Behind Eric's attitude

Today, Eric as usual followed what his lover wanted. Erica wants to try a new menu at her favorite cafe. The man also picked up Erica, like people dating. When they entered the cafe, all eyes immediately fell on Eric and Erica. How come? They look very suitable. Erica looks stunning in a simple navy knee-length dress, while Eric wears a matching short-sleeved shirt and cream colored trousers. The idea of this matching outfit is, of course the mastermind behind it, Erica. She didn't want to lose and wanted to do the same with that person.

As long as they were together, it was Erica who spoke the most. Eric only responded to it a little, or even more silently, and fiddled with his phone.

"So after this, how about we ..." Erica didn't continue her words because Eric didn't pay attention to her at all and continued to play on the phone. Annoyed, Erica snatched the man's phone, making Eric also annoyed.

"Erica, give it back," Eric asked in a cold tone.