Wilson's real family

Casey is getting used to the orphanage children. They played, sang, and even danced together. The laughter never left the place. Eric and Gabriel always had fun stuff to make the kids laugh. Meanwhile, some girls started to open the shopping bags they had brought with them. Clothes and toys are shared by each child. Casey even picked out the clothes.

"Wow! This dress is so cute! I like it. Thank you so much!" cried one of the little girls as she hugged Noel's neck.

"Say thank you to the woman who was there. She chose it for you," Noel said, pointing at Casey. The little girls immediately ran and hugged Casey.

"Thank you, sis Gwen!"

"E-eh?" Casey was confused when a group of girls suddenly ran up and hugged her.

"Noel said we should thanks to you for choosing clothes for us!" It's obviously one of the kids. Their faces were so happy.

Casey chuckled softly and nodded. "I see. You're welcome, I'm happy if you like it." Casey stroked the children's hair in turn. After that, they went back to Noel and told him many things about their daily life at the orphanage. Casey got up from her seat, intending to get a glass of water because her throat felt dry. She gulped it slowly while gazing at the cool sight she wouldn't see often.

"Are you happy to be here?"

Casey turned to the source of the voice and saw a mature man with glasses. She smiled and then looked back at the children. "Yeah, I'm grateful to be here."

James chuckled softly. "Thank God. The children do come here quite often. Because this is their orphanage." James opened the topic. The children in question are the Wilson brothers. "But because they are getting busy with their activities, I always represent them."

"Aren't you also busy because of a doctor?" Casey asked, getting interested in the conversation.

James smiled faintly. "I must still make time for children. Just knowing their complaints, the things that make them happy. Besides, seeing them happy makes my energy full again."

"You're very kind, Sir," Casey said, sincerely, making the man laugh out loud.

"I blushed at being complimented by a cute girl."

Casey was getting scared because James would sometimes say things like perverted uncles. She only responded with an awkward smile.

The man's face instantly turned sad, but he still tried to smile. "Since long ago, the Wilson family has never allowed the children who were abandoned by their parents to suffer even more. Because of that, they have quite a number of orphanages. Even their only child continued to do this well until now. Eldric and Noa have succeeded in educating their children. to be exactly like them," James explained. The man took out a tissue and wiped the corner of his eye even though there were absolutely no tears there. "Huhu, I want to cry," he joked.

"E—eh! Are you really crying? But, sir, what do you mean by an only child? Aren't they all four siblings?" Casey asked, confused. "Then who are Eldric and Noa?" There were so many questions running through Casey's mind.

"Actually, Noel is the only real family in the Wilson family. Everything else is the same as the children here. And those two names are Noel's parents," James answered, making Casey's eyes widen in disbelief. Although she actually knew a little about it. James turned to Casey with a sweet smile. He put his index finger to his lips. "Don't tell anyone again, okay. It's our secret."

The girl nodded quickly. "I'll lock it tight."

"Eh~ What does?" asked James, with his mischievous smile.

"M—my mouth ...."

"Ahaha, you're really cute, Gwen. No wonder the others love to be around you," James teased endlessly. Casey could only look down in shame, her blushing cheeks reaching to her ears.

Eric, who wasn't too far from them, had been stealing glances for a while because he was worried about James' attitude, which often teased anyone. His annoyance peaked when he saw Casey's blushing face. Eric tapped a boy's shoulder. "Ello, did you see that old man flirting with a girl? What do you think we should do?"

The boy, named Ello, followed Eric's gaze. "We have to protect the girl!" the answer firmly.

"That's right, you are smart! Let's separate them!" Eric ordered. Ello and the other children immediately charged at James, who didn't know anything.

While Eric laughed contentedly at the sight of it, Noel could only shake his head resignedly at his brother's actions.

It was getting late, it was time for them to say goodbye and go home. The children were reluctant to let go of their four siblings, even though James and the other caregivers were overwhelmed with it. Casey couldn't help but smile knowingly. Because if she were those children, her attitude wouldn't be much different. How could you possibly want to let go of the four princes who have hearts as good as angels? The sense of belonging and locking him up instantly rose a thousand percent.

