36 Sasaki Household

With no choice but to participate in the bet, I picked between Shiba and Inu. I chose the latter as my champion.

As the two beetles fought on a wooden stool, I stood in a corner of the room to keep my distance. Akira was cheering from right beside them. Whenever the beetles clashed, he screamed like there was no tomorrow.

We made a bet. If I won, I would get to smack both of his calves as hard as I could and take home his table tennis racket. Having used it, I knew how good that racket was, so I wanted to win.

'If he won...'


'...I don't want to think about it, but he wants a kiss for some reason.'

Should I chalk it up to puberty? That's probably the main reason. There's also the fact that Akira has no friends, much less female ones. He's always playing with me, and only me.

'Well, he didn't say anything about where I'll kiss him so I'll just do it on his hand.'

As far as I knew, I had a lot to gain and little to lose.


Inu, my champion, was being pushed to the edge. He would fall off the edge if he continued to get pushed back, and I would lose the bet.


Shiba continued applying pressure. He used his mandibles to push Inu back.

One of Inu's thin legs was now dangling in midair.


'This isn't Pokemon, damn it! Shut up!'

The only thing Akira managed to do was make my ears go hurt. Or so I thought. Surprisingly, Shiba did start becoming more aggressive after Akira shouted Pokemon moves.

'The hell? It works?'

I stared at Inu, who was so close to falling off. 

'No harm in trying...'

"...you can do it, Inu! Use Dragon Ascent!" I whispered. I realize that I might be asking too much out of my beetle. Only Rayquaza can use that move after all, and Rayquaza won't exist until later Pokemon games come out.

It was then.

With half his body over the edge, Inu suddenly sprouted his wings!

He propelled himself upwards with Shiba in his mandibles. 


The momentum caused Shiba to flip over and Inu to land smack dab on the middle of the stool.

...I'm winning?

Holy shit, I'm winning!


With Shiba flipped over, Inu pushed him off the edge with ease.


I can see the appeal now. Perhaps I treated you too harshly, Inu.

I cracked my knuckles. Akira gulped. He showed his calves regardless.

"Be gentle..." he said.

"Hell no."

My Music Mastery may be gone, but against all odds, I made heavenly music that day.


An hour later, I finished packing my belongings. I could have finished it much earlier, but I decided to slow down to let my parents rest from the long drive that apparently took five hours.

"Here you go."

I received a case from Akira.

"Take care of it for me."

"Are you sure about giving this to me? I would've been okay with ten calf slaps instead of this."

Akira flinched. "I'd rather not go through that again." 

His calves still had red handprints on them, and he walked with a limp. Grandpa and my parents gave him a weird look when he went to leave. I just said he deserved it.

"I also added the cleaning kit with the racket. Make sure to buy the same brand when it runs out," he added.

"I don't think I'll be using it much. You're my only table tennis buddy."

He seemed pretty happy when I said that. Is he that happy that he has a friend now? 

'One is better than none.'

After fist-bumping Akira, I said goodbye to Doctor Tonma.

"Make sure to eat all your meat and vegetables. Don't stay up late playing your Gameboy, or you'll be short in the future."

"Is that true?"

"I'm telling you now. As long as you sleep normally, you'll be taller than Akira at this rate! That boy doesn't know the difference between morning and night!"

Yeah, no. I don't believe that. I am aware of a phenomenon called "Anime Aging," where average or tall anime men and women shrink in size when they reach old age. 

But I guess I can use Akira as a test subject. Hopefully, he does become shorter than me. It'll be funny that way.

"Avoid having a drinking problem also, unlike a certain someone..."

"Tonma, is that really necessary? I'm alive and healthy and active for my age!"

Granny Miki retorted from his side. Even now, she held a bottle in her hand.

"Tonma's right though. Don't copy me since my body can drink as much as it can without suffering consequences!"

"You're lucky you married a doctor..."

"You're the lucky one!"

