Chapter 3

Kodak caused many wars on earth and transformed many into her personal army making them full beasts with the ultimate strength to face off in any battle either against the humans or the gods because she knew her existence would have been made known unto the gods so she prepared well. "How come you possess such powers?" said Kratos talking of how Thena's hand became fire "that is none of your business" replied Thena; Kratos continued "Such human in the presence of a god and she dared to use the powers of a god, how dare you?" but Thena said nothing "You deserve to die!" said Kratos.

Thena boiling with the anger and hatred she has for Kratos replied him "you are the one who is on the verge of death", with anger Kratos jumped into the arena with his blade of destruction to destroy Thena for good but was blocked by Thenas's thunder blade made with her strength and will; seeing how strong her will to kill him was Kratos laughed and began to talk her down and call her mere pawn in his handso he could make her act out of anger and not will so he could have the advantage to slay her so he mentioned her dead family,how they died a misrable death; hearing this Thena charged towards Kratos with her sword turning into an axe to kill him with anger but Kratos became too fast for her and he gave her a devastating strike to her ribs that she fell on her knees and shouted with great pain; "so you really think you could best me in combat,i am the god of war Kratos and you are a mere human who will die like your useless family then i will go down to earth and finish off Kodak and her filthy army and you will not witness it because death would be busy with you" Kratos jumped up with the hammer of death to smash Thena into pieces but instead of his hammer to hit Thena it was blocked by an arc of lightning around her then he looked at Zeus "are you doing this? is she one of your whores" but Zeus could not understand how she could draw so much energy and power from him that it would stop the god of war.

Thena raised up her head to look at Kratos and he saw that her eyes had became like that of Zeus so white that he could swear that it was Zeus that is before him in the arena; Kratos quickly switched back to his blade and Thena brought her blade forth then they started thier fight in darkness and in light,Kratos did his special skills of spining blade but everything was blocked by Thena so he laughed and said to her "your family is dead, no need to fight on and get destroyed too.If you stop now i promise to spare you" but Thena's anger was too much for her to hear him say anything so she charged again and this time she came with the conscience of both human and a god attacking Kratos with the "seven elders attack" specially created by Zeus, Kratos felt the hard attack against him and he noticed that if he continued to fight her like that he would be gravely injured so he laughed again and bent his head towards the right side to transform into the supernatural self "mhad wr'ry" but this was the moment Thena was waiting for to make her specially designed skill called "tekura alepea". The skill is powered by her strong will and also from the power of Zeus and it is able to damage anything to its critical level; then as Kratos was transforming into his death mode she made her move,shifting and placing her right foot on the sands and her left leg up in the air but this time she made sure she drew enough power from Zeus which made the attack the most deadly in olympus till today.As Kratos shifted into the death mode she made her attack to his head before he could make his move then silence was everywhere when they all saw Kratos head on the sands of the arena and the angry face of Thena.Faced with the reality that should be IMPOSSIBLE the gods stood up and was shocked then Thena moved close to Kratos's head and looked into his eyes to claim her victory but events turned and immediately as she looked into his eyes,Kratos's powers and strength as the god of war became hers and she became the Goddess Of War Thena the first human to kill a god and take his position.

Thena fainted after the powers were transfered to her and she woke up days after and she saw that her dress and appearance were different from the way she was before so she went out of her room to meet with Zeus but he did not treat her as his apprentice anymore but as the goddess of war and also as a daughter;Zeus taught her everything she needed to know about olympus and other gods but said nothing of Kodak till she asked him then he told her "kratos and kodak were once lovers but when kodak became obsessed with power kratos was forced to defeat her and trap her in the land of desolate beasts" why did'nt he just kill her instead of trapping her?" asked Thena. "kratos love for kodak runs deeper than his powers and onlu he can kill kodak,that is why he trapped her in far away lands;now that kratos is dead and you are now the goddess it is now your responsibility to put an end to Kodak once and for all before she comes to destroy Olympus."

Kodak felt the death of Kratos on earth and was joyful pains,the love of her life and also her greatest enemy is dead and there is no one powerful enough to stop her now so she created a special army with godlike strength and powers;sent them to Olympus to prepare for her arrival and to kill any god that revolts against them. When the army got to Olympus they broke open the gate and destroyed the walls but was confronted by Hades who used his strength to destroy thirty out of the army but he did not know that they had greater power than he has;as soon as those thirty demons fell,they rose up much more greater than they were before they fell and one of them singlehandedly destroyed Hades.

When the other gods saw how they destroyed Hades, they marveled and no one was bold enough to stand up for Olympus "why can't you do something?" said Thena to Zeus "this is not my fight,it is yours you are now the goddess of war and only you can put a stop to this"answered Zeus; Thena flew down to where the demonic army stood and destroyed them with her blades of destruction which was passed to her after the death of Kratos, so she looked at the other gods in Olympus and departed for earth to put an end to Kodak.