11 Ordinary, but extra.

[The host is no longer human] (A/N: I mean, it was kinda obvious for us.)








[A/N: I wonder when I'm going to post this chapter. I'll put down the date I created this chapter just to let you guys know exactly how long it takes. Probably the only time I'll do this.]

-----> July 25, 2022 <-----

Would you like the time as well?

-----> 9:23 AM <-----

What a start to a good day. Nevermind, it's a Monday.

Spoiler warning. They aren't that important since the whole anime is a gag with no real plot. Still, I don't wanna accidentally ruin someone's day.








Astonishing news came without notice.

'I'm no longer a what now?'

[No longer human]

The System swiftly replied to her mindless uttering, the words from before repeatedly echoing inside her head.

'Y-Yeah, no, I know. I heard you loud and clear, just that it sounds a bit... ridiculous.'

But she knew that those words were anything near being ridiculous. Her stats speak for themselves. Strength beyond what a human was capable of; speed that ordinary eyes cannot follow-

Hell, the body she now possesses was created out of the wishes of another.

Of course, humans having high stats isn't that ridiculous. People in cultivation worlds can destroy mountains with their fingertips, Heroes are summoned to another world to fight a Demon King, and a certain baldy can one-shot anyone he meets.

What is ridiculous is that Ms. Snow did not cultivate, nor did she fight monsters inside unknown dungeons, and she definitely did not do 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a ten-kilometer run every single day.

No effort was put in and no energy was spent, but here she was with her cheat-like stats. It simply made no logical sense.

There is also no reason for the System to lie. The possibility of the System lying had never even come to mind as it would be going against her's and the other Elias's wishes. After all, systems were created to aid their user in their path to reach greater heights, right?

So, there was only one thing to do in such a situation.

'Well, all these adaptations are helping me, correct?'


'Then tell me all about it later, lemme eat all this food first.'

No real harm was done but quite the opposite. The body adaptations taking place were to her own benefit. While past experiences tell of a painful story, like the adaptation to Protogenoi-K, her stats had grown to an insane degree. It provided both strength and safety, two of the things that Ms. Snow needed to live however she wanted.

In the end, her hair wasn't ruined, so everything is all good.

As for her demeanor.... priorities. She knows her priorities so well.


Relaxing her eyes allowed for her normal vision to return, and thus she saw everyone around the table simply staring at her.

"Are you guys alright?" As if the conversation with the System didn't happen, Ms. Snow nonchalantly broke the silence and asked the people with weird expressions on their faces.

"We are, but are you sure you're okay?"

"I did confirm it actually. Everything is just fine."


Her words didn't seem to get through to them as their faces retained a trace of worry.

{You're weird.}

A voice came from the only one with a blank look on their face. Following those words, he continued to eat their coffee jelly. It was only then that his expression eased.

Finding such behavior normal, Ms. Snow continued to eat as well, leaving the lovey-dovey duo to contemplate what just happened.

'I asked her a question about her hair, and for some reason that made her give head pats to herself and then go cross-eyed. After that, she started acting normal again.'

'It must be an alien thing. Maybe like how those tall blue aliens from that one movie have braided hair that can be used to connect with animals. That must be it.'

Nodding to herself, Kurumi decided to watch some local shows on the TV. Unlike some people, she did not have the stomach nor the appetite to continually feast on packs upon packs of coffee jelly as a form of entertainment, so the TV was the most obvious choice.

Kuniharu, who was right next to Kurumi, had different thoughts.

'What. The. Heck. Was. That. About. ?.'

Only Saiki heard his thoughts, but he couldn't care less about what Kuniharu thought.

Kurumi then found one of her favorite shows.

"-It's not the end! For the show's finale, my assistant Michael will again lay down inside the magic box and I will once again split it with a chainsaw!"

A man with green hair, green eyes, and donning a purple suit with a matching hat stood on a stage. Beside him was an old-looking man with greying hair, wearing formal attire. Instead of a purple suit, the man wore a suit vest with an achromatic theme, making him look like a waiter.

(A/N: Old-looking was used to describe Michael, not 'old' since apparently, Michael is in his 30's. Like whaaat? If you've seen this man then you'll know what I mean.)

