Keep holding on

"Wow! We're in the same class again, Gwen!

"Gwen, let's be a group!"

"Ah, this seems too difficult for me, anyone wants to help me?"

"Gwen, sorry ... last night I overslept, I will do this tonight, I promise not to oversleep!"

"Gwen ... yesterday I attended the funeral of one of my family's distant relatives, I forgot to tell you ... have the assignments been collected?"

Again, again, and again.

Casey's worst nightmare came true, despite her best efforts to avoid it.

Erica always followed her wherever she went. Casey's safe, peaceful, and peaceful life on campus was only a week long during the campus introduction event. And it turns out that almost all the classes that Casey took were the same as the girl. Because Casey is an introvert, her energy is often drained because she is always beside Erica, who is always surrounded by many people. The beautiful girl was too bright to make Casey dim, or even look like a shadow.

It turns out that Casey is still just Gwen Valerian, the heroine who doesn't rebel much and always obeys everyone like a dog to her master.

No way! Casey doesn't want that! Casey had warned that if something went wrong, he would fight back. Don't want her fate to be oppressed like the original heroine.

"Erica, did you finish your part? You said today should be over," Casey asked after the class changed. Whenever there is a group assignment, Erica always wants to be with Casey. Actually, Casey was reluctant, especially since Erica always attracted people she couldn't work with. Erica herself was even more difficult.

"Gwen, sorry! I'm a little unwell. Even today, my parents actually told me not to come in first," Erica replied with a pale and sad face as if feeling guilty. Casey could only stare at her flatly, because this was the umpteenth time she had made excuses that didn't make sense to Casey.

"Are you okay? You shouldn't have to force it, Erica," said Liana, one of the other members. She rubbed Erica's back gently, looking worriedly at the girl who was considered the flower of the architecture faculty.

"You better rest, let me do the work,"

"That's not necessary, Tier! You only replaced me yesterday," Erica refused to the long-haired man. "I must have troubled you a lot."

"You're self-conscious, too," Casey thought, still hesitant to speak.

"Absolutely not! We're a team, so it's natural for us to help each other!" The man named Tier was still trying to convince. Casey was still looking at Erica, who was now considering Tier's words. Before the girl uttered sweet words, Casey had better say.

"You still have three days, you can still keep your promise, right, Erica?" Casey asked, pressing the back of her hand against Erica's forehead. "You don't have a fever, and you sure won't be sick for long. Get well soon, my best friend," Casey said, with a worried look. Casey was about to laugh when Erica's face had a look of shock at her sudden demeanor.

"O—oh, yeah . . . thank you, Gwen."

"Hey, but Erica was still sick. Aren't you being too hard on her?" Tier defended For a moment, Casey turned to look at Tier with a flat gaze that made the man look scared for a moment.

"Rather than that, Tier, I've checked the results of your and Liana's assignments, but there's still something I think is missing. Can you guys fix it and send it back to me tonight? " Casey asked, while smiling faintly. Because her face continues to look flat, she will seem cold and heartless. She also doesn't want to look like a bad group leader, and her job is just to order this and that. Even from the beginning, she had been a lot of patience, letting her members do as they pleased. Let them do random assignments and she will fix them again to be sent to the lecturer. Meanwhile, Erica's task was only a burden for the group.

Casey wondered why people like them could enter this campus.

"Ah ... I don't promise, tonight I have a business," said Liana.

"Me too. There's a street basketball game..." Tier said as he rubbed the back of his neck. Casey couldn't help but smile at their excuses. What's more, Tier, is street basketball really more important than what her task is? However, Casey could not protest. This was normal for her, she would be more tired of arguing with them than revising the assignments sent.

"Okay, that's fine."

Tier and Liana went outside the classroom, and now it was just the two of them. Casey turned to look at Erica.

"Erica, you're going to help me, right? I can't do this alone," Casey begged with a sad look.

"Of course! I'll do it tonight," Erica said, smiling forcefully.

"Really? I was wondering if what Tier said was true. Was I really that hard on you?"

Erica shook her head quickly and hugged Casey. "Absolutely not! I'm the one who apologizes for bothering you."

A lopsided smile etched on Casey's face, she stroked the beautiful girl's back gently. "It's fine, Erica. I understand your condition."

As for Erica, the look on her face was a little scary from holding back emotions. She clenched her fists tightly. Her plan didn't go well. Casey had not allowed herself to behave as arbitrary as the previous days. Even Casey's attitude was like stepping on her pride at this time.

After this hug is released, they will both put on a fake face again. Together they devise various plans to be able to bring each other down.

Erica let go of the hug first. "Oh, no! You'll get sick of me!!" Erica exclaimed, as she covered her mouth.

Casey only responded with a small chuckle.


Eric had just come out of the lecturer's room to remind the class that it was about to start because the man from the first year of college had always been in charge of the class. His life on campus is always busy, always trying to be active anywhere as long as it's a positive thing. He didn't want to lose as great as his three brothers. Considering Luke, as the eldest brother is a famous actor, all the films he has played have always received high ratings and received many awards. Then there is Noel, CEO in the hospitality sector with his calm and dignified demeanor. Whatever is given to Noel always achieves perfect results. And lastly, his younger brother, Gabriel. Even though Gabriel looks spoiled and childish, he can go to school interspersed with being a fashion magazine model, product, and so on. His first job immediately made Gabriel famous in an instant.

Sometimes, Eric envies the success of his own brothers. He had decided after graduation that he would become a great and famous architect so that he could balance himself with his three brothers.



A basketball is thrown at Eric. Luckily, Eric can quickly catch the ball. The man looked at the perpetrator who threw him and chuckled softly.

"Hey! Don't suddenly throw the ball like that! What if I don't realize it? I might get hit in the face!" Eric protested. He didn't show that he was upset. He always had a smile on his face.

"Haha! Then don't daydream. After all, what if your face gets hit? Have you lost an important asset?" teased one of his friends, who was still laughing loudly.

Eric smiled and threw the basketball back. "My important asset is here," said Eric, tapping his head to show that his important asset was his brain.