Becomes A Pretty Boy.

Still in the hotel room...

Miraculously, five ladies were able to get ready in less than an hour.

Coincidentally, Yang-yang returned to the room and was surprised to ask;

*Are we ready to go?

As the girlfriend;

*Yes Yang-yang, we will leave immediately as soon as you're ready.

*I was born ready so let's go.

As he said the words, went to pick up his backpack and let the beauties take the lead to leave.

Of course, Yin-yin as an affectionate girlfriend, took his hand and the two left the room together.

Meanwhile,,, Beijing China...

Top floor, Citic Tower...

A man who look so capable is looking at his phone screen with a serious face, about to lose his temper.

With a few taps, dialed a number and was immediately answered.

In a tone with no respect at all, he said;

"It seems that the Ting family treats me as a monkey. If you can control your daughter, I do it myself. After all, she's already married to me."

Without waiting for the other side to answer, went to end the call and once again, dialed another number.

In a luxurious villa...

A middle age man directly lose his temper and can't help to;

*Damn it! Your daughter was born smart but how come she's so dumb this time. Now that she did it, that boy he took a fancy won't escape. As soon as the young master of the Chen family finds its prey, no one can survive.

A middle age woman heard this and said worriedly;

*Would that sadistic bastard will hurt our child too? It's really wrong to betroth our daughter to the Chen family.

*Why,,, who want to betroth her but it was that bastard who took a fancy of your daughter. It's true that I support political marriage but will never send my daughter to become a plaything. If I choose to go against the Chen for the sake of our daughter, is it that the whole family who will suffer? Our Ting family may have been on the rise but it's still far behind to fight a big family like the Chen. In this matter Ning- ning will face it by herself. The only thing we can do is to inform her. The matter will be left to you and make sure that your daughter understand the situation. As for me, I still have some things to do.

A mother will always be a mother for this middle age woman to make a call directly, was in a hurry to inform the daughter whom she carried for nine months and watch her grow for twenty years.

On the other end of the line;

*Damm it Ning-ning, your mother is calling to my phone again. Why don't you answer it and give an explanation for them to stop.

In front of a store that mainly sells motorcycle helmets, a group of six people stopped to settle the matter.

After thinking about it;

*Sisters, please go and accompany Yang-yang to buy the things. Sister Abi, I will borrow your phone for a moment.

After showing an assuring look, went to find a suitable place pressing the answer button.

"Hello mother, it's me."

Immediately, this mother recognized the voice and can't help to;

"Dead girl! Do you still know me as your mother? I really don't know what to do with you."

There's a paused for a few moments before;

"Daughter, don't think that the family is abandoning you but the Chen can easily destroy us. I'm calling you this time just to inform you that the basturd of the Chen family had made a move. He saw the picture you posted and called your father that he will find you himself. And as for the man on the picture, i'm sure he will not let it go. Daughter, i'm sorry that family is useless to help. But don't worry, I will talk to your eldest sister and maybe, the Royal family in Europe can intervene.

The truth is, Yin-yin understand the fact that her father chose to preserve the family that to save one person.

So there's no need to hate the family and just;

*It's okay mother, I understand. This matter, it's better not to involve the family. After all, my surname is not Ting anymore. As for the basturd with the surname Chen, there's no absolute power in a foreign soil. My husband is a full-blooded filipino and the philippine government will surely protects their own, including his family.

The mother and daughter went to talk for more than five minutes before ending the call.

With many things in her mind, slowly walks towards the store but met the group at the entrance.

When she saw the things in her boyfriend's hands;

* Only a helmet and a pair of gloves. At least there's a knee, shin, and elbow protectors too.

Before the man could say no, was pulled back directly to the store.

Ten minutes later, the group came out who just spent tens of thousands.

You can see the embarrassment on the face of the only man in the group, because he didn't pay for his things at all.

The feeling get even worse when;

*Don't worry about money because your wife is rich. Just spend it and earn it back.

The words sounded and can't help to attract a number of passersby.

Those men, you can see the envy and jealousy written on their face and can only complain how unfair life was in silence.

The stares, ignored by these five women and walk towards to where their high profile big bikes were parked, followed by the man behind. This scene, it's too much to bear for a number of male compatriots to curse and curse openly...