"But there is a twist! And the twist is that I will be wearing a blindfold this time!"

Before laying down in the normal-looking magic box, Michael the assistant first put on a blindfold on his purple associate. Once the blindfold was tight enough, Michael reached for a nearby chainsaw and handed it to the now blind magician. He then got in the box and waited.

No one noticed the anxious look on Michael's face.

"P-Prepare for something a-amazing!"

No one noticed the trembling in the magician's voice. The proclamation incited excited cheers from the audience that showed no signs of subsiding.

The chainsaw sputtered into life, the noise coming from it overpowering the crowd.

Ms. Snow, attracted by the clamor from the TV, came over to watch as well. She did not forget to bring snacks.

"I feel like I've seen that guy somewhere..." She mumbled to herself.

Her thoughts were disturbed when the magician finally swung down.

Before the saw could carve into the magic box, its engine suddenly died. Rather than sawing through the box, and possibly Michael as well, the blade only produced a loud thud as it hit against the magic box.

"Uhm... It looks like the chainsaw ran out of fuel."

The magician took off his blindfold. He then tried to get it starting again but he was unsuccessful.

After multiple tries, the magician spoke in a heavy tone.

"Since the fuel has run out, we very much regret to inform you that this will be the end of the show. I am sorry, everyone."

The audience became skeptical.

"Don't you have some fuel backstage?" Someone from the audience shouted.

"We already used up all of it during practice. This was our last reserve." The magician replied, prompting a nod from Michael as well.

"You did? Well, that's fine since I have some right here!" Someone else from the audience stood up. From underneath their seat came out a big red barrel complete with a fire hazard sign.

You know, the type that goes *boom* when someone shoots it in a video game. It is still fuel though.

Before the magician could respond, the chainsaw in his hand violently broke apart. The pieces clattered loudly as they hit the ground.

"..." The audience turned silent.

"....We were practicing really hard." A sheepish reply was the only thing the magician could muster up. Even he did not see this coming.

".....understandable. Have a great day." The person with the barrel slowly walked out of the auditorium, openly sighing with disappointment. If the chainsaw itself broke apart then there was no other way to go about this.

What was the point of fuel when there was nothing to fuel?

'Damn it. The one time I didn't bring my chainsaw with me. The ONE TIME!'

With him as a signal, many other members of the audience stood up, also preparing to leave.

They did not blame the magician and his assistant.

The lengths to which both people went to entertain the masses were visible near the magician's feet. An inhuman amount of effort must've gone into their practice to wear out a chainsaw for it to practically self-destruct.

It was just a shame that they couldn't see the fruits of their efforts.

But, even though the grand finale of the show was cut short, a member of the audience clapped.

Soon, loud applause can be heard as many more people stood up and joined in. Occasionally, shouts of acclamation could be heard, brightening the dejected atmosphere from before.

"It's okay! We appreciate all that you have done to create a truly amazing show for us!" Tears rolled down this random person's cheeks, exhibiting their sincerity for all to see.

"Chouno Uryoku-san, we will be rooting for you!" said a lady near the front.

"I'll come back to watch the magic you will show. Even if it costs more money!" said a buff guy who didn't really fit in the place. There was nothing wrong with a buff man watching a magic show. It was just... he was... too buff.

"Just watch from the TV at home dude, it's cheaper that way." A fellow spectator beside the buff guy suggested.

*Sigh* "You wouldn't get it." the buff guy then flipped through his notes. Information regarding the existence of magic, mana, qi, and aura filled the pages.

"The magic that the magician showed were things I've already seen before, but maybe there is something different about the last act?" the buff man carried on with his murmuring. The lines on each page continued to increase as he scribbled his thoughts.

"This kind of magic might be a dead-end so I should focus on something else for the time being. I've yet to practice Buddhism, meditative yoga, or even pray in the hopes of getting into God's good graces. Honestly, any god will do fine."

Filled with determination, the buff guy left the noisy auditorium to continue his search for something mystical; something that the world had yet to be able to prove or disprove.

The applause died down shortly afterward, and so the crowd left as well, marking the end of the show.


"Huh, that was interesting."

