Eric's Prep

Eric takes Casey to a fast food restaurant. From getting out of the car, the man didn't let go of his hand, as if he didn't want Casey to be away from him. After ordering, they were seated at a slight corner table with not so many people. Casey immediately ate the food because she was already very hungry. Eric just chuckled at the sight. He reached out to wipe Casey's lips, which were slightly messed up with ketchup. "Eat slowly," the man reminded her.

"You too, let's eat," Casey replied, because Eric wasn't eating.

"Seeing you makes me full."

Casey scowled in annoyance. "You mean because of me you don't have an appetite?"

Eric gaping, Casey misinterpreting his words. "It is not like that ...."

"Just kidding!" Casey said with a big smile. She went back to eating.