The reason behind everything that happened

Erica's tears started to flow again, her trembling hands brushing against Alan's cheeks. "... you're Alan, my friend in middle school?" She asked in a choked voice.

The man nodded slowly, enjoying the touch of the girl he had loved for so long.

"You're really different, Alan. I didn't realize it at all ... I always thought your name just resembled someone I used to know..." she said, still sobbing softly.

Alan's heart felt tight, he couldn't bear to see what had happened to Erica. He knew very well that this was all his fault, but Alan wanted the girl to be even better. Without hesitation, the bespectacled man took Erica's body into his arms. Hugging her so tight. "Sorry, I just dared to tell you."

Erica's tears broke even more, she was crying in the man's arms. Alan stroked the soft, citrus-scented hair, the scent he had longed for. He let the girl continue to cry, letting out all the restlessness in her heart.