A magic show without magic. Well, not really. I'm sure that there was 'magic' performed earlier that we missed. We only got to the part when the last act was about to be done. Too bad that we didn't get to see anything 'magical', not like I expected anything after realizing something.

That purple magician, Chouno Uryoku, is bad at his job.

In fact, it would be more accurate to say that he is hilariously bad at it. He is a character in the anime that couldn't decide whether he wanted to be homeless or successful.

There wasn't much screen time for him in the anime, so seeing him instead of all the other more famous characters to choose from is surprising.

'Ah, I finished them all.'

The snacks I brought were all gone. Into my belly. The packaging of the snacks? Annihilated with Protogenoi-K. They were environmental hazards anyway. It's better to get rid of them now than to wait for the plastic to decompose in some dump... probably.

'Refill time.'

I was about to grab more when Saiki suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Now that I think about it, he did disappear while we were watching TV. How strange.

"Where did you go all of a sudden?"

{Nowhere important.} It probably was important.

"That's odd. There's something more important than coffee jelly? Was someone about to die, or is a volcano unknown to everyone else that will sink all of Japan about to explode?"

{...nothing like that.}

My wording may have come off as weird, but there is a good reason for it.

While the anime has no plot whatsoever and is mostly comedic, life-threatening occurrences do happen, with the only one left to deal with them being Saiki.

Just like a volcano unknown to everyone else that will sink all of Japan.

"You sure? You know you can ask me for help. I can do a lot of things. More than you probably."

I really mean it. This guy goes through a lot on his own, and he's just a teenager. People around him have been subjected to multiple dangers. As the only person that can save them from harm, he alone can take action.

The powers he has are cool but also a burden. Something along the lines of 'with great power comes great responsibility', but less heroic. Also, since he does not like attention, the ways in which he utilizes his powers have to go unnoticed, making the saving-everyone process harder.

At least he doesn't use it for anything remotely evil. No one would be able to stop him otherwise. Thank the author for Kurumi and her cheery personality.

{I highly doubt that, but thanks anyway.}

Well, at least he didn't refuse.

If I remember correctly then the volcano that will sink Japan will cause earthquakes before erupting, so if earthquakes happen all of a sudden then I'll know to follow Saiki around.


'Now, since that's out of the way, food.'

That's when I found myself in a little predicament.

'We've officially run out of food.'

Could this be a message from God that I should stop my gluttonous self? That eating too much will give me a stomachache?

My health deteriorating from binge eating is a possibility that I've never considered. It just sounds ridiculous after everything that's happened. You know, getting wishes and so on.

Doesn't change the fact that there's no more food though.

Welp, since all of the coffee jellies are gone, I might as well play with my powers. I didn't get the chance last time since Saiki and I wanted to eat, and since that's done then obviously I'll go nuts with the powers I've gotten.

Training would probably give me a bigger sense of satisfaction than just stuffing myself. How abstemious of me. (A/N: I've just googled what 'abstemious' meant, and I think it fits. Why I googled the word in the first place? You'll see why in the Author's Thoughts section.)

'Besides, I can eat after training. The food ran out though, so I'll buy some myself later. If I get lost, I'll teleport back or just keep swimmi- walking around and hope that I come across something interesting and then teleport back.


"Hey guys, I'm gonna go out to play around."

"You're coming out? As in, outside where there are people around?" Kurumi hurriedly asked.

"Wouldn't going outside be a bit too... risky? Ms. Snow isn't exactly normal, so people would react strongly to seeing you... no offense. " Kuniharu added, which made everyone else nod in agreement.

"But if you really want to look around town then we can accompany you. We can go visit the Great Wall Of China that's just around the corner, the Great Pyramid of Giza that's a few minutes away, the Great Ocean Road, the Great..."

It was hard to miss Kuniharu's indicative stare directed toward Saiki. Even without using Telepathy, it's obvious that he wanted Saiki to bring us around. The places weren't even around town but in different countries.

If I act oblivious to the fact, would Saiki actually bring us around?

No friggin' way.

"That's okay. I didn't mean around the neighborhood. More of somewhere without any people or anything man-made. Kinda like outer space."


