Bone Enhanced.


Yang thought of the word and didn't believe that it was fate, just a choice he and the others had decided to happen.

After thinking about it, he chose to compromise saying;

*As long as there's no coercion, I will be a donor if they agree.

*What, do you think we are like that? Believe me, Queennie and others will not hesitate to agree. With the love and admiration in their eyes, I bet they're already preparing themselves to be impregnate by you. So be prepared because it will happen tomorrow. You know, time is running so we should keep up. With your ability, I'm sure you can be a donor of thousands of women, a lucky basturd.

"Falk, who is lucky. That will be thousands of responsibilities."

Went to complain first in silence and want to set a boundary when;

*Anyway, let's talk about your X-ray result. You know, your healing ability was already shocking but your skull is in another level. I heard that you left a lot of cracks on the concrete wall where you bang your head and unexpectedly didn't break your skull, leaving only a simple open wound. I hope those abilities, my child will inherit it. By the way Wigan...

Sudden became affectionate to approach the man and went to cuddle before.

*I got Ning-ning's permission to be clingly as a wife to you when we are alone together. You know, I always wanted this kind of thing, to cuddle with the one I love but never experienced it.

The man can feel the emotional state of this woman and let her do what she wants.

He was curious of something and went to say;

*Five years in a relationship and never cuddled with your ex-boyfriend? What did you do then with those five years.

Remembering the past, Reverie went to sigh before;

*For the first year, there's a lot of dates and only I let him hold my hands because no matter how good he looks like on those months, there's the woman's intuition that something is off. He always ask me for us to do what lovers do but I said only after we get married. There comes a time that I got busy on my career so he suggested for the two of us to focus first in our own careers.Thinking that it will be good for both of us, I went to agree. More than three years later, I managed to establish myself and took the initiative to suggest that the two of us should also settle; but still disagree to get married, unless we become one body. With his acting skills saying he can't hold it anymore and was going crazy, I finally agree and let him use double protection. Even if I'm already twenty six at that time, I was afraid. Laying naked on the bed, I saw him want to enter right away without even a kiss to set the mood. Afraid of the pain from tearing, I just closed my eyes and braced myself. The next thing I heard after a few seconds, a satisfactory sound from him. When I opened my eyes, he's already trying to wear another two rubbers but couldn't make it hard once again,,, or maybe didn't get hard at all, only rubbed his to my mine and never entered, because no discomfort was felt at that time. To his embarrassment, left my apartment without saying a word. I tried to contact him saying we will find a way together and he immediately agree. I also did my own research and guess what I found out...

The man should only say what but unexpectedly;

*He had an Erectile Dysfunction caused by unhealthy lifestyle, mainly for having too much six. Definitely doing it already before the two of you had met and not because you won't allow yourself to be touched. Instead of cherishing someone who's so conservative as you with low chance to cheat, chose to cheat himself. It seems that your intiution saved you from the wrong person. This is a typical situation to many lovers and because those women immediately surrendered themselves, mostly became single mother. Thanks to the fact that your ex-boyfreind had already became like that because if not, it will lead to unprotected six all night.

For so many things the man had said, Reverie went to react to the last sentence saying;

*Basturd! What do you think of me, a slut? I admit that I had became earlier but only because it's you and never in front of other men. Even at that night with my ex-boyfriend, it was just...

But there's no need for this lady to continue because Yang was just kidding and went to interrupt saying;

*There's no need for an explanation because keeping your innocence that long while in a relationship, shows who you are. Too bad you met a lustful man to be spoiled by him.

And directly gave her a very long affectionate wet kiss.

Because the body is still sensitive, coupled with the fact that she's sitting on the man's lap for her to feel a throbbing hot and hard thing, was so wet to soak the inner clothing.

Before it's too late to stop, went to struggle freeing herself and said

*We can't go any further because little Tala is here. What's more, a nurse might come anytime to check on you so better behave yourself. Well, I need to go too so goodbye.

The woman obviously want to run away and left in a hurry.

Seeing this, Yang went to shake his head smiling before laying to the to other bed.

He's not stupid to sleep with Tala in his current state: hard and hot.

The man didn't know why but he's sleepy this time and directly feel asleep soundly.

No one knows when did the man enter an erotic dream...