Sassy girl

Eric just kept smiling at the message Casey had just sent him. The day is getting more and more flowery because he is officially dating the girl even though it has not been published yet. While his two friends, Harry and Zayn, looked at Eric strangely because the man's behavior was different from usual. From the start of class, Eric's smile never faded from his handsome face. Harry and Zayn know that Eric is a friendly man and always does good to everyone. It's just that they also know that there is a moment that makes Eric look even happier, like now.

"Hey, Eric," Harry called because Eric kept checking his phone over and over.

"Hmm? Why?" asked Eric with a big smile.

Harry looked at Eric flatly. "What are you doing?"

"Me? nothing, haha!" Eric said with a crisp laugh. Zayn and Harry looked at each other for a moment, they were telepathic and agreed that something was wrong with their friend.