The Most Powerful Enemy So Far...

The couple spent some time together before Yang did some preparations.

Went to check if his three battle suits are still working and was not disappointed.

Also, didn't forget to assess his current state and let the mother of Astraliya try one of her powerful spell on him.

As a precaution, this mother-in-law decided to start in her fifty percent strength.

She has affinity to fire for her to use a blazing spell which only burned the man's clothes.

Seeing this problem, Astraliya was thoughtful to design some inner clothes for her man that are made with special materials to at least protect his manhood from being seen by others.

When the inner clothes are done and worn, the mother and son meet again to resume the assessment.

This time, Astraliya's mother uses eighty percent of her strength but still, can't even inflict a little damage to Yang's evolved body.

There's still a hundred percent strength to try but this mother-in-law thinks it's useless to say;

*It's hard to believe but I believe that at my level, I can't hurt you so there's no need to go on. I'm also confident that you will be fine when you enter the passage. So Astraliya, don't treat him like a weakling and stop worrying because he can be considered as the strongest here. Well, say your goodbye and send him away already.

Said the words and left,,, can't wait for the passage to be conquered and finally, the whole universe will know what lies in there.

The couple were left and Astraliya really went to say her goodbye, with more than a minute kiss.

After her, Yang didn't forget to visit Mkhay, said their goodbyes through spurting and squirting.

The bandit leader also got a goodbye treat and so as her sisters.

Sunshine and Moonlight went to visit themselves together with Lira.

It took a few days for the man to say all his goodbyes and finally, the time comes he will enter the passage.

Afraid for Astraliya and other to make such impulsive action, convinced them not to come with him to Sacredstar.

After a long talk, Yang head out alone heading to his destination.

Using his own light-speed ship, arrived at Sacretstar in less than an hour.

In front the passage, Yang equipped his third generation battle suit with some devices and uses a few enhancing active spells.

Took a deep breath and let it out together with those negative energy. With no fear to weakens the body and mind, went to move forward heading to the passage with vigilance.

In the darkness, the man can see like it was daytime and didn't find any treat.

After a careful approach, reached the spot where the barrier is located.

Didn't hesitate to pass through and continue to move forward.

Soon, came in front the portal and waited for the tentacles to make a move; ready to cut anything that comes out.

But after waiting for five minutes, nothing happened for the man to move forward and see the beast to the other side himself: expecting a trap or an ambush.

With vigilance at its peak, Yang went to enter the portal.

After a moment of darknesss where he can't see a thing, several tentacles came into sight, rushing towards him to welcome.

As expected, the speed is too slow for him counter attack.

With two energy swords in his hands, evaded the tentacles and went for the head of the octapus-like beast; landed multiple slashes and let it bleed to death.

The man was surprise see a wisp of smoke coming out the corpse of the beast and rushed towards him.

He want to dodge but was too fast to hit him and disappear.

Immediately went to check if there's something wrong to himself but didn't find any problem.

Went to put aside the matter first because the man soon noticed that he's surrounded by differrent kinds of beasts: stronger than the one he just killed.

Quickly send the corpse to his storing device and took the initiative to attack.

There's no fancy move and just simply swing his swords to cut and stab.

Yang was completely outnumbered but didn't give the beasts any advantage as they can't keep up with the man's speed.

Seeing there fellow beasts losing their vitality, those weaker ones start to retreat.

The others who chose to stay, were easily killed by Yang.

After clearing the area from any treat, the man then scout the place and found out that he's in a shallow vast swamp and the portal gate is just setup in a big tree trunk.

Afraid that one day the barrier weakens for powerful beasts to pass through, the man decided to slaughter all the beasts around it.

Leaving three beacons at the place, went to begin his hunt: whatever he sees will be a prey.

Unexpectedly, an army of beasts came to meet for Yang to reassess the situation.

It was considered as an army because some of the beasts wear armor and even wield weapons.

What's more, there's a strong looking commander that leading them to the battlefield.

It's Yang first time to see such a scene but never will be afraid for new things and he's even excited to test his strength.

Didn't wait for them to arrive and chose to deliver several slashes.

With a single action, was able to kill more than ten beasts who are evolved.

Not all of them produce wisp of smoke upon death for Yang to conclude that it depends on the beast's strength.

Seeing his army being slaughtered, this commander who's definitely a crossbred one went to roar before rushing towards Yang.

Feeling how physically strong the attacker is, didn't go head on and dodge the punch.

Was quick to go behind and swing his sword to the neck where there's no armor protecting it.

Yang put some strength on that swing but to his surprise, the energy blade can't cut through and only managed to leave a very small cut, really need to reassess the situation...