

Eric glanced at his phone, an incoming message from his junior, who else if not Erica. Lately, he and the girl have been interacting a lot. Erica often asked him for assignments, and twice, Eric taught Erica at a cafe just the two of them. He didn't mind at all, he was happy if he could help others.

Eric grabbed his phone and read Erica's message.

[Eric, can we meet? I want to treat you because you've been so good to me]

Eric raised an eyebrow. He never asked Erica to return the favor. So far, it is Eric who has always treated the girl, because Eric feels that as a senior he has to do it.

[No need, Erica. I'm alright]

It didn't take long for Erica to reply to his message again.

[Boo! I insist! You can't refuse other people's kindness!]