"You," someone called, causing Casey to find a child who had previously been rude to her.

"O—oh, Hi, Reo," Casey greeted him a little awkwardly because she was still afraid of the boy.

Reo handed Casey a delicious-looking chocolate cookie with a shy face. Casey received the package, confused but didn't want to ask, preferring to wait for the next words from Reo's mouth. "I-I'm sorry about earlier. It's made by me. If you don't like it, throw it away," he said, turning his face to the side. Casey could see the blush on the boy's round cheeks.

Ah, Casey is feeling so happy.

Casey brought the package to her chest, smiling sweetly. "Thank you, Reo. I'm very happy. I think I'll put it in my room!"

"I—idiot! I made them to be eaten, not displayed!" Reo protested, but Casey ignored the kid's cursing. She was too happy as if in her stomach there were many butterflies flying.

"Ugh... it's up to you. Be careful on the road." Reo went inside after saying goodbye to the four brothers. His face turned red again when Eric and Gabriel teased him about seeing what just happened.

Finally, after being able to get out of the orphanage, they were able to go home. Unlike when leaving, now the car feels alive with small talk. The four siblings look happy and their energy is starting to recharge, not much different from Casey. Every now and then, Casey enters the conversation. The laughter stopped when there was a loud sound of stomach growling.

"Gabriel ...."

"Sorry, I'm hungry." Gabriel patted his stomach while showing a wide smile.

"Haven't you eaten a lot earlier? You have a rubber belly!" Eric cursed.

"Watch your words! What can I do if I'm hungry. Do you want me to eat?!" Gabriel murmured, not wanting to lose. Luke immediately hugged Gabriel's neck so that his brother's body wouldn't move forward and could trigger a war.

"Hey, please don't fight. You don't need to use a muscle when you talk, right? We'd better eat first," said Noel. The man told the driver the location of a restaurant. Casey stroked Eric's arm so he wouldn't continue to stare at Gabriel with a fierce look that asked for a fight. Eric's attitude is really different when dealing with his family.

Ah, Casey remembered what James said. It's true that their faces are very handsome, but none of them resembles each other. But Casey is sure they still love each other even though they often have small fights. He doesn't know all the stories behind this family, because Noel's route has never been conquered by him. Now she was even more curious about all the stories.

"You are okay?" Eric asked as he put his palms in front of Casey's dreamy face. Casey blinked and smiled.

"I'm fine."

It didn't take long for them to reach their destination. A French-style restaurant whose menu Casey had a hard time reading. As a result, she chose the same menu as Eric. Casey held back her fangirl screams when she saw Luke, who had finished eating and then smoked a cigarette, and it was such a beautiful sight for Casey. Luke was really handsome even though scary.

Because it was getting dark, they immediately paid all the bills and then walked back to the car.

On the other hand ....

"Tsk, I feel bored ...," complained a beautiful girl who continued to stare at the street that was starting to be lit by street lights. Her eyes narrowed as she recognized someone she knew. "Stop!" her orders.

"What is it, Miss Erica?"

"Shut up your mouth."

Erica sharpened her gaze. "That's Gwen and Eric, right? How come they're together? It's not just the two of them, there's another guy too. What the hell is this!" The girl raged while biting her finger, holding back a bigger emotion. Her brows dipped sharply as her friend laughed and then entered the car along with the four handsome men.

"This can't be allowed... follow that car!" Erica ordered the driver. Even though he didn't know the reason and didn't dare to ask, the driver obeyed the young lady's orders. Carefully, Erica's car continued to follow Casey's car. Until the car stopped a little far away, because the Wilson family car entered a large mansion.

Erica laughed in annoyance. "Huh? What does all this mean? How did Gwen get in there? What kind of relationship did they actually have?" The girl's laughter grew louder, her eyes filled with the fire of great anger. It was as if she had just been betrayed by a friend. Even though from the start their friendship was fake.

The girl smiled slyly. Her hands were clenched into fists, her long nails pressed against the skin of her palms until they bled. The driver cannot do anything if the employer has acted.

"You dare lie to me, Gwen. You'll see, I'll find out about you to the deepest point!"

"I won't calm you down! Because Eric will be mine forever!"