Oil In The Middle East.

The man showed her concern once again for this short cutie named Mishelle to suddenly;

*Why are you so cruel!? The more you care will hurt me more so leave me alone.

He was told to leave but instead, went to look straight to her eyes and said in a soft tone.

*Why, am I not allowed to care for you as a good person, a good friend? Come on, cheer up because you will meet a lot of sisters later. Remember, don't use your right hand or my treatment will be useless.

No one knows if this short cutie was convinced for her to nod and didn't say anything.

It was Yang who went to speak after thinking about it and ask;

*Mishelle, are we friends now?

The two look at each for a long time before this little lady nodded.

Seeing this;

*Then can you do something for me. Don't worry, if you managed to pull this off, I will owe you a wish which is as good as granted.


*Make it two wishes and I will make sure to do what you want me to do.

Without thingking about it;

*Then that's a deal. So here's the thing, I need a lot of oil to be delivered within a day or two, how many barrel can your boyfriend provides you in a short period of time?

Instead of answering;

*Address that creepy man as my boyfriend again and I will be mad at you.

Rarely acting like a spoiled little girl but very effect for Yang to;

*Well, my bad. How can be a helecopter-helecopter man be your boyfriend? So tell me good little sister, how many barrels can he give to you?

*No, address me as your girlfriend and I can guarantee one million barrels of oil to be delivered here today and will arrived tomorrow. If you're sincere enough, I can make it ten million.

With doubt;

*Really, how can they deliver millions of barrels?

*Huh! Are you a person in oil business? Anything can now be transport through air as long as you have the right aircraft. Come on, are you in a hurry? Coax me and I will make the order on the spot.

Seeing that this little lady is not kidding then things must be done, just for oil that almost needed to run almost everything.

Went to look around to make sure that there's no witnesses and one to eavesdrop before holding the left hand of this short sister saying;

*My cute girlfriend, can you help your pitiful boyfriend get the order, pleassssssse...

Even went to act pitifully cute to make the words convincing.

Mishelle witnessed this scene and tried to pretend but her face is blushing to hide the emotions.

Finally, couldn't hold on anymore and went to have a quick peck on Yang's cheek.

With a beautiful smile on her face, she said;

*Well, you win. Give me a few minutes and I will convince my patron to deliver your order as soon as possible.

Said the words and really went to make a call.

Beside her, Yang felt guilty, feeling that he just cheated.

"No, I will explain everything to Yin-yin and she will understand."

While the man is still comforting himself in his thought, the international call was connected and an arabian voice sounded speaking english with an accent.

"Hello my Mishelle, it's rare for you to take the initiative to call me. I'm sure you want to ask something from me again. Do you want to order oil again? Sorry my girl but that's all I can give you for this week. You know, one million barrels of oil per week for just a meal with you is a big bargain. If you become one of my wife, ten million barrels will be reserved for you everyday. And you know my sincerity so think about it."

Without any nonsense, Mishelle in a serious tone;

*Deliver twenty million barrels of oil here in Lagawe, Ifugao, Philippines today and I will send you a picture of me in bikini. Take note, I never posted any picture of me in an underwear and you will be the first so make it happen. Remember, it must arrive tomorrow or I will call your brother to do it."

"No my Mishelle, I can do it. I can even add one million more. Please wear a sexy bikini and immediately take the picture because this won't take long. And by the way, please prepare the money because my father will surely look for it."

"Well, already in my bikini right now and will take the picture so make it quick. As for the money, it's ready."

When the words sounded, you can hear a swallowing sound coming from the other end before;

"Yes my Mishelle, I will hung up and get busy right away, goodbye."

Snappy because of the extra bikini price, hung up the phone and really was in a hurry to arrange things.

Mishelle heard the tut sound and sighed before saying;

*That's it, i'm sure my picture will become an inspiration when he plays jackstone by himself.

Yang beside her with strong hearing, heard everything and it's not easy to believe.

"Sheet! Just a picture in a bikini is worth twenty one million barrels of oil. It's really disadvantageous to be a woman in the world of business as long as you are willing to sacrifice some precious things. Then how much worth a picture of you not wearing anything?"

The man stares at the woman in front of him thinking this kind of things and looks creepy.

*Hey you,,, why are you looking at me like that? By the way, what's your name? I can't believe I have been talking to a stranger.

Awaken from his thoughts and immediately pat Mishelle on the shoulder as he said;

*My name is Buganson Wigan Dulnuan and we are now best of friends. And because we are best friends, help me trick your patron to give us as much oil that he can...