Celebrating Gabriel's Success

For the success of Gabriel whose popularity is increasing, the four brothers will appreciate it by throwing a party at the Camaraderie orphanage. By the time they got there, the children were waiting for him as usual.

"Gabby, great! Gabby,you're getting famous!" praised one of the bowl-haired children. Gabriel hugged him and lifted the boy up high.

"Thank you!"

"When you're famous, don't forget about us, Gabby," added a little seven-year-old girl with round, doll-like eyes.

Gabriel put the child down, then crouched down to match the little girl's height. He stroked the girl's brick red hair. "Of course not, Annette. I couldn't have forgotten you," Gabriel said with a big smile. The children smiled happily, they immediately rushed to Gabriel to hug him. The youngest man just laughed crisply and hugged them all.