Yang saw this wife in silence and went to;
*What now? Are you okay with such a very big belly?
Awaken from her thoughts and directly;
*Help me lay in the bed for you to receive your reward. Even if you look energetic and doesn't need this, it will be a big help for you physically.
Obediently, Yang went to help Numbers lay in the bed and gently suck one of her breast.
Feeling the gentleness, this wife laugh before saying.
*It will take us hours to be finish of you move like that. Just grab it with two hands and milk me like a cow, directly to your mouth. Better hurry up because I'm confident of my breasts having a lot of milk despite the size. Come on. I'm sure everyone is having their breakfast and really it's time to go out. I don't want for your sister to come again.
Now that she said it herself, the man went to milk the breast while sucking hard.
This is also a kind of stimulation especially for someone who's very sensitive on her teats.
Numbers is one of them for sweet female voice to keep resounding in the room.
Ten minutes later, the man just finished one breast and was about to milk the other one when someone came in and said directly;
*Borther, it's been more than an hour. Are you not coming yet.
And was immediately;
*I will be out after ten minutes.
*Huh! Better be or I will turn on the light and force you to come out.
Said a threat before leaving.
In a hurry, went to work harder on milking and sucking for him to dry the breast from it's supply for the day.
*What now? What do you want me to do?
*Lick me down there until something comes out. This may be disgusting to you but for male devourians, it's a treasure so don't waste even a drop. Try to stimulate the clitoris and I will hold it as much as I could to gather a big amount. I will give you a signal if it's coming out.
After hearing the words, went to lick the clitoris directly with no disgust.
Even this devourian wife is holding on, there's still a few droplets coming out and drank by the man.
Ten minutes later...
*It's coming,,, get ready.
Heard the words for him to open his mouth and try to cover the whole exit.
Soon, a tasteless fluid rush into Yang's mouth and he keep swallowing.
More than a minute later, the spring stopped to produce holy water but the man is still licking.
*Stop it because it has totally dried up. After giving birth, give me a year and I'm good to go again. Go, before your sister comes again. My sisters are on standby and will come when you leave to take care of me.
Sure enough before Yang could speak;
*Brother, you forced me to do this. I'm going to turn on the lights.
But was immediately;
*Stop it! I'm coming.
*Well, I will wait so better come now.
Yang heard this, quickly gave Numbers a kiss on her belly, put on his bathrobe and head to the door.
*Huh! So my brother finally came out. Is someone played loud musics in the room for you not to hear the sound of ten helicopters? Better hurry up and head to the provincial capitol conference hall because sister Ning-ning just updated me that things are getting out of control there. But first, you should take a bath,,, because I can smell several scents from you. Well, I'm going to visit sister Mifa so go there by yourself.
Said the words and left without waiting for this brother to speak.
When Tala left, Yang immediately went to smell himself and sure enough, there are many fragrances on his body, so good to the nose.
When to sniff a few times before heading to room D001.
As soon as the man left, a group of women came out from room Q005 and directly enter room Q006 with a lot of things with them.
Twenty minutes later...
Yang went to park his bike and quickly head to the conference hall.
Many men in military uniform came to stop him but these brothers from the Ifugao Headhunter Association were too domineering to intercept.
As soon as he enter the hall, saw her beloved wife arguing with a man in military uniform with four stars on his shoulder.
The man didn't step in right away and blends with the crowd, hearing;
*... it seems that women in this place are enjoying the freedom of speech. Why don't you stick in cooking and let us men do things here. It should be your husband talking here but I bet he can't because the man was too tired to come after falking his woman the whole night.
He said this and supported by his subordinates with laughters.
Ning-ning knew that this four star pig just said the words and didn't know that it's all true.
This topic, didn't change it and even use it to rebut saying;
*A very capable man like my husband, it's normal to attract capable women and really slept with thirty one woman the whole night with the intention to impregnate. Maybe right now as I speak, he's still falking the last one. Compare to you who needs ten viagra just to stay hard for a few seconds, I wonder how many women you paid just to laugh at your impotency. My words are the same as my husband's words. The province of Ifugao won't let someone comes to our land so arrogant and want to take the things we painstakingly acquired. We are willing to send help if the country needs it but for us to give you half of our assets, it's impossible.
Both insulted by truth and rejected, this four star fat middle age man instantly lost his temper.
Because of anger, went to raise his heavy hand intended to slap Ning-ning like those of a sumo wrestler...