Hearing those words, the K-Couple immediately crossed the distance between us. (A/N: See what I did there? Writing down Kuniharu and Kurumi got a bit tiring.)

"You're leaving Earth? Already? It hasn't even been a day since you came here!" The devastated Kurumi was quickly followed up by Kuniharu.

"Damn it! So many plans... we were gonna show you around the places that we thought you might like."

Calm down you two. Seriously, calm down.

"First of all, I'm not leaving Earth. I just said that the place was kinda like outer space since it was empty, but really, the two are completely different. Secondly, I'm gonna come back."

Relieved for some reason, the two gave a big thumbs up and reminded me that I can come back anytime.

Is my leaving even something to be getting all worked up about? I've been here for less than a day.

I get the part about me having to avoid people, or at least, the necessity of wearing a mask when going outside. There is a literal Top-Tier Beauty that exists in this world that can cause wide-scale gatherings of people with her looks alone. She's even got a cult. Yikes.

I don't know the exact rank of her Charm Stat, but it should be pretty high. Since I have a naturally high Charm Stat as well, then I must have a similar effect on people.

When I saw myself in the mirror, I didn't feel particularly different. All I thought of was something along the lines of 'Hey, I look pretty good!'.

Before that, I was freaking out about having lost my manhood, so my looks were overlooked.

My change in appearance may have been surprising, but overall felt as if it has always been like that. Perhaps it's similar to when you try to tickle yourself but do not react much, compared to when other people tickle you.

Something like that.

"I'll get going now. See you guys later."

{How are you gonna get there?} Saiki inquired.

"Like this."


And just like that, my training restarted inside Saiki's 'Secret Spot' in the middle of nowhere, this time without the guidance of my fellow psychic.











(A/N: I've realized that timeskips aren't that bad. Writing in too much detail would make this novel pretty slow.)






(A/N: I didn't say they would be big timeskips though. Maybe in the future.)











Greater than great.

What else would I feel when I can move things with my mind?

They weren't just itty-bitty things either.

Big things.

Little things.

All the same thing.

They'd go up if I wanted to, down if I felt like it, and even break apart if I, unfortunately, lost focus and put in too much oomph factor.

The last one hasn't happened in a while though. It's been about 3 hours since a rock crumbled into fine dust. Practice makes perfect, but not a lot of practice is needed for me, myself, and I.

All I need is to think and then it happens.

'Hey, you!'

'Yes you!'

'The tiny rock that's 420 meters to the North-East. Come over here! But first, you have to do a backflip.'

It was a small, vertical rock, making it possible to do a backflip.

What I'm trying to say is a rock did a backflip with my psychic help, and that the effort into helping that rock do a flip was basically non-existent.

There are so many other things that can be done with these powers, apart from making rocks do backflips, but 'many' does not mean 'everything' in my current self.

Turning rock into diamond or turning water into wine were impossible to do -at the moment-, mostly because none of my powers had that sort of effect.

It is surprisingly feasible to carve into rock to create intricate details with Psychokinesis. I thought that it was a power where I simply moved things with my mind, but who knew that it could have other applications.

Must be because I'm getting better at using my psychic powers.

At first, they were just basic shapes: A square, then a cube; a circle, then a sphere. Taking a few small rocks and making Jenga pieces to play with was pretty fun.

When Jenga got boring, I lined them up on the ground like dominoes. There were a lot of rocks around, all perfect for sculpting, making the scale of my dominoes massive.

I'm pretty sure I broke a world record for toppling dominoes. I could even make it so that the dominoes that already toppled were repositioned at the end of the domino line, essentially creating a neverending cycle of falling dominoes. That was fun.

But the simplicity of making the same shape over and over again got boring, so I tried to make a life-sized Gundam. And it worked! It shouldn't have been that easy, but it was.

Maybe because a mecha was just a bunch of squares and rectangles put together that it was easy, so I kept going. Something alive would prove more challenging to create with all its weird shapes, making it the next phase of my 'training'. (Training = Screwing around)

It took me 2 minutes to make a life-sized Godzilla, much longer than the 15 seconds it took to make the Gundam, but it was worth it.