That settled it. I walked to my parents' side, pulling my luggage along.

"Let's go home."

I still found it hard to think of the Ocean Oasis and the town I lived in as anything but home. However, it's not like I can only have one, right?

"Goodbye, everyone!"

"See you next time, Eira!"

"Eira-chan, don't forget to visit a bunch since Tonma and I don't have much long to live!"

"That's not something you say to a kid! Anyway, take none of Miki's words to heart. Goodbye, and have a safe trip!"


"Okay! I promise!"

I waved back, but I didn't stop walking. As tiring as it was to stay here, it was also super fun. It felt like a glimpse into what a slice-of-life anime in real life was like.

"Sad already? It's okay. You can come back next year. But right now, we must visit a hospital to get you checked up."

My dad patted my head. I flinched from the unexpected physical contact. I still felt a slight aversion to his actions since, technically, he was a stranger.

He must have noticed since he stopped right after. But he didn't give up. This time, he reached for my heavy luggage.

The road was rough and uneven. Pulling my luggage remained easier than carrying it like a backpack, but I did need to use more strength than usual.

My dad effortlessly lifted the luggage onto his shoulder while I struggled to lift even a fraction of its weight.

"We will figure this out. Together."

Determination filled his words. Mom nodded vehemently from beside me. My dad felt like a reliable person. As for my mom, I don't know. She seems violent but in a good way.

My parents don't seem so bad.

To that, I smiled.







The ride back home consisted of six rest stops, an early dinner stop, and a short walking trail side story. Overall, it took us seven hours to arrive home.

They probably did it because of me. Mayumi, my mother, sat with me on the backseats and constantly barraged me with questions like, "Did you have any issues staying with your grandpa?" or "Does any part of your body hurt?" or "Ask me anything!" to which I respond with awkward silence.

I'm not good with new people, and it shows. If I didn't know they were my parents, I might've thrown up.

Actually, I did almost throw up. Motion sickness was the cause. I guessed that since I reverted to being a kid, I get motion sick more easily.

My parents thought otherwise, so they panicked for a good few minutes. Hehe.

Once we reached the outskirts of civilization, we stopped by a train station and left the car there. The train ride took half an hour, and we walked the remaining distance home. I got a lot of curious stares from strangers on the way, but by now, I was used to them.

"So, do you remember this place?" My mom asked. I didn't give her an answer, too busy studying my new abode.

The house was bigger than I thought. Hell, I didn't expect a house!

Two words to describe it came to mind: Doraemon House!

'Yes, I remember that Nobita lived here.' I couldn't say that now, could I? So I gave the second best answer.


"I see... well, let's go in. Maybe that will help jog your memory."

The culture shock hit hard when I saw the house's interior.

So far, I've been to two houses. The first was Saiki's house. The second was Grandpa Hiroshi's house/bar. The interior design and the furniture of both houses somewhat resembled the western ones I'm used to.

Not this one.

The couch was gone, replaced by pillows on the floor. I don't have a bed. The TV was a box. The doors were the type you slide around. Japanese books filled a shelf, reminding me of an otaku's manga collection, but it was full of actual Japanese novels like "The Miner" or "No Longer Human." 

"So...? Remember anything?" My mom said.

"I'm a bit overwhelmed. Why is the toilet merged with the floor?"

Even Grandpa Hiroshi had a regular toilet.

"It's that bad, huh?" She clapped her hands, saying, "But at least you can still read and write! That makes things loads easier since school won't be so bad!"


Shit! School!

"Did you forget what school is?"

"Uhh, yes?"

If I say that, can I not go?

"It's a place of learning. I'm sure your homeroom teacher will explain more once we explain our circumstances."

'Damn it! I have to go to school!'

Why, oh why, do I need to go through that hell again?

"Must I go to school?"

