Yang can dodge but chose to take the blow like a man.
Knowing the target, went to taut his abdominal muscles to take the punch inspired by martial art.
This strong dependent beauty was so confident on her punch, expecting for the arrogant boy to pass out on the spot but felt like her fist hits a body wearing an armor.
Got even more annoyed and very angry when;
*Come on girl,,, you should put on a little strength if you want to give me a good massage.
Really very angry to power up to her peak and about to put everything to one punch when suddenly, a figure appeared for her to;
So surprised to just say one word.
Unexpectedly, the newcomer is the former strongest being who was not seen for a long time.
In a flat tone, she said;
*Put on your clothes girl. Do you know that only your husband or breeder should see your body? And you, what is the purpose of someone tainted with god's aura in coming here?
So serious when she asked the question.
Astraliya on the sideline, was the one who went to;
*Elder Yira, his name is Wigan, my drifter husband. We're here to see sister Lira but now that you are here, can you please hear what he want to say.
Recognized the speaker to believe the words.
Looked at Astraliya and ask;
*Girl, how long do you know this male being?
With doubt as she;
*He just drifted here and entered the Altar a few days ago. There are things he found out about the passage and we are here to seek some truth from the Elder.
Upon hearing the word "passage", you can see the change on this elder's expression; let her remember a terrifying scene.
This daughter saw the change and went to hug her arm to comfort.
Thoughtful as he is, Yang put on his clothes before;
*Elder, I know that place is terrifying but the most terrifying thing is to live with it all your life. I can tell how strong you are and only that fear defeated you at that time but not by them. I'm a drifter who want to return home and the best way lies on that passage. I hope the elder will find courage and compassion to remember what she saw in there and give this junior more ideas; because a few days later, I will enter the passage myself.
The mother and daughter have that reaction but the most exaggerated one is Astraliya who can't help to;
*No husband! I will not allow it.
The man was patient and said in a soft tone;
*Wife, that passage is not very dangerous like everyone thinks. The only reason many beings had died is because all of them are too weak to escape death. I bet all those who managed to survive are all strong. You already seen my strength and won't be killed that easy. What's more, I can take powerful blows just with my body as you seen it just now. So please, can you support me in this one.
Being warmly touched on her cheeks while hearing the words, Astraliya wasn't that narrow-minded to keep nagging.
She was more convinced when;
*He's right... At that time, I was too scared to fight and chose to escape right away. There's no guarantee to win but at least, should had given them a good fight before escaping. Even after leaving the place, hunted me all these years up to the point that I stopped improving and shut myself from everything. Maybe it's time to share to someone and at the same time, finally leave it in the past, embrace the present and keep living for the future.
Hearing this, Lira as the favorite daughter is so happy hugging her mother.
The strong dependent female was gone and right now, she's just a sweet and loving child.
Astraliya also finds her comfort zone beside Yang, hugging his arm.
It took several minutes for the mother and daughter to settle down and finally;
*Alright, let's find a place to talk and I will tell you what happened in that passage.
Now that the elder had said it, the three young generations went to follow.
Went to another room with something to sit on and there they rested their buttocks.
This elder took a deep breath and let it out before;
*That passage is like the usual ones not until you go deep. There's a barrier that you can think as something to forbids someone to enter but I soon realized that it's the other way around. I was able to pass through and got deeper,,, didn't expect to see a portal. Hesitating to enter or not, but instinctively left the place to escape as soon as thick tentacles came out from the portal. Fear of death let me run for my life but those tentacles were fast to catch up. When one of the tentacles was about to catch me, lucky to pass through the barrier where the tentacles can't go. Gathered all my strength and left the palce without looking back again. Ashamed of myself, abandon my title which I don't deserve anymore and lived a monotonous life for the past years.
So I thank for the words of this junior helping me realize that your greatest enemy is yourself. Fear is just one of them and will conquer that first.
With this firsthand information, Yang became more confident to enter the passage.
Astraliya can tell what he's thinking for her to;
*Husband, are you really going to try? What if...?
But her lips were gently pinched and couldn't go on.
Yang went to kiss her on the forehead before;
*Once fear takes over, anyone will never give a full play of his/her abilities. Took over by fear, Elder Yira still managed to outrun the tentacles for several seconds. At my current peak speed, that's too slow. Even there are faster beasts beyond that portal, I'm confident to outspeed them all. I admit that I'm not invincible but sister Lira can tell how tough my body is. I think she already used fifty percent of her strength on that punch but didn't affect me at all which I also didn't give my all. With speed and toughness, only the real strong can hurt me.
Those words, Astraliya still want to convince when...