Fuss Over The Same Thing

"Let me come with you," Elora said with a big smile.

"Oh, okay."

Elora and Casey walked together to where the young master asked.

"Are you new to actor Luke's assistant?" Elora asked.

"Three months ago I was her assistant but resigned," Casey replied with an awkward smile.

"Oh, but you filed again?"

"No, I was asked by the manager and Master Luke to come back to work with them again."

Elora was amazed. "Wow, looks like they can't forget your performance, haha!" the woman praised, she was very impressed. Casey only responded with a low laugh.

"I've been working with Miss Irene for quite a while, and the place we're going to is her favorite cafe with your boss," Elora said.

"Their two's favorite cafe?" Casey asked, Elora nodding excitedly.

"Miss Irene was very happy when she got the main role in a romantic film with Luke," Elora continued, smiling warmly as if she was remembering when her boss was happy and in love.