Inogal leaders

In a planet known as Caine after the nine planets scientists discovered this planet they went there but were lucky to survive as even their oxygen bags did not work outside the ship which they came with, the planet had the same structure of earth as it had the sun and one satellite known as caldi once caldi appeared the whole planet becomes cold as winter. The scientists who went there couldn't explore as they went back to earth disappointed.

In the same planet a circle like structure was made and it covered the whole planet, a planet as big as earth was what held the inogal tribe I'm the center of the planet was a large circular space made for training, the inogal leaders we're flying up ahead to the massive cave at the edge of the planet a troop of inogals we're also running towards the planet and two king tier inogals were in the front this was no other than Mitchelle and the inogal who gave her the refregium pill it was blazing hot but instead of the inogals to stay inside all were out the sun didn't seem to affect them as they were the opposite of humans fed on the heat from the sun require no oxygen and eat plants and animals for survival they could only be described as immortals with their interesting healing ability as that of a werewolf. Today i n the discussion of the six inogal leaders there was a slight change as one new inogal leader had joined it was Mitchelle. Being the only female inogal to have existed she was very skillful and when she became an inogal it felt like a whole new world as she trained day and night and finally her dreams were accomplished

This would have being the thought if it were the real Mitchelle. But this was Rachel now , she flew faster to the cave and landed in a very sexy manner. Still the same as before rick commented as she landed some inogals under the cave whispered about how they had tried getting under her when she was just in the intermediate stage but she snubbed them she always shooed them as she saw them as distraction to her training she was very cold but only protected her training. This present time she was known as a half human and half inogal but 70 years ago she was three specie as was partly inogal, partly human and partly onies. A tour was taken and about 2000 inogals were selected 1000 being beginner class inogals and the rest intermediate inogals even though the inogals had the population of half the human race. Mitchelle was only given two thousand solider inogals to take care of. She was then taken to a seat make of rock at the centre was a big statue as they sat in circular pattern she looked around as some of the inogal leaders removed their mask as they mentioned their names. Rumbler, Fraser, Jenus, Venix, Trasher, Serigo and Mitchelle in total there were 7 inogals the difference between the leaders and the others was because of their structure and the fact they wore what looked like a sash, Mitchelle was given a golden sash as walked out to address the inogals under her after stating and choosing her inogal assistants she was given an already cleared area for her subordinates. She shouted and others shouted just then an announcement came her subordinates and her had been given the part of the continent they were to attack . Brothers she shouted we attack Asia by tomorrow the camp cheered as they waited for the next day.