Just Money.

Looking at the innocent little lady named Mishelle, no one wants to be the person to explain what's wrong in her words.

But out of nowhere, the timid Lilzee speak up saying;

*Sister Mishelle, my name is Lilzee. Let me be the one to take the pictures. Even though you're not shy in front of brother Yang-yang, as a big brother, he will be embarrassed.


*Then thank you sister Lilzee. I'm ready all the time so just tell me if you are.

Seeing that this weird sister agreed;

*That's it. Let's go back to the hotel and do the photoshoot there.

Hiraya went to suggest and everyone agreed.

After knowing that Mishelle injured her wrist and can't drive, it was the eldest sister again who took the initiative to drive the bike.

Minutes later...

Bugan hotel, room Q001...

*Sister Mishelle, we can take the picture right away. Do you want to prepare anything?

With an easy going expression;

*What to prepare? Just take off all my clothes, put down my hair, make sure that everything was covered down to my buttocks and take some shots. In this way, I did break what I promised, just that there's a trick. By the way sister Lilzee, Wigan told me not to use my right hand so can you please help me take my clothes off.

Upon hearing this;

*Well, I just remembered that there's someone I need to call. Please excuse me.

This was Abigail who just want to avoid seeing the soft things bigger than hers not to feel envious so she quickly left after saying goodbye.

Of course she's not the only one with this kind of thinking for other sisters to follow suit.

The aloof sister named Anna is not an exemption.

When two sisters were the only ones left in the room;

*That's weird. How come they have someone to call all of a sudden?

Lilzee looked at this sister with the biggest chest and wonder if the Myth about woman with big buubs was true; that the brain went to their breast to become stupid in some things.

But suddenly realized that she's being rude so quickly shake her head and went to help Mishelle take off her clothes saying;

*Don't worry about them sister. Let's finish taking pictures first.

*Well, then I thank sister for staying.

And so, the two get busy.

In another room...

*Why don't we cancel our trip to Banaue. It is not right for others to be busy while us are having fun. This town became my home and I want to contribute too.

This is Ning-ning who went to expressed what is in her mind.

Despite being the truth, Yang-yang still went to;

*I disagree. This is our special day and we deserve a one day holiday. What's more, you can still contribute even if you're on a vacation. As soon as the order of Mishelle arrives, directly give that arabian a call and see if you can still trick him for another order. I'm sure the naked picture trick won't work anymore so we better think of another one.

No one knows when did Ning-ning thought about it for her to immediately;

*I promise to sleep with him. With this, i'm sure he will be more generous and efficient to deliver the goods. After receiving the goods and transfering his money, let's pretend like there's no promise made at all. With the incoming crisis, i'm sure there's no use to keep a good relationship with him.

Daring and insidious which made Ning-ning hot right now for Yang-yang to kiss those pink dry lips, become wet instantly.

After a few seconds, the two separated and directly;

*By the way wife, how much is in your bank account. I already gave my lifetime saving to someone assigned to strengthened the town's military strength. I suddenly realized that the incoming order is estimately worth more than four trillion. I wonder if we can come up with it.

With confident in her eyes, Ning-ning went to wrap her arms around Yang-yang's waist saying;

*Is it that money will become useless in a few days. I can apply loans online to different banks, here and abroad. With my identity, they will not hesitate to approve and transfer the money to my account. If still not enough, I ask for my sisters' assistance.

Wise and merciless, it's so attractive for Yang-yang to have another taste of those sweet lips once again.

This time, it was longer but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

*Well, my wife will start to get busy and let me take this one.

Kissed her on the forehead before heading to the door.

When he open the door, a group of beauties walk passed him to enter the room.


*What are you doing here?

And was immediately;

*Why, are we interrupting something?

The man ignored this westener girl and went to talk to little Tala.

*Huh,,, coward.

Finished talking and followed the others heading towards Ning-ning who directly said;

*I'm busy right now so don't disturb me.

*Why,,, you just got married and already neglecting the obligation of a wife.

This eldest sister is also has some dirty joke and went to share.

Didn't rebut the words instead;

*Well, now that you are all here, help me collect money up to four trillion. Sister Abigail, your family is rich so I expect one trillion from you. You can loan as much as you want. After all, money will become worthless soon.

Unexpectedly, this talkative sister did not talk nonsense and directly;

*That's easy. The banks in US are very rich and can give up to ten billion dollar loan for individuals. If it's a family, especially those big ones, the max should be one hundred billion. But this effort of mine will cause you and Yang-yang one wish.

Didn't even think about it for Ning-ning say;

*Deal,,, but you should try to make it two trillion. I'm sure no one will come at you when there's an ongoing war.

Surprised that this sister agreed quickly but who cares, got a total of two wish (two children).

Didn't talk anymore and went to tap her phone continuously.

Queennie, and Anna were already told about what's coming and were not confused about the matter that money will become useless.

As for Hiraya and others, took the initiative to help to collect money...