2.Sarcastic Sys


" " Conversation or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking


"Hmm...Where am I"

I woke with a slight headache, looking around trying to find where and in which condition, I'm in.

"Look like I'm transmigrated this world and I'm in my old body, that's good I don't want to go through the whole baby situation" just thinking about it makes me uncomfortable.

'Now that I pay attention to my surroundings, just seeing and feeling the air I can say, it is another world with fresh air, green scenes around me, and a clear sky without pollution makes me feel refreshed. I thought in my mind savoring the wonderful feeling.


Now I need to move around and find which world I'm in" Standing up moving to a certain direction, where a lot of noises are coming from.

"This looks like a sports field as there are running tracks on it and what academy is this ridiculously large" I mean seriously this field itself is a few km long and I'm on another side of the field, where students running around doing some kind of drill.


What's that annoying sound in my mind

[Requirements have been met]

What requirement

[System Initialising










The system successfully bound with host]

[Hello host, I'm Overlord Harem System]

what the system


"Rea..really it's not a joke right " I excitedly asked.

[If the host doesn't believe me then I can prove it by making you, a eunuch]

"No thank you, I believe you" sweating I hurriedly answered.

[Host If you want to say something you can say it directly in your mind, no need to talk in public like a mental person]

'you should have said that sooner' I look around to make sure nobody saw anything.

'few... fortunately I'm a little distance away from them'

[Host, rest assured nobody suspects you so you won't be going to a mental hospital, yet]

'hey, are you my system, why does it looks likes that you want me in trouble' I ask a little taken aback by the system's remark.

[What are you talking about I'm a system dedicated to the wellbeing of the host]

'you sure have feelings like humans even being an AI' I held back the curses which I was about to say.

'Anyway, I can't always call you system when you are showing emotions, let me think of a name as you are now my partner' I calm down and then started to think about the name. After thinking for some time I came up with a name. "How about 'Sys' simple and easy"

[Host, I know you suck at naming you don't have to feel embarrassed about it]

'Can you not make fun of it and get used to it because I'm not changing it,' I know myself but seriously even the system making fun of my naming sense.

oh well, this is a new start first I change my name to "Kosei Hesperia". Okey Sys what are the functions you have?

[Affirmative host,

Function: Status, Inventory, Shop, Quest, there are other functions but they are locked for now and need the specific conditions before they unlock.]

'Okay, all the functions are self-explanatory. By the way, Sys, Is their Newbie pack' I ask as I'm in my old body which is the first thing I checked, and relieved that I still have my old body cause I don't want to go through taking over some shit's body.

My otaku senses are telling me to become strong or I might die before knowing how.

[Congratulations host for completing a hidden quest.

Quest:" Ask Sys for a newbie pack".

Rewards: "Newbie gift pack".

punishment: "Not getting any gift".

status: "complete".

Transferring rewards to inventory]

'ohh quest, I never thought even a newbie pack come from a quest, and thank goddess I ask Sys.' I thought sweating.

'First I should see the Status and how it looks likes then see the rewards.' before thinking about status in his mind.

[Host, when you want to see the status, just say status in mind.]






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