Nonstop Hard Training...

Yang hugs Mueihua as someone he misses and feel better.

Meuihua felt the sadness and went to comfort by showing an affection of a loving wife, until the spell ended for the two to return to their own world.

Coming back to the real time, saw Astraliya entered the room with that kind of expression.

He went to meet and put her in his arms saying;

*What's wrong my wife?

Went to comfort herself with the warm hug,,, before;

*I got myself checked today to know if I'm pregnant,,, but got a bad news instead. I'm sorry husband,,, I got a defect and can't give you a child. I can only help you have as many as you want with other female beings.

Yang heard this and can't tell if this wife is really okay or just only prentending.

But either way, he need to comfort both in words and action.

Went to caress the back as he;

*It's alright wife, we can just adopt if you want little ones to take care of. And we shouldn't give up because miracles is for everyone. What's more, there is science that can do imposible things and I will make sure for you to have a child in the future.

In fact, Astraliya really accepted her fate and had already moved on so she just;

*Well, even though Science is not the strong field of this universe, I hope one day, there will be a way. Alright, let's just forget about it and try to make a miracle. You won't receiving other guests today and let me have you all by myself.

Really forget about it and went to take off her clothes.

Yang with love in his eyes, very affectionate to give her a kiss,,, all over her body.

And there, the couple make love not only for a day but several days.

When Astraliya left in a good mood, another mysterious beauty came to visit.

It's true that she is beautiful but Yang was more attracted on her solid abdominal muscles that the upper clothings failed to cover.

Despite having a body full of muscles, the breasts are still bouncy as she walks towards him.

Went to activate the spells first before;

*You look small but I hope you're really that strong to keep up not to waste the spells that took a lot of fortune just to get it.

Said this and went to remove her clothes.

Yang had a thing for ripped beauties for his testosterone to rise at its peak.

As a reply to the beauties words, he simply said;

*There's only one way to find out and that is for us to take action.

Really went to move and carried the ripped beauty to the bed.

She's heavy but Yang is not stupid to say it.

Let her lay on the sturdy bed and chose to begin wih those firm breasts.

Invested more on that part, went up to the lips as he rub his thick and hard thing to the beauty's lower lips.

This ripped beauty seems to have a character for her to;

*Are you going to put it in or not? Because I'm not that kind of food that you can only lick and suck.

Hearing this, Yang can't help to smile saying;

*With your tough body, I need to loosen a little bit. Of course, I need your cooperation and relax your muscles. Because no matter how hard my thing is, I won't get inside you that easy. You know, you also need to become wet down there so be patience and let me do what I did to the others. Do we have a deal?

Went to look at her dry and tight flesh scabbard before;

*Then I leave everything to you.

Came to an agreement,Yang can now continue with no worries for him to finally lick the center of pleasure, including the pearl.

Also tried to spread the two hams and go deeper with his tongue.

With his great effort, like a dry spring that starts to produce water again for the man to drink all of it.

Now that it's ready;

*Well, I'm coming in. And try to relax because you really are tight.

After feeling pleasure for the first time, this ripped beauty become a little bit of a lady to nod without nagging.

Seeing this, Yang was more at ease to take her first.

Went to do a few rubbing before aiming and slowly, went to penetrate while giving the ripped beauty a wet kiss.

Really tight for the man to use a little strength, felt a lot of resistance.

Soon, managed to reach the end and let it stay there for hers recognize his.

After a minute of kissing and licking, slowly went to move to make it sloppy before taking to the next level.

It took some minutes for the inside to adopt and there, Yang went to quicken the pace for this ripped beauty to produce sweet female sound.

Sang a long note when they both came together.

Getting the momentum, Yang never stopped and went to maximize the time.

Even if it's a century, he's not that person who waste even a second.

Days, months, years,,, and again, one century had passed for this ripped beauty to;

*Alright, it's time to go. My name is Jura and come find me if you're strong enough.

The man didn't say his goodbye in words instead, through a wet kiss,,, until she disappeared.

Again, the next thing he saw is a beauty entering the room as soon as he return to reality.

Did not snub and went to treat her like he treat a wife.

The man even have time for a short conversation before sending them away.

Days have passed and Yang is expecting for a special visitor but was a little disappointed that no one came.

When he thought that the ripped beauty named Jura was the last one, someone came to visit a month later that surprised the man...