Keep Training Until You Reach Your Peak...

Still in the bar office...

Yang will never get tired of the teats in front of him and continue to suck like an unconsumable lollipop when heard Ning-ning said in a mosquito voice;

*Yang-yang,,, I need to use the CR.

This husband heard it and can't help to ask;

*Can you stilll pee when yours clasping mine so tightly?

Was blushing when she;

*No,,, it's the other one.

Immediately understood for the husband to carry this wife to the CR.

Inside the CR...

*You,,, you look away because it's embarrassing.

But was just;

*Hahaha. There's no embarrasing thing between husband and wife. Come on, do you still want me to cheer you on?


Seeing how cute this wife at the moment, can't help to give her a very affectionate kiss before looking away.

Soon, there's a sound of something dropped on the water,,, and followed by a flush.

*Alright, I'm done.

Coming out the CR, Yang saw the time and it's already past seven.

*I will call Zeenthya to send food.

*Then I want spagetti with fried chicken. I'm afraid we will be like this until tomorrow so let's fill our stomach.

*Mine is pure meat,,, with the taste of your teats.

Hearing this;

*Basturd, how much do you love nipples and never get tired of it?

*Well, not more than how much I love you.

Gave her a kiss before making a call.

The two ordered food but what arrived first is a group of beauties.

Hiraya led more than ten sisters with a lot of food with them.

Ning was not embarrassed and even;

*Too bad,Yang-yang is not available tonight so your trip here is a waste.

*Hehehe. It's true that the legal wife had occupied the main arsenal but there's still the tongue for Yang-yang to drink everyone's waste energy.

It was Numbers who went to speak as she take off her clothes.

Knowing the benefits, Ning-ning went to agree and let this husband lay on the bed.

And so, Numbers went to join the battlefield and quickly shed love fluid.

After coming for three times, let another sister take over.

While the other sisters are eating, one sister is being eaten.

When Zheenthya came, not only brought food but also four beauties: Silena, Yukiyuna, Ziamantha and the bar manager.

Everyone quickly adopted and start to have good conversations.

Even Ning-ning who's connected to Yang is talking.

Not until it's past ten when everyone said goodbye and left.

The couple also went to rest as one: both bodies are improving.

Fortunately, Ning-ning was awaken by a feeling that her inside starts to relax.

Finally, went to separate from Yang and head straight to the CR.

The man was also awaken and saw his thing throbbing at five o'clock in the morning.

Yang also need to use the CR and went inside after Ning- ning.

When he came out, this wife had already got dressed and hug her behind and said in an affectionate tone;

*I love you Ning-ning. If you have an appointment with another man, please inform me because I don't want to feel that feeling ever again. You know,,, I'm somewhat a possessive man.

When Ning-ning heard this, went to face this husband before;

*Like I said, you will be the only man in this life,,, even to the next life and to the next.

Not only in words but went to kiss him affectionately to show her unconditional love for this unfaithful husband.

After a long affectionate kiss, the two separated for Yang-yang to;

*Today will be the day that the whole world will know what's coming. I think we had prepared enough and can somehow defend our land. With your sister Yannie and her team, our military strength can directly be doubled as soon as they built twenty modified SNEBA. It's not as good as alien Tech but can be a big upgrade to someone's physical strength.

Speaking of SNEBA, Ning-ning can't help to have a proud look saying;

*I'm not trying to boast but like you, I passed the test to become a Driver-Pilot and even a class S. My good sister Yannie will make a personal armor for me when they are done with yours.

Surprised,,, but somewhat expected for a capable wife for him to have a normal reaction.

He went to hug her affectionately as she hug him back too, for the couple to enjoy the wonderful moment.

Ten minutes later, the couple were satisfied for them to separate.

*Well, I'm going for a run. Mating strengthens the body but I still need some other physical activities.

*Then go. It's not good to keep a busy man,,, just remember to go to Bugan hotel and meet people.

*Alright wife, see you when I miss you.

And gave her a few seconds wet kiss before leaving.

It's already bright outside because the sun had risen.

Had a ten minutes stretching before starting to jog

He decided to run in such a good environment and head to the public park.

In just a few minutes jog, the man went on a sprint to reach the place in a short period of time.

Used the peripheral part of the park as a track, with a size of four olympic ovals.

The day is saturday for the man to see high number of joggers, and many of them are women who love to squad in order to have round ass.

It's good that the man still has self-control not to seduce them and drink their energy fluids.

But a man who jog with a speed of sprinting and passes them many times, these ladies unconsciously were attracted.

They want to approach but how can someone cope up with him, running like a man who's avoiding a woman he got her pregnant.

A smart beauty with round both front and back, knowing that the man is approaching, pretended to stumble but didn't expect for her ankle to really twist and got sprained on the spot.

The pain, made her to cry on the ground for real.

A gentleman like Yang, saw this and was quick to respond.

First, went to calm the woman as she place her to a comfortable position.

The man is doing a good job without taking advantage of the situation when suddenly...