familiar. The name is..."

Pausing for dramatic effect, we waited for his next words. His mouth stayed motionless even after the passing of seconds. Our dad was about to speak, opening his mouth when Kusuke 'coincidentally' opened his as well, causing our father to halt.


Just when we thought we would finally hear the name, he stopped yet again, this time while his mouth remained open accompanied by a playful expression.

'This annoying bas-'

"Snow White." he finally said.







'Snow... White?' I know of her since she is quite iconic, but now that I think about it, isn't her name literally Yuki + Shiro? Yukishiro?

"Who is this Snow White?" my dad asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Oh! She is that pretty princess right?" Mom continued, "Dear, you have to watch that old movie with me! Let's look for it later in stores later!"

"So this Snow White is from a movie? Sure, let's also buy some popcorn and cola later! It's gonna be a date!" Dad replied. It looks like mom's excitement got to him as well.

"It's been a long time since I watched it with my parents, there are so many characters like weird little people living in..." "That's interesting..."

Watching as they bickered excitedly, my gaze then went to the screen again, giving my brother a questioning gaze. It didn't take long for him to notice it.

"Anyway, Kusuo!"

{What do you want?}

"Can I have her?" Without delay and that same playful look, he spoke.

Here it is, the reason why he really called.

{I didn't know you were into "monkeys"}

'I'm betting all my coffee jellies that he wants to open her up.'

"Well, it is a special monkey: A SPACE monkey, one of a kind." he continued, "Since I can't exactly open up your head as you are my dear, sweet little brother, I'd settle for a literal alien."


Undeterred by this, Kusuke answered back. "Come on, what are you even gonna do with it? Keep the alien in your room for who knows how long? At least with me, the alien will be safe, secured, out-of-sight, experim- EHEM, taken good care of..."


"Come on, what if other people like your friends find her. What would they think of you?"

{Not gonna happen.}

"You know, it's a good thing that I unlocked your bedroom door so that our parents could see that you 'abducted' an 'innocent person', or ya know, who knows what you could've done to it."

Please, I'm more afraid of what you will do to her, assuming that you can.

{So it was because of you.}

"Hmm... no. It wasn't me that brought it into the house without telling anyone."

{...Still no.}

After exaggerating a sigh, Kusuke said, "It doesn't matter."

"It's not your house anyway, but our parents. I'll ask mom and dad to let me 'take care' of her."

Turning his gaze to the bickering couple, his mouth started opening but before a sound was made, the TV turned off due to me pulling the power plug off.

Releasing an exasperated sigh, my attention went back to Kusuke's words.

Kusuke said he unlocked my door even when he should be in London. he even 'saw' me bringing her into my room. Looks like I need to search the house for cameras and other weird electronics for the nth amount of time.

Seriously, I really don't like him.

"Kuu-chan, papa and I will go outside to find the movie and some snacks, so can you stay here and watch over... Miss Snow?"

Responding with a nod, my surroundings blurred again, changing from the living room to my bedroom. The alie- EHEM, Snow White remained sleeping throughout the night it seems, for no signs of tossing and turning in her sleep were present as the sheets remained smooth, the only creases being the ones near her figure.

Walking towards the window, I watched as my parents left to buy supplies for their date. If I'm remembering it right, the Snow White movie is fairly old so it may take some time until they get back, so I'll use this opportunity.

'With them out of the way, I shall commence the cleansing.'

Electrokinesis swept through the house, traveling through all the objects within, searching for any weird gadgets Kusuke may have installed. Things like hidden cameras, listening devices, drones, remote-controlled thingamajigs... those devices are a few of what Kusuke installs to monitor us, especially me.

As an extra precaution, my Electrokinesis also probed the nearby outside area to find more hidden little things. You can never be careful when dealing with Kusuke.


Getting no unusual feedback apart from Warp, our robotic cat that's too cute to toss out, made me suspicious. With the result of finding absolutely none of the spying stuff above apart from the cat, a thought crossed my mind.

'He improved his tech. I'll have to do this the hard way then... good grief.'











Two hours.

The longest amount of time it took me to find spyware within the house and beyond. It used to take a mere 20 minutes, but unlike me, time is on Kusuke's side.