In response, Mom squeezed my cheeks. "Yes, you do. Going to school might help with your lost memories. School is important for your future too. We'll delay your return to class for check-ups, but you'll need to go eventually. Rest for now, okay?"


I dropped off my luggage in my new bedroom and showered as Mom pulled a mattress from the closet.

She helped me set up my futon bed. For the first time, I was going to sleep on the floor. When I asked whether insects might crawl over my face in my sleep, my mom chuckled as she told me not to worry.

"Good night, Pi—Eira."

"Good night."

The light overhead turned off. Mom's footsteps slowly retreated to their bedroom.

The futon was surprisingly comfortable. My back felt like it was getting a massage. 

With an electric fan blowing on my face, I fell asleep.


Waking up before sunrise became my new routine since I helped Grandpa with food prep. I rolled up my futon bed and left it in a corner before heading downstairs.

"Damn, it's hot already!" A moment away from my electric fan was all it took to feel the heat.

I headed straight to the kitchen and started memorizing where the utensils and ingredients were. A wooden step stool compensated for my short height, letting me reach high cabinets. 

'There's barely anything to use... I'll have to go grocery shopping.'

I couldn't cook up anything complicated, but I could make my specialty: Tuna Mayo Onigiri!

Although, I had to cook the rice first. While waiting for the rice, I mixed the canned tuna, mayo, and a dash of soy sauce for the filling. 

I still had time to spare. I showered and headed back to my room to change. A quick dried my body instantly while keeping me hydrated. No, there's no need to worry about getting sick. Protogenoi-K remains a pretty OP skill. It's just me, the user, who got nerfed.


Curiously, I stared at the sliding closet in my room. 

"Pico's clothes should be there..."

The clothes I brought home were the ones I bought from local stores around the Ocean Oasis. I also gambled with Akira, where my prize was one of his cool T-shirts that I couldn't get out in the countryside. Most of Pico's summer clothes were too girly for my taste, so I avoided wearing them. As for the underwear, I had no choice in the matter.

With little effort, the closet opened. 

My face twitched. "Yeah... no. I don't think so."

The first thing I saw was a pink polka-dot dress with eye-catching frills. The other garments weren't that far off, either. The most normal one I could find was a simple white dress. 

Just looking at them made my lower body feel cold.

But I didn't close the closet.


I thought about it.


It's still hot and humid. The summer heat made me feel slightly sweaty already. I haven't even changed yet.


I reckon it'll feel nice and breezy in those clothes. The fabric felt cool to the touch as well.

"...no." I slapped my cheeks and wore the clothes I brought back. They do the job just fine.

Bringing my Gameboy with me, I played Legend of Zelda downstairs while waiting for the rice to finish cooking.

I've heard of Legend of Zelda when I was a normie. No wonder this game series was famous. It's fun to play. I wasn't much of a gamer in the past, so my standards aren't that high. Nevertheless, the people who made this game did a job well done.

After some time, the rice cooker made a little noise. The rice that was once hard grain now fluffed up like a cloud.

Under my dexterous hands, six tuna onigiris were born.

My parents were still asleep. Waiting for them, I continued playing Legend of Zelda.







Mayumi and Kenzo dreamed an odd dream.

They were married to each other still, but they looked different. Apart from their paler skins, they wore robes only seen in historical dramas.

But in no way did they look extravagant like the nobles of old. Their clothing was dull and unadorned, and their wooden house in the dream was small. The couple did not possess the talent for cultivation, so they lived a simple, mortal life.

If there was anything special about that dream, it was the landscape. A glance out the window showed nothing but a field of white snow.

"Dear..." Mayumi caressed her belly near an open flame. "Won't you think of a name soon?"

"You know how hard it is. There are—"

"'So many names in the world,' is what you always say."

Seeing Kenzo look away in embarrassment, Mayumi giggled. 

"It's nice that you are seriously thinking about it. As for me, I've already thought of one for a girl."

"Really? What is it?"

