63. The Last Trinity Makes His Entrance




" " Conversion or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking



After the impact, a lot of dust and debris flew around so once everything settle down, everyone saw that there was nothing left of Code D Dragon, he was completely crushed by them.

"Ohh, yeah! Finally, we got rid of that annoying bastard!" Akio celebrated the victory and sat down on the ground feeling spent.

"So you guys also finished!" Levi looked over to Lilith and others coming over and asked looking around not finding the minions anywhere so she assumed they also finished with them.

"Well, yeah! It was a pain in the ass to deal with all of them but they were just small fries!" Selina said stretching her body because of soreness as she had to move around a lot.

Everyone in their team has not spent their energy much but their mental fatigue is a different matter.

"Okay, guys! Don't look relieved yet, as we still have to see Arata clash with the last trinity or white demon lord. Here, for you guys, I came up with this as a by-product when I was making a cake for Yui!" Kosei said looking at them as if they were idiots so he reminded them and gave them a chocolate bar wrapped in into wrapper to them. This chocolate is like an energy drink so when everyone ate it, they felt refreshed feeling.

The chocolate helps them relieving of their mental fatigue. He doesn't want anyone to get into an accident after finding that the Code D Dragon was stronger than his canon part so he is pretty much sure that the white demon lord would also be much stronger than his canon part.



Suddenly black magic beam fired toward them or more like it was aiming for Arata.

Reacting quickly, Arata and Arin cast defensive macro together to defend against the attack.

Once it settle down they heard the arrogant voice filled with contempt coming from a figure who was walking toward them.

"Hahahaha! You are competent enough as you can destroy my pets, otherwise, I would be disappointed in you!" The figure uttered the words with a mocking expression looking at them with an air of superiority.

Looking over and feeling his magic, the girls understand who he was and why he came over.

"This guy is the last trinity and why the heck, he resembles so much Arata here, his only difference would be his eyes and hair colour or sense of style!" Akio commented seeing the resembles Arata and feeling the aura.

Last Trinity is a young man resembling Arata with white hair and demonic arms, as well as a white mask covering the right side of his face. Furthermore, the iris of his left eye is yellow while the opposite eye is dark with a purple iris. The upper half of his attire consists of a cravat and a shoulder cape over a tunic, the lower half consists of puffy pants and dark calf sleeves with sandals.

"Are you the White Demon Lord?" Arata asked as if concerning their guess.

"That's correct! I am the White Demon Lord, Last Trinity!" The white figure replied with half of his smile with smugness.

Then he took off his mask which only covered half of his face.

"Demon lord candidate!" He looked at Arata with deep intent trying to flare up the demon lord element of Arata but even after staring at Arata for quite a while, nothing happened except for his red glowing eyes and Arata feeling weirded out from his creepy gaze.

"Ummn! Dude, could you not stare at me like that as I have not been into men so please fuck off with your creepy stares!" Arata not being able to handle the stare from the white demon lord covered himself dramatically and try to shoo off the white demon lord.

"Impossible, how are you still fine, this is not possible....!" The white demon lord mumbled like he is not in his right state of mind.

The medication technique which Arata practise has now become second nature as breathing to him so it's slowly transforming his magic nature and made his demon element extremely stable so the white demon lord method failed.

"Hey, Arata! Mind if you get rid of this creepy guy fast, just looking at his behaviour I can tell he was quite neglected as a child and his head might have messed up because of that!" Liese said looking at the pitiful creature having his common sense being questioned.

"Huh! Then won't this be boring now? Hmmn! I will need to make this interesting a little!" Kosei thought out loud not paying attention that his words might be heard by others.

"What did you say, Kosei? I don't hear quite clear!" Lilith smiling asked Kosei who started to sweat looking at her not-so-friendly smile.

"Ahh hahahaha! It's nothing much, hahaha! Well, Arata, he is all yours so go beat his white demonic ass!" Laughing nervously Kosei masterfully avoided the subject and gestured for Arata to start the fight already.

"Hey, Mr white, Demon Lord wannabe! Care to have one on one with me!" Arata step forward and invited the white dude to duel with him showing him the taunting smile with a loser gesture.

The white demon lord who was feeling baffled that he wasn't able to steal Arata's demon lord element or his magic, hearing the taunting voice and gesture, was beyond angry so he moved at a fast speed towards Arata to strike him with his fist.



Arata was ready so he moved instinctively and avoided the incoming fist to his face and in the counterattack, he kicked in his ribs making the white dude step back a few steps.

Kosei sees the cheap copy sibling of white Zetsu so weak that he can't even keep up with Arata in a normal mode so he took out a small glass flask and secretly sent the content inside to the cheap sibling copy of white Zetsu making his body change instantly.


The cheap sibling of white Zetsu cried out feeling the pain caused by the changes happening inside of him, making him stronger by a few levels.

"What the hell, I didn't kick you that hard!" Arata back out a little feeling something amiss then he felt the changes which showed in form of an aura radiating from him.

"Hahahahaha! I feel the strength flowing out from my body, Ahhh! Such a feeling!" The white Demon Lord laughed after getting back to normal and feeling the strength which is triple his original strength.

But clearly, his face shows that he is enjoying whatever feeling he is getting from the strength flowing all over his body.

"I am seriously creeping out here, how the heck does this make sense and what's up with his weird expression!" Arata felt a shiver in his body looking at the expression of the White Demon Lord.

"Haaaa! Let me try out how much stronger did I get!" White Demon Lord said and charge over with fast speed instantly appearing in front of Arata and sending a straight punch which Arata hurriedly blocked with a cross guard.






"Sorry about not updating in the last weeks, there were personnel problems and now that I solved them, I will be uploading three chapters per week as an apology instead of one chapter from next week."

"Thank you very much for your support!"

