Eric's Past : No One Believes

Eric walked backwards, he looked at Ian who was screaming in pain because the hot water accidentally slipped from his hand. Panic? Of course. He was in shock and didn't know what to do. Because of Ian's screams, soon Mama and the other kids arrived. They were very surprised to see Ian who was crying in pain with the burns starting to show clearly.

"Ian!" Isabella shouted very panicked while carrying Ian, the other children also screamed hysterically and closed their eyes to see Ian's current condition. "Agni, call an ambulance now!" Isabella ordered one of her workers. "Kids, stay away from the kitchen and don't do anything dangerous!" she said, looking panicked. The woman took Ian to her room to do first aid before the ambulance came to pick him up.

"Eric! What happened?!" asked Ben, looking at Eric worriedly. He didn't want to speculate, but there were only Eric and Ian in the room. He also knows that Eric is always bullying Ian. "You ... you did that to him?"