The creation process was made harder by the fact that my otaku self is not a fan of Godzilla. Whenever I try to think of Godzilla's appearance, the only memories that came back were hazy and hard to make out.

It's not like I hate him or anything, but I never did get into watching a lot of Godzilla movies or reading Godzilla manga.

I'll do that when I have time. Oh wait, I can control time!

So yeah.

That's just with Psychokinesis. The other powers are equally cool but psychokinesis is the best all-rounder power. I can use it for offense, defense, Gundam-golem creation, and more.


So what am I doing right now?

Practicing how to be an anime character is all.











Snow White stood within the barren red lands of ????, her eyes tightly shut from concentration. A small breeze occasionally blew past, causing her hair to sway along in a captivating manner. (A/N: I removed the Ms. part since it got tiring to type too.)

As her body stood still, her delicate hand reached out into the empty air. Something akin to a switch was flicked, evoking a tumultuous reaction.

The ground beneath her began to powerfully quake and fracture. An immense pressure enveloped the wasteland, forcefully smashing an area that spanned hundreds of miles.

Free to rampage within a land without life, the dense PSI spread in all directions. The air spanning hundreds of miles turned heavy as it came under Snow's influence.

The fragile earth could not stand the pressure, and so it crumbled.

Deeper did the ground sink in upon itself, the mystical power unrelenting as wide canyons continued to form and deepen.

Snow began to slowly close her open hand, as if grasping an invisible object that only she could seize.

Broken beyond repair, the ruined land suddenly reversed course. Pieces ranging from the size of pebbles to small islands quickly shot to the sky. Under the influence of her power, the chunks of earth were like magnets as they came flying onto an object already floating in the open air.

It was a Gundam. Made from the same red rock and not out of Gundanium Alloy, it still manages to give out a feeling of apprehension, as if it would really move.

Even if the possibility did exist, there was no escaping the power from which it came.

Each individual piece, no matter how big or small collided with the Gundam. They heavily stacked atop one another.

Very soon, the figure of the mecha was nowhere to be seen, concealed by something far larger.

It was then that Snow White opened her eyes, revealing the dark pink pupils hidden underneath. A melodic voice resounded within the pandemonium.

"Planetary Devastation."

A natural, or in this case, a supernatural satellite was created. Its size was gargantuan as it covered the sky overhead, casting a veil of darkness over the ruined wasteland underneath.

However, none of that mattered to one person who is in the middle of clutching their right hand.



Acting Skill |Rank: G --> C|


"Huhu... this power... I can feel it growing... the mysterious power residing within me... within my grasp..."

Snow thought back to all those times when an anime character would announce their move during a fight. A foolish practice, but nonetheless cool within certain situations.

-Actually being capable of doing the move while shouting it out is not as cringy as one might think.- Snow's words, not mine. I'm just a third-person narrator.

"Now I'm ready to fight someone while looking cool." There was clear confidence and a hint of excitement within those words.

{...Is that the only reason why you're training your powers? I felt second-hand embarrassment just from watching you.}

Saiki was watching from the side from start to finish due to Snow's insistence. He was also the one responsible for making the Gundam float in the air.

{You remind me of a chuunibyou.}

"I did the move though. I'm legit compared to those fakers."

{No. It's worse that way.}

A little sigh could be heard.

"Haven't you watched anime before? You have manga in your bedroom so you must understand right?"

{Real life is different from those things.}

Snow White realized the irony of the situation and it made her chuckle. The sound of her laughter was pleasant to the ears.

"Don't worry, I was just acting. I'm not THAT hopeless."

{Still, you did something ridiculous.}

Saiki looked up to her creation: A satellite that bore a resemblance to a scarlet moon due to its natural red tint and spherical shape. Saiki wondered how difficult it must be to recreate such a scene.

He never used his powers in a flashy way, mainly because of how unnecessary the whole thing is. If he was ever in a fight, then instead of using Psychokinesis to fling a bunch of rocks to a person, he would simply hit them with Psychokinesis itself. It's less trouble that way.

But it is also because of how troublesome it is that made the whole action difficult.

'Snow couldn't stop a simple boulder before, but now she's capable of making this?'