Kenzo leaned closer. He was curious to know what name his wife had chosen out of a million others.

And when she spoke, a gentle wind blew across the snowy landscape.


Mayumi's eyes slowly opened. 

Rising from her bed, she looked around. After taking in the fact that she was in her bedroom, she could confidently conclude that it was just a dream.

'It felt so real.'

Mayumi remembered feeling incredibly cold yet also incredibly warm. Within that frozen corner of the world, her budding family kept her days full of warmth.

Kenzo had yet to wake up. His sleeping face looked incredibly handsome despite the drool flowing out of his mouth. That was just in Mayumi's eyes, however.

Silently, she slipped out of the room. Sunlight from the window illuminated the hallway. Mayumi walked to her daughter's room to check on her.

But before she could open the door, a faint scent tickled her nose. It came from downstairs. 'Rice? Did I sleepwalk and cook some?'

Once she went downstairs, she found the culprit playing on a handheld device.

"Good morning!"

"G-Good morning," Mayumi replied after her daughter responded energetically. She gave off veteran waiter vibes as if welcoming a customer. "Did you cook something? Have you eaten?"

Eira paused her game.

"I made tuna onigiris, but I was waiting for you two to wake up before eating."

"I-I see... wait, really?!"

Well, that's never happened before.

Mayumi saw the tuna onigiris on the dining table. She couldn't believe her eyes.

"You really cooked for us~?!"


In the blink of an eye, Mayumi tightly hugged Eira and swung her around.

"You're so sweet!!! My little Pico is growing up!"

"Uhrk—! Th-thanks, but my name isn't—!"

As Mayumi spun like a cyclone, Eira held on for dear life, hoping she wouldn't fly off and slam into a wall.

The world continued to spin. Perhaps it was a hallucination, but Eira started seeing stars shine before her eyes. "How pretty..." she muttered while feeling extremely dizzy.

Mayumi heard her and spun even faster with an even bigger smile.

Kenzo slept through the ruckus downstairs. Driving ten hours in a day took its toll.

"Ah, I got too excited. Anyway, let's eat! I want to taste your cooking."

Finally, Mayumi let go of Eira. 

Eira immediately put some distance between them. 'I feel like throwing up...'

Since Kenzo wouldn't wake up until much later, Mayumi and Eira ate together. The dining table was short. They kneeled beside each other with pillows acting as substitute chairs.

"Wow~! Did you learn this from your grandpa? It tastes so good!" 

A bite was enough for Mayumi to start praising Eira once again. 

Eira only smiled before taking a bite herself. As always, her supposedly tasty food didn't taste like anything.

Seeing the strained smile on her daughter's face, Mayumi remembered Hiroshi's words.

'Six weeks ago... that was when she lost her sense of taste and smell. Perhaps it's connected to her memory loss, but I'm no doctor.'

'Have you asked Doctor Tonma?'

'Of course, I have! We've been visiting him every other day. Each time he checks her condition, he says the same thing: Nothing's wrong with Eira, and she's completely healthy.'

Before she knew it, her daughter had changed. It stabbed into Mayumi's heart, knowing that it happened the moment she left her side when it occurred—that Mayumi wasn't there for her when she was most confused.


Upon being called, her precious Pico looked at her. Even her name had changed in the short period she was gone.

Mayumi glanced at the Gameboy on the table. Then, she spoke.

"Do you want to go to an arcade after eating breakfast? We can visit a hospital to get you checked up afterwards."

Eira's eyes immediately lit up. Because she was chewing on her tuna onigiri, she vehemently nodded instead of screaming YEEESSSS.

'Looks like I guessed right.'

The image of Eira nodding her head overlapped with the many other times she did so.

Although she used to nod the same way for pretty dresses and not games, the sparkle in her eyes remained the same.

'Some things don't change, huh? She's still my daughter, after all.'

Mayumi thus spent the next few minutes convincing an excited Eira to eat slower.