21.Wonderful Morning



" " Conversion or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking


(Mc Pov)

"Yawnnnnnn... this was satisfying sleep I had, now that I remember, how long was I asleep for," I opened my eyes and felt my body was full of the spirit because of the wonderful sleep just had. Just as I was about to sit and straighten my body a little but I felt extra wait on my body when I try to see who or what it is on my body as it also feels kind of soft and warm.

Once I see who it is, making me speechless and sigh of relief. Because the one sleeping over me is Yui who hugging my left side like some kind of pillow with a drooling face on my chest and even with this. She looks super sexy with mounds pressing on sides making my little brother angry so I took a deep breath to calm myself so I won't end up attacking a superrrr cute and sexy creature. I sighed thinking at least she wore her academy dress If she was in her underwear, I don't know If I would be able to hold myself back from eating her whole.


I pinch myself to get it together from these dangerous thoughts.

Suddenly I remember the quest being completed, and I don't want to disturb the sleep of a cute creature, also I want to admire this scene sometime more so I just opened Quest to see what rewards I got.

'Sys, quest board please' I am also excited to get a weapon of my own like every otaku has the dream of becoming a weapon master and slaughtering the enemy making cool looking poses after a victory, so I also want to try at least once.

As I was reminiscing about the otaku days from my previous life, then suddenly someone poured cold water on me, getting me back to reality.

[Humph, Now you remember, you have me when you need something, so you take me as goods to be used then throw me away, how cruel of you. Sniff...sniff...I am not talking to you, Humph...From now on I'll ignore you, do whatever you want yourself, I am not going to help you, Humph.]

'Sorry, sorry...Sys, would you forgive this ignorant fool who can't do anything without his 'Sys' looking after him. I promise once you have the body, I will pamper you full 3day and 3night without stoping, If that's not enough I'll ...I'll pamper you until you are satisfied' I used every brain cell to think this cliche line and praises to appease her anger of being ignored.

Well, she just pouting but I have to keep her satisfied and happy so my rewards from the quest would be good and punishment be little light, not downright mortifying. As the quest generates according to my situation, so handling of rewards and punishment are calculated by Sys.

Lastly, she would be my eternal partner so I need her more than anything, as she makes me complete even when she has gotten her body, she would still have a connection with my soul and she would truly become my other half.

Doing everything to coax her I can think of sometimes pass by then after I appease her enough. I immediately open my quest panel.


[Quest: Save Yui from her sleep state and win her trust.


1. Before the breakdown phenomenon happens.

2. Save her without hurting her.

3. Impress her to have a love interest in you.

Rewards: 30,000Sp and Weapon Coupon (B grade with upgradable category). Also, you will get the trust of all the girls and they would take you as an ally after this.

Time limit:6Days


1. Breakdown Phenomenon happening and end up erasing a lot of students.

2. Grimoire security force to eliminate the source of the problem. (a.k.a. Yui Kurata).

3. You will have a virility problem whenever you have thought about lewd stuff.

Status: Completed.

Do you want to withdraw your rewards?

'Yes or No'.]


[Congratulations Host,

You got 30,000Sp and a weapon coupon (B grade and growth type ).

Your remaining Sp - 34,000.]

Seeing the weapon coupon on inventory space I have an urge to use it now but I held it back. As it might cause disturbance and it might wake you up from her beauty sleep.

So that's no, for now, I would use it later.

"Hey Yui wake up, it's morning already and I need to attend to my needs," I close the system interface and enjoy the bouncing boobs of Yui a little while more after I had my fill and look up to check for the time so I decided to wake up her.

Also If I don't wake her up soon and if Lilith sees me in this condition, she might put a bullet in the wrong place so I was completely sober up trying to wake her by shaking her shoulders and calling her out softly in her ear.

"Mnn ..nnm..good morning, big brother Kosei ...chhu..(Kissing sound)..this is for yesterday," once she woke up and look at me some time then with a sweet smile greeted me. Suddenly she gave me a smooch on the left cheek making me stunned when I saw her blooming flowers like smile and felt a warm kiss on my cheek.

For a few minutes, I look at her in a daze then come back to my senses when I saw that she waiting for me to return her greetings.

"Good morning Yui, you look lovely in the morning," I greeted her with a warm smile in return and complimented her charm, subconsciously starting to pat her head.

"Hehe..hehe...hehe.." Feeling my cares on her head, she closes her eyes to enjoy and then laughs like a bell, but to me, her laugh becomes a pleasant melody of chirping birds in the background.

Then I send her to her dorm room after she had her fill with me messing around sometime. I then finished with my daily morning activities and bath in the male bathroom in a hurry as I don't want that expressionless beauty to barz in here.

I am in my room wearing my uniform as this is the only dress I can wear so Lilith won't rant about academy rules being this and that.

I am getting ready to fulfil my promise to Yui for the party and let her taste my best cuisines so I have to invite all of them so as not to be called partial so I don't have any choice in that matter but this is still not bad for me and I will get to see everyone one's expressions which I will be capturing them for future use.

Then I gathered everyone together ao now we are going towards downtown where my restaurant is, I have to make sure they get addicted to my cooking If they already aren't. With a lineup of six beauties beside me whoever sees us, they will glance at us. Men often gave me a death glare and with my charm being high enough to get me flirting glances from some young girls and some housewife's mature milfs.During a time like this I have to keep my face straight with a simple polite smile and calmly greet them back.





Hello, how's going, Did you read my new novel "A Wish Of Lazy Otaku" Then give me your honest opinions if you had not read yet then go and read it once.

Anyway, enjoy this chapter...