Psychokinesis is a power that, without proper utilization, will inevitably cause wanton destruction.

A psychic user that possesses enough strength yet lacks control can accidentally blow their house to pieces with a sneeze, similar to how the big-bad-wolf blows down the piggies' houses.

The difference is that the house that gets demolished was made by certified professionals in their field, and not just some lazy piggies who played a game of Jenga with straws and sticks and called the aftermath a house.

The big-bad-wolf huffed and puffed too harshly, blowing the house and the piggy inside to smithereens.

Such an end would leave the wolf hungry.






But the wolf known as Snow White made the house collapse in its entirety. A procedure performed with such precision that, the piggy inside became trapped underneath the rubble, alive yet unable to escape.

{Truly ridiculous.}

A ridiculous person had come to bother him, the most ridiculous one out of everyone he knew.

An absolute monster. Alien monster. Whatever-she-is monster.

Her physical capabilities, her powers, and with what he had just seen; the incomprehensible speed at which she grew.

There is absolutely no way that Saiki did not scrutinize her every action ever since her awakening.

Snow White was someone immune from his powers, and as someone who relied on them each and every day, Saiki became curious and extremely worried about the future.

Always watching her every movement, Saiki discovered the previously mentioned qualities of her fellow dessert-enjoyer.

Saiki realized that it was the correct decision to be cautious of the entity known as Snow White, but now he also realizes that what he can do to protect his 'normal life' from her is extremely limited.

Without a doubt, she is dangerous.

In the event that a battle takes place between them, limiters completely off, he wasn't sure...

And in the event that she comes out of their house to meet new, more ordinary people, he was even more unsure.....

What Saiki is sure of, is that she needs to keep that face hidden.






"Thanks for the compliment." A bewitching smile brought him back to reality. It was genuine, but Saiki did not believe it as such.

Appearances can be deceiving, and as someone who can read the minds of others, then this was especially true for him. The smile really was genuine though.

Two pairs of dark pink eyes met below the looming moon.

{Good grief. Make sure to clean up after you're done. I'm leaving.} He was not gonna leave and instead continue watching from a distance.

Snow White already knew this but she didn't mind.

"I'm done for the day as well. Acting like an Uchiha can get tiring." She was not physically or mentally tired at all. More like, 'tired-of-seeing-the-same-red-landscape' tired.

{Acting like an Uchi-what?}

"You wouldn't get it."

The tremendous supply of PSI was abruptly cut off.

Without the mystical power to hold it together, the miniature moon in the sky slowly crumbled, allowing for the pieces of rock that made it up to plummet towards the two people below.


{You have this power too?}


{How coincidental.}

The PSI that bound each rock together returned to restore them back to their previous state. Not under the effects of gravity but PSI itself, the rocks sped up in their descent.

There was no noisy impact that occurred, merely the reassembly of rocks to how they were before. Damage done to the ground disappeared as more pieces of debris returned to their original positions.

The wide canyons became more narrow, more shallow until the only thing left was a flat wasteland, two people, and a Gundam-golem.

{Did you make another one?} Saiki asked, somewhat puzzled by the rock sculpture. The Gundam was the test dummy for the move, yet there it was intact and unaffected by Restoration.

"No, this Gundam was the one from before."

{I see...}

It must be known that Restoration affects not only the object that the user wishes to restore but also any nearby objects as well.

However, that is only true for the character known as Saiki Kusuo. Saiki's lack of control over his powers is the main reason why there exists such a drawback.

Snow White, with her god-given abilities (literally god-given), is capable of harnessing Saiki's powers to a greater degree, which is why the Gundam-golem is still Gundam-shaped.

"Alright! Let's go get food!" Snow was pumped to finally eat again. Some time has passed and now it is the afternoon. Unless you count coffee jelly as lunch, then Snow hasn't eaten anything fulfilling for the past 24 hours, or more. (Time spent floating around in space.)

'Let's eat something else this time and not coffee jelly. Dessert should be eaten for last after all!'

{Aren't you forgetting something?} Saiki cut in her thoughts before she could leave.

"Am I?"

His eyes then looked over to behind Snow, looking at something up in the sky.

