Finally Published

"Since when have you been here?"

"I-i was just here. Look, the beach is very beautiful, isn't it?"

"Hm ... you change the topic."

"N-not like that!"

Luke continued to look at Eric suspiciously, even though Eric had made his face as natural as possible. While Noel only watched for a moment while smiling after that he walked closer to the beach. The man was suspicious because Eric suddenly disappeared and turned out to be on the beach first. Not only that, Casey also followed them. It turned out that the maid was walking on the beach.

"W-why do you keep looking at me like that?!" Eric protested because Luke was still squinting at Eric.

"No, it's all right. Oh, Gwen. Why are you coming from over there?" Luke asked, making Eric and Casey wince in surprise for fear of being found out.