Growth, Development,,, Evolution...

While two american carriers are in daze;

*Hey gringos, did you say you have a package to deliver. What is it to make a fuss to this extent?

The buddy beside him heard it and;

*Fool, did you learned the word Gringo from the movie that you just watched? Do you know that it's a derogatory word like Gook for us asians, Nigger for blacks, and etcetera. Don't go using that word if you're in their territory or you'll be the one lossing your head. Hehehe.

End it with a laugh before looking at the two gringos, I mean two americans and said;

*You said there's a package. Let me check it first before I will take you in. The person your looking for is not here but you can entrust it to our president.

With these words, took back the two carrier to reality and one of them went to;

*Sorry gentlemen but in our company, we either deliver the package to the receiver in person or take it back. The sender entrust us this package and willing to spend high price so it's normal for as to ensure its safe delivery.

Of course, these headhunter guards won't let it pass easily and want to;

*Then let us at least check if it's not an exlplosive or something. Maybe this is a new trick of assasination. After we are sure that it's safe, I can call the person and he can give his permission.

There's no problem to the proposal so the two carriers agreed.

The package was taken out from a safe case that was wrapped by bubble wrap, looks like a stick.

A headhunter guard with humor saw this thing and can't help to;

*Why,,, it's look like a dildo to me? There's no danger in that, can stab a woman a hundred time without dying. The chief seems to have a special hobby.

The joke is good but only got a;

*Fool, try to make that line in front of the Chief and let's see how I laugh when he will send you to the mountain for a year.

Ignored the fool brother and let the package pass through the X-ray scanner.

On the screen, no dildo was seen and neither an explosive or anything dangerous.

*Well, there's no problem in it so let's call the Chief.

Really went to dial a number and was immediately connected.

It's easy for Yang to convince the two carriers and hand over the package.

After saying goodbye, the two left directly and finally freed themselves from a burden that almost took their lives.

As for the package, was sent to be stored in the safe of the Organization.

Meanwhile,,, Wigan Restaurant...

Hiraya and her sisters are having their dinner, already knew that Fina is safe and Yang will soon take her home to meet them.

Ning-ning is no exception and was amused while talking with Mishelle when her phone rang.

Went to excuse herself but didn't leave the table to take the call.

She got nervous all of a sudden when she saw the caller and you can feel it in the tone when she said;

"Hello dr. Reverie, did the result came out?"


"Yes mrs. Dulnuan, and it's so mysterious. I'm now here in Lagawe and will explain it to you and your husband personally. I wonder if we can meet right now?

This worried wife, she can't wait to know the current condition of her husband so;

"Doctor, do you know where's the Bugan hotel is, near the famous Wigan restaurant?"

Surprised to;

"Well, i'm in front of the Wigan restaurant right now. Is mrs. Dulnuan inside?"

Also surprised to;

"Yes Doctors, let's meet at the door."

"Alright, i'm on my way right now."

There's no need to say goodbye and just end the call with a tut sound.

But Ning-ning need to explain it to her sisters before leaving.

Both beauties were in a hurry and soon meet at the door.

In a biker getup, this doctor named Reverie has become a diferent person, a bad girl type beauty.


*Mrs. Dulnuan...

The two welcomed each other like this and before they could go on, two men came to aproach but were blocked by the guardian of the restaurant saying;

*These beauties were already taken so the two guests shouldn't bother.

Of course all playboys were only proud on their decks but no balls at all and left without saying a word after seeing how intimidating the speaker is.

*Thank you.

Ning-ning went to say thank you and was;

*It's nothing sister-in-law. Please excuse me.

Said the words and left.

Curious, Reverie can't help to;

*Your husband runs this restaurant? I heard it earns mllions a month?

The restaurant really earns a lot of money but Ning-ning is not that kind of a prideful wife, even she's a billionaire herself and just simply;

*Yes. Come on, let's have dinner first and meet some sisters.

All of a sudden, the two became close as they walk hand in hand heading to where Hiraya and others are.

Warmly welcomed by the group and there, they went to talk a lot.

Thirty minutes later, the meal ended.

Ning-ning said a reason and took Reverie to the room she and Yang are staying.

There's a few minutes to set the atmosphere before;

*Sister Reverie, let's talk about the result. You know, my husband once became like a different person and i'm very worried of what will happen in the future.

Seeing how worried this wife was;

*Ning-ning, don't worry too much. Even if i'm not sure what's going on in brother Wigan's brain, there's no way he can forget the people around him. At most, there will be a change in the personality but the good character still remains. As a matter of fact, it's a good thing for him. You know, the scan showed that he has a brain of a genius,,, genius in almost everything. We just need to test if it's applicable. Tell me Ning, what are the changes you observed from your husband?...