Both Weird

After leaving Luke's room, they fell silent, Casey's hands were still shaking. Eric who couldn't bear to see the girl could only pat Casey's shoulder.

"It's okay, Gwen. Don't worry too much about it," Eric said reassuringly.

"I've made master Luke dislike me even more ..." Casey whispered, her eyes very sad. She still remembered Luke's sharp look and words, which scared her and hurt her a little.

Eric stroked the nape of his neck, he actually felt strange because there was an animal in his brother's room. "Come on," Eric said so they wouldn't stay in front of Luke's room. "Luke really hates insects, especially the animal you're holding. He loves cleanliness and is most organized. Therefore, please don't let something like this happen again, okay?" Eric said very gently and didn't hurt Casey's heart. The man's gaze was too warm and broke her defenses. Casey couldn't hold back the tears that wanted to come out and run down her cheeks.