After walking for several minutes, came in front a building.
As the young lady of the mansion, Astraliya just enter the facility with the greetings of those strong looking guards.
As a companion, Yang walk side by side with her.
Coming to a laboratory room where several beauties are busy, Astraliya approach the one who seems to be the team leader and immediately went to explain the matter.
The conversation lasted for more than ten minutes and finally, Astraliya ask Yang to take out the corpses.
Giving the final instructions, the couple left and head to a facility similar to a library on Earth.
In a room reserved for VIPs, Astraliya immediately went to orient Yang about a machine similar to a computer.
Born from a very inteligent mother, the man easily adopts to begin learning the common language in the universe he's being a captive. Astraliya was surprised because most of those warriors uses brute force and rarely their brains.
Seeing that she's only a distraction because of her beauty, decided to leave and be productive not to waste her time.
Sure enough, Yang become more focused and absorbs knowledge faster.
In just one day, the man was able to learn the basic and can now read and write.
Thinking that this should be enough, he decided to learn about the universe that sucks beings and never allows them to leave.
In a record, he found out that the most recognized name is Hollow Universe; obviously because of those black holes and portals appearing everywhere.
After reading some old records, the man got bored and decided to end his study session.
Coincidentally, met Astraliya when he came out the facility.
*Well, I'm sure you're done when you decided to come out. Then let's head to the lab to hear the result.
Got a little excited upon hearing the words for him to gently pull Astraliya by the hand; the one who led the way to the lab.
In the lab, all the scientists are already gathered and just waiting for the two to arrive.
*Well, how do you want to do this?
Was asked and directly;
*Let me just read the report and ask questions later.
Like a real wife who's obedient to her husband, led Yang in front a computer-like machine and there, let the man operates it.
Detailed and precised, answering what he asked for, Yang was able to conclude some possible facts. He just need to speak with someone who survived the passage to be more credible.
Got what he wanted and was thankful to thank these scientists in the language they understand.
Knowing the relationship between the male being in front of them and their young lady, everyone showed a polite expression with no arrogance while saying to the man you're welcome.
After saying goodbye, Yang gently pulled the confuse Astraliya to leave.
Coming out the laboratory room;
*Why husband,,, I thought you still gonna ask questions.
And the words was directly;
*There's no need because everything is in the report. The only thing left to do is to visit the daughter of the former strongest being that you mentioned. I just hope that her mother shared the experience in the passage for things to be clearer.
*Well, I already know where she is and can visit her right now if you want.
*Then let's go right away. This matter is very important to me and will priotize it than anything else.
*Alright, let's go see her but you should be prepared of her character. Like her mother, she's strong and only respect the strong. She will definitely test your strength and see if you deserves her time. I'm sure you can impress her and will spare some time to talk to us.
Now that she said her reminders, didn't speak anymore for the two to get out of the building.
Boarded an A.I. light-speed small spaceship and took flight heading to another planet.
In the ship, Astraliya can't stay still and was very curious to;
*So husband, what's your thought of the result.
The man was in his thought of something watching the view in space when this wife came to ask.
Remembered someone and was affectionate to hug her from behind.
Rested his head to her shoulder before saying;
*I miss them Astraliya. It's good you're here helping me out. When I found a way to leave here, I will take you home to meet them.
Said the words as he rub his cheek to hers.
Enjoying the sensation and feeling as she;
*Is this what husband and wife do,,, to support each other? Despite being here in the universe with different views, I can't help but to act like a good and loving wife to you. So I'm also thankful to be able to meet you and become your wife; because even there are many others out there who are better, you will always be the best in my heart. Well, you still need to answer my question.
Somewhat destroyed the moment with the last sentence, Yang still in the mood to face Astraliya and gave her a kiss full of love.
After a minute of exchanging feelings through saliva, the man was the one to stop as the expression become serious saying;
*In the findings, some facts led me to a conclusion that the passage is a portal itself. The beasts we killed are inhabitant of this universe but the scientists found out something on them which are not from this universe, noted that they probably got it in an evironment after staying for a short period of time. I know it's still too early to conclude but that something, they got it when they accidentally enter the portal and managed to find their way back home. And there's another thing,,, that the beasts had evolved several times in a short period of time. As smart as you, I'm sure you can guess how did they evolve that fast, the kind of environment where the portal led them. It's not the passage that killed those who went to try but what lies in that portal. One thing I'm sure about is that there are powerful beasts in there,,, probably the culprit that made the strongest being in this universe in a mess when she came out.
The words, Astraliya can't find any reason to say it's all nonsense.
She was about to speak her thoughts when suddenly...