Clean And Bloody.

Ten minutes later...

Provincial Capitol, conference hall.

When Yang entered the hall, immediately attracted the attention of everyone.

The one he talked on the phone which is the town mayor, his friend, came to meet and lead him to their seat.

They didn't sit down and directly;

*Gentlemen, this is Mr. Dulnuan, owner of the Bugan hotel, a core member of the Ifugao Headhunter Assiociation. You can ask him your concerns.

The words were addressed to a group of men with military uniforms.

Unexpectedly, they're not arrogant, maybe because the one in front of them is not ordinary.

The one with two sampaguitas on his shoulder that should be a lieutenant coloner, didn't talk sheet and directly;

*Mr. Dulnuan, a brigadier general came here yesterday and spent the night in your hotel. This morning, he sent a message to his driver but never came out from the hotel. We conducted an investigation and found out that he did something wrong in the hotel and was taken by your people. Even if he's at fault, I hope Mr. Dulnuan can give his liberty back. After all, he's a lieutenant general with military background.

The last sentence, there's a little something in it, but Yang did care and said;

*I don't know what's you're talking about so I need to ask someone.

Didn't leave the room and directly dialed a number.

Was immediately connected and Yang was straight to the point.

On the other end of the phone, little Tala instantly got angry and went to tell the story.

When she reached the part where a daring mere one star general want to arrest people to become playthings, a husband, brother and a friend suddenly excluded a suffocating aura: a strong intent to kill.

There's no need for little Tala to continue, said goodbye and hung up.

Went to look at the brigadier colonel with cold eyes and in a deep tone;

*Do you know what he did for you to treat it lightly?

Instead of lowering himself and apologize to calm the situation, this brigadier general chose to act tough saying;

*Mr. Dulnuan, it's seems that there's nothing happened so wh...

But couldn't finish his words because there's a deafening "bang" resounded in the hall.

A big hard man's fist was smashed on the table made of Narra and unexpectedly, there are visible cracks on it.

There's a complete silence in the room until;

*Don't play dumb in front of me. If there's no brothers from Ifugao headhunter association who protects the hotel, my beloved wife, little sister and good friends would had been taken away by force. If I was there at that time, that so called one star general had lost his head on the spot. A crime is still a crime even if it didn't succeed. No matter who is it will be punished. The rule in the Underworld applies and a life can be saved by money. Tell the family to send an AH-64E Apache, fully loaded, to buy their son's life back with in twelve hours. When twelve hours passes, the capital punishment will immediately be executed.

Cold and murderous, no one wants to challenge except for one person with the lowest rank in the group of these uniformed men.

Was quick in drawing his gun and pointed to Yang's head.


This brigadier coloner managed to shout but still, pulled the trigger.


A louder bang was heard in the hall but unexpectedly, missed the target, disappeared on the place.

Suddenly, Yang came out under the table and swiftly disarmed the gunman.

Didn't use the gun but pulled out a knife from his waist and directly beheaded the enemy like a chicken.

Went to wipe the knife with the dead man's clothes before returning to it's scabbard.

As soon as the action was finished;

*Take the bodies and leave. And don't forget to inform the family, because I don't mind beheading another chicken after twelve hours.

Without asking justice for his man, gave the order to pack the bodied and left in a hurry.

They know the rules in the Underworld, that even the so called government of the real world can't interfere.

Soon, all the men in uniform left leaving only a pool of blood.


*Damn it Wigan, you really are a decisive man; but I think this will give you a little trouble. That's the military, both have manpower and firepower.

This mayor as well as his friend patted him on the shoulder as he said the words.

With no worries on his face at all;

*The president of the Philippines controls the army and not a single family. Come on, settle down for us to talk about the survival of the people in the town, or should I say the province.

The remaining people in the hall are all leaders and were more shocked of what they just heard than seeing someone beheaded.

It was this mayor with a surname Guledew was the first to recover and directly;

*What is it? Is it a great calamity?

Didn't not answer and let everyone settle down first for them to think clearly and understand everything what he will say later...