Snow followed his gaze and soon saw what he meant.

"Oh yeah, those things. Almost forgot about them."

Similar to the scarlet moon, multiple satellites could be seen hovering high up in the sky. All equally spherical and equally gigantic in size, apart from a few minor details.


One of them, instead of rocks from the red wastelands, burned with intense vigor. The bright, blue flames greatly contrasted that of the red moon that brought with it darkness to the land underneath.

Combined with its size, a more appropriate name to call it would be a blue sun.


Another was a moon that shone ever so slightly. A pale blue color dyed the outer edges of the moon, with the color deepening; darkening as Saiki's eyes moved towards its center until all that he could see was pitch black.

Even with the difference in distance, Saiki couldn't help but feel chilly while staring at the frosty mist flowing down from the globe of ice.


Farther away, there existed not a spherical structure, but a pillar of dark clouds connecting Heaven and Earth. Occasional bursts of lightning would form from deep within storm clouds, yet its brilliance was unable to escape.


There were many more satellites comprised of the elements and combinations of them, but the most eye-catching out of all that Snow White created was another statue.


Standing at nearly 300 meters was an absolutely massive Godzilla statue. Incomparably smaller than the satellites but it had the most effort put into its creation. (Imagine a Godzilla the size of the Eiffel Tower.)

Not the 1998 version for that one was just Jurrasic Park 2 on steroids, but Godzilla Earth, who is the biggest big boy out of everyone in the Godzilla family.

{Hey, is that supposed to be life-sized? It's too big if it is.} A confused Saiki asked Snow, wondering when she had the time to see Godzilla when she was always eating at home.

"Nope, it's accurate. Trust me on this one."

{At least it isn't the 1998 version...} Even Saiki did not like that Godzilla.

"Forget about that T-Rex-looking Godzilla, I'm the Avatar!" said Snow White who was pointing to the satellites made of ice and fire. (A/N: Ice is technically water. Plus, she does have hydrokinesis but I'm too lazy to write about another big, floating sphere made out of water.)

{The Ava-what?}

*Sigh* "You didn't get it."

Repeating the action, Snow White once again retrieved the PSI from the satellites, causing their collapse.

The flames weakened and dissipated without their fuel, the shadowy clouds let out a streak of lightning before dispersing into thin air, the glacial ice fragmented over and over until the pieces became too small to see, and the Godzilla... was placed to stand beside the Gundam.

Favoritism at its best.

With everything said and done, finally, Saiki's Secret Spot was back to its pristine state of rusty desolation. Following the discontinued use of her psychic powers, the pair of eyes that shimmered with a dark shade of pink returned to their natural state.

Golden eyes with a tinge of crimson surveyed the area, looking for any remaining evidence of her practice.


The hot sun remains the only thing in the sky and the wasteland below remains flat. Only the existence of some rocks scattered around the place, two people, a Gundam, and Godzilla were left behind.

"For real this time: All done. Can we go now-"


Saiki left after seeing that everything was in order. He did not bother bringing Snow White with him since she can teleport on her own.

'A lot of our powers are similar... is she a relative of mine or something? Maybe I'm actually an alien... that would explain a lot.'

Instead of doubting Snow, he interestingly enough doubted himself.

"That little prick."


Unknowing of the thoughts inside Saiki's head, Snow White chased after him.

And so, apart from some rocks scattered around the place, a Gundam and Godzilla were left behind, standing side-by-side.

One was much taller than the other and far more menacing while the other, in the eyes of a child, appeared far more imposing with their technologically-advanced armaments. Still made out of rocks of course.

Inanimate as they were, their positioning allowed for the viewing of the sun dipping below the horizon.

A spectacular sight, an occurrence that happens only once a day when the blue sky turns into multiple shades of red, resembling the reddish earth of the wasteland where the two sculptures stood.

It only lasted for the briefest of moments before night approached. Like their shadows, the two sculptures slowly melded into the darkness, out of sight within the lightless land.

Under the twinkling of a thousand stars, the sculptures continued to look far into the horizon, awaiting the coming of the next setting sun...

...and the company of future earthen-comrades from their creator.













PSI Skill |Rank: S --> XI|