Mom and dad have already come back from their search, bringing with them drinks and snacks. No movie accompanied them, not because they couldn't find it, but because Kusuke messaged them that they can watch it on MeTube for free so they should hurry home.

His reasons remain unknown to the pair who are still watching the movie in the living room, but I knew that it was to stop me from finding his little toys. Was he expecting them to support him and his antics?

Surprisingly, the amount of spyware in the house was small in number compared to the past, mostly centered around and inside my room. There were none placed in the bathrooms, fortunately. Even the outside was fairly clean, with some small devices being embedded deep underground and little robotic insects inside trees or lounging about on them.

It was hard to remove the little devices underground as insects pretty much lived there, but much harder to remove were the robotic insects since they were mixed with real ones AND moved like one as well. Regardless, I managed without blowing anything too important up.

Most importantly, however...

'Since when was he able to make satellites to spy on us?!?!?!'

Yes, satellites with an 's' on both ends, indicating that it wasn't alone, assuming that the two in front of me aren't the only ones in the world since there are thousands of satellites in space.

Also, yes, I used the words 'in front of me' as I am currently in space, looking at the floating pair of machines.

When I finished 'cleaning up' all the machines inside the house and nearby area, there was this weird feeling that remained. My intuition is usually right, so the search continued.

Finding nothing, I paused in my actions and wondered where the hell it could be. After a bit of thinking, remembering how Kusuke can somehow hijack the living room tv made me think that it may be related to how it's broadcasted.

From what I remember, they have something to do with radio towers and satellites, so I checked them both, hence this situation. (A/N: This kinda sounds true.)

I didn't need to exert too much effort in finding them since, weirdly enough, the satellites resemble my limiters, only that they are bigger than me and are mostly different shades of black and white.

Their purpose for floating about up here remains unknown and can be simple surveillance or simply to contact us in his own, special way.

Either way, it doesn't stop me from destroying them. I see this as an absolute win.

The satellites quickly crumpled into my desired shape, with one becoming a metallic, uneven sphere and the other a similarly uneven bat. I still lack in the control department, but this is enough for what I wanna do.

Taking hold of the bat and positioning myself a little, with a swing the two collided, both exploding from the impact. Pieces of metal flew out to space with most heading for the sun.

Only intending to launch the ball and not completely butchering both, I thought to myself.

'Imagining Kusuke's face may have been too much... it's fine.'

Since they were gonna get destroyed anyway, it didn't matter much, so I flew back home while invisible, much faster than waiting for my teleportation usage time to end.

Seeing the dot in the distance, the dot being my house, my flying speed rose. Slowing down once I got close, the closed windows opened yet again just like yesterday night. I did check that no people were nearby, and in a quiet, unsuspecting neighborhood like this, psychics like me can casually do things like this.

'I mean, there was this one time I saved a dog from getting run over by a car by levitating the latter. The dog's owner and another person were around as well yet they and the car's passengers didn't say anything, so...' ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (Episode 1 in case you guys were wondering.)

With one less unconscious humanoid alien in my arms, entering became too easy. It's just my desk that's on the way that's blocking me from touching the ground-

While entering, flowing white hair attracted my attention. Casting my gaze upon the bed, the previously laying figure now sat still, twirling her hair between her fingers.

Unlike before when her hair was hidden underneath her dark clothing, it is now free of the fabric, cascading past her shoulders, fully displaying their length. She seemed distracted though since she kept staring at the empty space in front of her, but it doesn't change the fact that...

{The princess is awake!}

Just as the thought crossed my mind, her twiddling paused, followed by the turning of her head. Otherworldly eyes immediately met mine, bringing with them a sense of soothing clarity, making my focus on her sharpen. Her golden eyes glimmered with apparent curiosity, scanning my figure before halting on what I can only assume is my head.

Interestingly enough, realization crossed her face before freezing in... nervousness?

'What would she be nervous about?' Might as well ask.

{Uhh... are you okay-}


The door slammed open, revealing the noisy culprits: My exhilarated parents. They rushed into the room and, once they saw that 'Snow White' is awake, they stared at each other.

That's what it looks like from the outside. On the inside though...


