The Initial Layout...

A mother who respect old beliefs and traditions, went to calm herself down and drag her daughter to sit on seat in front the man.

The confused Yao-yao, she didn't noticed that the dress failed to do it's purpose, showing a pink small clothing.

Yang with eyes like hawks, saw the colorful scenery and instinctively looked away.

It was the mother who first notice the exposed gem and can't help to;

*You don't have to be shy in front of me. I'm sure you already seen it many times, even the precious thing that it's protecting. Come on, let's be open-minded here and tell your mother the truth. I know your secret, living the prestige like in the ancient times. As long as all the three wives and four concubines live in harmony, I have no objection for my daughter not to be the first wife. Go on, tell me when did the relationship started. How many other women out there? Are you planning to get married? When will you have chil...

A straightforward mother still have many things to say but was;

*Mother, what are talking about? Who's in a relationship? Do you have a big misunderstanding?

Those words, confused this mother.

In an inquiring tone;

*But just now, you're clinging together. What's more, you dress like this and wasn't embarrassed to show your legs in front of a man. I'm sure your panty was seen for him to look away.

Only then when Yao-yao heard the words, felt a cold breeze entering between her legs.

She quickly arrange her dress and tightly put her legs together.

It's more like an aggrieved face rather than angry when she;

*You,,, why didn't you tell me. There's no use of looking away because you have already seen it already. I want a compensation.

Seeing this capable woman acting like a girl all of a sudden, gave him a new understanding.

With an apologetic expression;

*Sorry Yao-yao but it was impossible for me not to see it. A compensation, just ask and I will try to provide.

The character is slowly changing for this lady to;

*Huh,,, if you're not working hard in the preparations for the province's safety, I had already beat you to a pulp.

The conversation like-flirting was interrupted when this mother become serious to say;

*Preparations,,, what do you mean by that girl? Is it about the news going around that something big is coming? Do you know what it is and for you to prepare? I'm sure it's not just a wild guess because there so much to waste when you got it wrong.

While talking, noticed the map on the table and went to look.

Smart that her daughter inherited, immediately can tell what's the map for.

The first thing she noticed is the airfield and the military base.

Went to think for a moment before looking at Yang and;

*You're the man Ning Ting married right? Did you plan all of this? Do you know what exactly what the news all is about to plan this far? It's like you're preparing for a war? Don't tell me world war lll is finally? Who dares to start world war III? In war, both sides gain nothing; only dead people and destroyed homes. Boy, what country do you fight for? Do you know that Yao-yao ha...

But suddenly stopped because Yang made the gesture.

This time, the face is serious to say;

*Auntie, please don't misunderstood things and let's calm ourselves first.

Went to paused for a few moments before;

*My name is Buganson Wigan Dulnuan, husband of Ning Ting. I'm here with your daughter tonight to discuss some things in connection to this map and nothing more. At most, we can be considered as good friends. As for this plan, it's my own way of taking action and precautions. I don't know what's my Aunt had heard but let's keep it that way to avoid panic; because i'm sure the government of every country will make it public at the right time and in an orderly manner.

There's an explanation but this mother is not satisfied, regarding both relating to her daughter and the news.

She was about to speak when;

*Mom, don't ask questions anymore. Why don't you have a rest first and let's talk later.

Without waiting for this mother to answer, pulled her with the luggage to the guest room.

Five minutes later, she came back with her capable woman face, a little bit of blushing.

She want to say something but was;

*Well Yao-yao, I should be going. Just present to everyone what we talked about and you can decide things that might be questioned. By the way, don't forget to eat more fruits. Good night...

Didn't wait for this lady to speak and left in a hurry, like running for something.

Watching the man leaves, unconsciously grasp her dress with a complicated look on her face.

As for Yang-yang, really had the intention to run away and already on his bike.

He was about to start the engine when his phone rang.

It was his beloved wife and was quickly;

"Your humble husband is speaking, what can I do for my beloved wife?"

The words were sweet as honey but was;

"Come quickly to the hotel, you have a visitor!"

Upon hearing the angry tone;

"Well, my wife seems to be in her period and easily got annoyed. That should be my package. I will be there in fifteen minutes."

There's a moment of silence on the other side of the phone before;

"Yes, i'm on my period so don't be annoying!"


The man heard the tut sounded and can't help to make a few laughs.

With something in his mind, went to start the bike and left,,, didn't notice someone peeking in the window with an amused expression...