Red like boiled lobster

Casey ate Riley's dessert that was brought by Eric. The man knew that Casey would be in the library at night. He has studied and done his assignments. Even while he was in college, Eric was rarely seen as sleep-deprived because of his homework. Time management is very good, even though it is coupled with organization and all other activities. For tonight, he intends to help his college juniors, who else if not Casey.

"How was the sketch assignment from Dean?" asked Eric, breaking the silence. He was actually melting with Casey's cheeks, which continued to chew the chocolate cake without stopping at all.

"Perfect! I got compliments and good grades!" Casey exclaimed, holding up his thumb. Eric chuckled softly as he ruffled Casey's mane. "I know you're great! Good thing I brought your assignment."

"Hehe, thanks again, Master."

It seems that now is the right time to take action to match Eric and Erica. Even though Casey's little heart is very unwilling. However, due to formality, like it or not, she had to do it.

Casey looked at Eric, who was now reading a journal on his laptop. Occasionally, the man took a sip of the black coffee that was beside him. Even in his free time, Eric still finds time to read a journal. If it was Casey, he'd fall asleep the second he'd read two pages. Casey sighed, regardless of the angle, Eric was really very handsome and great. He's not all that different from his brothers.

Casey cleared her throat, for Eric to focus on her. In fact, she felt guilty that the topic would be so insignificant compared to what Eric was currently doing. She didn't know if the man would be upset or not.

Eric didn't respond at all.

Casey cleared her throat again. This time is harder. But because it was too loud, it became a real cough and it was difficult to stop. Eric quickly gave her a drink while patting Casey on the back.

"What are you doing? You can call me normally if there's something you need," Eric said worriedly, while holding back his laughter because Casey's attitude was ridiculous.

"You understand quickly, but you're silent," Casey pouted, blushing with embarrassment.

"I was waiting for you to call my name. After all, you're acting weird," Eric burst out laughing. Casey could only curse in his heart. "So what's the matter?"

"Um ... that ...." Casey couldn't speak properly. She was confused about where to start. Eric was still waiting patiently, reading his journal again.

"Can I tell you a story?"

Eric stopped reading. He turned his chair to face Casey perfectly. Focus completely on hearing a story from the other person. The man smiled gently. "Of course, you can. What's wrong?"

Casey took a deep breath before speaking. This was the only thing to open the conversation about Erica, even though she would lie a little. "You know, Erica was my first friend. She was also the one who helped me when I fell and spilled the drink on my clothes. From the start, I felt she really was like a goddess. Not only is she beautiful, but she also has a very kind heart.He always helps me when I study, making it easy for me to blend in with others too. That's all because of it. I feel very lucky to be friends with someone like Erica. Maybe you think I'm exaggerating, but I think Erica is like a savior goddess to me," Casey said, long, clear, and useless. Her stomach was churning asking to get out of there from saying too much nonsense and being full of lies. Casey is nauseous. She hated to say it, but that's the only way.

Casey glanced at Eric, who didn't respond. Eric didn't sleep, did he? Please don't make Casey suffer more and have to say something like that a second time.

Eric rubbed his chin, thinking. "Hmm, so what's the point of the story?" asked Eric innocently. Instantly, Casey felt like a boulder had fallen right on top of her head.

"I—I just wanted to say that I'm really happy to be friends with someone as good as Erica. Ah, you can forget what I said. Sorry to waste your time." Casey bribed her cake back, crying inside. Maybe now Eric thinks it was very stupid and unclear. It looks like tonight, her brain has been very short-circuited, so it can't function properly.

Eric was still watching Casey's movements with a small smile tugging at his lips. It's funny to see Casey's behavior. "I see what you mean. You want me to think the same thing about Erica. Is that so?"

"Y—yes, something like that ...."

The man stroked his chin, thinking. "Hmm, Erica does look good, cheerful, and always surrounded by people. I've also often heard that Erica is arguably the prettiest student in your class," Eric said, which made Casey flinch. For some reason, she didn't like it when those strange compliments really came out of Eric's mouth. "If you enjoy being friends with her, I'm also glad you can enjoy your college life." Eric again stroked Casey's black hair.

"Ugh… why do you keep ruffling my hair," Casey protested with pursed lips.

"I love it! Your hair is as smooth as dog hair!" Eric said casually, with a big smile.

"Erica is really pretty, isn't she?" Casey asked suddenly, until Eric stopped ruffling Casey's hair.

"Hm? Yes, I admit."

'Eric, you keep making my heart hurt.' Casey grimaced inwardly, annoyed and sad all mixed into one. Why is this man so insensitive and too relaxed. Ah no. It's her own fault. If Casey is fishing, why should she be the one to be upset. Labile girl.

Casey thought back. She had to tell her what Erica was like. She was hardly ever sincere with her. She is also aware that she is not someone who makes up stories easily. Casey cursed inwardly, Erica kept giving her trouble.

"What do you really want to talk about?" asked Eric. His face so close to Casey's made the girl reflexively back away. Her heart rhythm was out of control due to a sudden attack.


For some reason, their faces are getting closer, Eric doesn't seem to want Casey to stay away from him until his fingers touch Casey's smooth cheeks. The girl could feel Eric's warm breath as well as the masculine scent of the man's perfume. Her brain couldn't work properly, she didn't know why the atmosphere between the two of them had become like this. Her tongue was so numb and her body was reluctant to move, as if enjoying the distance between them being so close. Eric now turned to look at Casey's luscious pink lips, his fingers now moving to touch those lips. No one knows where the devil came from to make Eric brave like this.

"M—master? W—what's your ideal type?" Casey asked, making Eric blink his eyes, confused.


Casey ventured to move away from her previous position. Her heart was beating faster. Her face was undeniably red like a boiled lobster, even red to the ears. She spontaneously asked this, don't ask why, because she herself doesn't know why!

"M—my ideal type?"

"N—no need to answer, I'll go first!" Casey got up and tidied up her chores before saying farewell and running away, leaving her young master there alone. Her heart would explode if she stayed by Eric's side.

After Casey left, Eric covered his mouth with one hand. As if he remembered what happened earlier, Eric's face began to heat up until the red color slowly appeared on his cheeks. "Stupid, what was I going to do just now …."