Until The Last Drop Of Blood

On the second day, the number two candidate pair was finally given a sanction for promoting by using a food truck. The idea was Kenny's, and actually, Zacky didn't agree from the start.

"I told you it was a violation!" Zacky protested after leaving the counseling room.

"I know! But at least people know us," said Kenny innocently.

Zacky snorted. "More precisely, known for doing bad things," he muttered under his breath.

"You should have backed me! It's so weird that you're a candidate for deputy," Kenny hissed, his expression irritated.

Zacky didn't reply to Kenny's words, he rolled his eyes lazily. The man really regretted having agreed to the offer to be the co-chairman like Kenny. "Haah, we did a normal promotion."

"Let's go to the whole club. You're famous in the sports club, right?" Kenny asked with a sly smile.