Challenge Erica

Casey looked at herself in the mirror. Today she will look beautiful differently than usual. She even made her face thicker and styled her hair, not just letting it loose. Casey touched her lips, the events of last night still etched in her mind. She really couldn't sleep well last night. It could be said that it was her first kiss both in this world and in the real world. Casey really never did, she was often curious about how it felt and now God has granted her. Casey was completely in love with the man. She couldn't dodge anymore. And not only that, when Casey saw Eric's profile, his love level had risen to 4 which Casey had to collect to 5. That means only 1 level left of Casey's efforts. Although it's still not as easy as imagined, because that number can be reduced if there is something that makes his master ilfeel towards her. Casey grabbed her phone, which was on the desk, and she went to campus with burning enthusiasm.