Knowing The Unknown Place...

Yang finally met someone to communicate and was welcomed by a group who are not welcoming.

A mere leader of a squad has that arrogant look, staring at Yang like he's an enemy.

With no gesture of submissiveness nor arrogance, the man raise his hands to show that he is not a threat.

But still, these lowest in the rank treated the newcomer as armed and dangerous; pinning him down to the ground as they put on a device on his wrist.

Yang can tell that it's a restraining device and just let them succeed.

*Dnes mih ot ruo skcarrab dna tel su ecrof mih ot evig sih egarots gnir before gnidnes mih yawa.

*Sey ris¡

Yang had no idea of what they're talking about and was still patience to let them control him.

He was about to be taken away in secret when;

*Ti mees > that there's really this kind of crime under my command. You all know the punishnent but still dare to commit. Go on, cut off their limbs and throw them to the cliff.

*No general,,, let me explain.

The leader of these lowly soldiers went to speak but was ignored, dragged by those elite soldiers to execute the order outside the camp.

Yang still didn't understand any words but can tell the situation basing on what he saw.

Unexpectedly heard this newcomer who saved him say;

*What's a drifter doing here far from its territory? Is the North not enough for you to come here and hunt?

Upon hearing the words, there are many questions Yang want to ask but will reveal his secret so he didn't instead;

*It's good someone knows how to speak our language. Well, thank you for solving the trouble just now. There are beasts that cannot be found in the North so I came here hunt; but I never thought that outsiders are not welcome.

Believed the lies of the man for this general to;

*There are rules to follow in handling beings who come and go to the Land of the Beast and those soldiers just abused their authority. You will be treated accordingly and after some assessments, you're free to go. I'm sure you know the reason why we need to do things.

Yang can guess for him to say;

*I understand.

And so, this general gave the order for the man to be taken to a building.

He didn't go with them for Yang to worry about how to communicate; but didn't expect to meet another being who can understand him.

It's a female sorcerer whose job is to make sure than the man is really himself: detects beasts in disguise and demons.

Just performing one magic trick, Yang was proven as himself for the restraining device to be removed.

*Alright, you can go now. But I want to remind you that drifters are not common in this land so better cover that mark not to attract attention.

*Well, thank you for your concern. Goodbye.

It's unusual for the two not to bang and Yang really left after saying goodbye.

Taking the beauty's advice, the man wrapped his head with cloth to cover the mark of a drifter,,, and became a mysterious being.

After walking for a while, it was confirmed that the place is a camp obviously meant to protect an area from beasts.

"Unexpectedly, the whole land that I saw is the territory of the beast. That explains why there are many of them roaring and chasing me on the way. Well, now that I'm in a land of my fellow beings, it's time to find a way to know about this place. Then it's best to head to the North,,, hoping that this planet is not in Hollow universe or I'm going back from the start again in finding my way home."

Just as the man finished talking to himself in silence, and about to leave, he was suddenly;

*Stop right there! Slowly turn around and show your face.

Yang didn't understand but know how to reply,,, just went to show the mark on his face.

Unexpectedly, this very strict looking female soldier know how to speak drifter language saying;

*Coincidentally, you're a drifter and will be my guide to the North. You don't have a problem on that do you?

Was also very domineering to say the words with a straight face.

This matter, the man can't lie and choose to;

*I'm sorry but I'm not a drifter who comes out a lot and wasn't familiar to places even our territory.

Yang was honest to say the truth but was simply;

*It doesn't matter. What I need is your mark. I'm sure you know how drifters treat their own compare to others so just be my free pass. You know, flying is prohibited so I need to pass through every outpost. I don't want to play those hidden rules and sheet so you should ride with me.

Really straightfoward to say sheet right in the face but Yang liked it and went to agree with a smile; happy to have a free ride and a guide.

With no changes on her face;

*Then come with me because we're leaving right now.

Has no problem to follow the domineering beauty who had already turn to leave.

The two came to an open area and a small aircraft is already there waiting.

Inside, there are four other beauties with strong aura,,, definitely her entourage.

*By the way, there's something I need to get at home so we head there first.

*Well, it's up to you.

Got used to be with beauties like this and there's nothing new to just agree.

Saw a bunk and went to lie down to take a snap,,, make plans with a cover.

One of the entourage want to say something but was stopped by the domineering beauty by a gesture.

Gave the order for them to leave before finding a seat,,, her first time to travel sitting.

These four beauties were shocked but quickly recovered for one of them to pilot the aircraft,,, heading to the city...