Annoying Dad: (All right! We didn't get as much time as we wanted to practice, but we can do this!)

Gentle and Kind Mom: (Yeah we can! Let's show her how we do things here on Earth!)

'Oi oi. Don't just casually use telepathy between each other.'

((In the count of three!))




""Welcome. To. Earth. Miss. Snow!""

Their energetic greeting was accompanied by exaggerated yet synchronized hand waving.

""We. Come. In. Peace. And. We. Hope. You. Do. Too!""

Now they're shooting finger guns at each other.

{Stop it!!!}

'Haven't they considered that she might be dangerous?! Good grief.'

Glancing back, 'Snow' now was now staring at my parents and their shenanigans with an even greater amount of interest. Apart from this, there didn't seem to be any other reaction, and so she continued to stare.

"Uhh... Are you okay Miss Snow? Or maybe, you would prefer it if we called you Miss Alien instead?" My mom started to ask her questions, yet she didn't respond, or maybe, couldn't.

Taking notice of this, I told both my parents, {It doesn't seem like she can understand us. She is an alien after all.}

"Oh, you're right!" With those words, mom headed out the door.

"Don't let her leave yet, I'm coming back!"

The door closed followed by the sound of hurried, retreating footsteps, leaving behind dad and me under the scrutinizing gaze of 'Snow White'.

Perhaps feeling uncomfortable with the silence or the blatant staring, dad asked me. "So... Kusuo, how did you wake her up?"

{I didn't. I was busy with something.} I replied.

"Hmm... Did she say anything or do anything before we came?" He continued.

{Even if she did, I probably wouldn't understand it.}

"Then how about telepathy? Does telepathy not work? At all?"

{Nothing works.}


Just in time, mom's footsteps sounded yet again, heading towards my room. The door opened yet again, this time much gentler, and in came mom with a spoon and 'something' in her hands.

"I'm back!" She eagerly announced.

Making her way to the still sitting Miss Snow, unperturbed by just about everything, when she was right in front of her, mom opened that 'something' by peeling away the cover and placing the spoon inside.

With the unwrapping of that 'something', a particular scent diffused throughout the room, a pleasant, addictive smell that even a psychic like me can barely resist. This sweet aroma can make anyone happy and is one of the only things that make this disastrous life a little more bearable.

Indeed, it is food, food capable of stopping disasters (me) and calming down annoyed, powerful creatures (also me).

It is none other than Cofee Jelly!

"Oh yeah! Miss Snow, you probably don't know what this is right? Kuu-chan, can you come here please?"

Quickly coming over, the smell of coffee assaulted my nose. Surprisingly, mom gave me the coffee jelly before motioning for me to eat it.

'...Why not?'

*Nom nom nom*

'...I certainly can't complain. It has a mellow, deep scent and flavor. Its elements all combine to give it a dignified flavor. Furthermore, when you taste the milk, it becomes a whole new experience. This is an excellent dessert, so decadent that it's almost sinful.'

'I have nothing but praise for it.'

"Look at his face, Miss Snow. That just shows how good this Coffee Jelly is. You should try it too."

Hmm? Oh yeah, they existed.

Coming back to the real world, mom was already holding another coffee jelly, beckoning Miss Snow to take it.

Looking at 'Snow White' her eyes met mine again, only am I now noticing that she was staring at me eating, but this time her eyes seemed to be... twinkling?

I didn't get a chance to think about it as she grabbed the coffee jelly so fast that her hands were practically a blur. Taking a spoonful, her expression showed satisfaction, delight, elation, bliss, (continued).

"Oh! Look at that dear!" Dad exclaimed. 'He's still here?'

"I thought Kusuo was the only guy who made such a happy face when he eats sweets, but Miss Snow is doing them as well." Dad continued in his mind. (I guess it's because she's pretty that it works out so well, unlike when Kusuo does it. Instead, he looks like me. Hehe.)

'Wipe that smirk off your face old man, don't forget I'm a psychic.'

He's lucky I'm eating AND that we have a guest over, or else...

You know what? Forget about him, I'll just keep eating.

Munching another mouthful and yet again savoring the bittersweet flavor, all my problems seemed to disappear...







Sauce: The Disastrous Life Of Saiki K.