Casey's annoyance

Casey's second class is over. The girl said goodbye to somewhere to let Erica go to the cafeteria with only three of them, with Mora and Hanna as usual, then she would follow later. Besides, she didn't want to get too close to them either. Casey stepped into the faculty library, looking around for someone.

The corners of her lips lifted when she finally found the figure. Then she stepped closer to him. Before that, she took a book at random just to serve as an alibi.

"As usual you're in here, huh," Casey said, pulling up a chair for her to sit on. She is the opposite of her current interlocutor.

"There are so many seats here, why do you have to sit across from me?" asked the man curtly.

Four right angles suddenly appeared on Casey's forehead. Even though she was trying to be friendly, why was this man so curt with her?