65. Putting Library In Illia Separate Dimension




" " Conversion or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking




Arata feeling numb and completely out of energy, fell to the ground.

"Did I get the guy with my attack, I hope so as I don't think that I can even lift my finger now!" Arata said with an exhausted face and look towards where the white demon lord was last standing.


The ghastly voice came from there after clearing of dust, everyone saw the blob of white chemical substance with a ghastly human face making noises like it was struggling to regenerate itself again.

"Give me a break, damn it! What the hell is this, even my ultimate sure kill move can't finish this guy off then I don't know what can finish this guy!" Arata looked pretty amazed that even his last move wasn't able to finish the guy and even more so the resilience of this guy is pretty terrifying.

"Well, Let's see! I don't want to look at this boring and pathetic sight of this guy so let's just finish it and go home. I still have to make my extra mulberry cake for Yui and others!" Kosei suddenly came over it and looked at the blob of white substance on the ground with slight disgust in his eyes then with a small gesture, the black fireball started burning on his hand which he threw on the leftover white demon lord and burn it into oblivion.

"Ahem, now that we finished with this. Who wants to taste my newly made mulberry cupcake?" Kosei coughed after finishing with the leftover, he look at the girl and asked in a cheerful voice, and immediately the atmosphere changed to a cheerful one from the gloomy theme.


Everyone shouted with smiles on their faces. Even though they weren't in life danger but it was a thrilling fight so they look tired and fatigued a little and Kosei suggestion was a great one to fill their vigour.

"Husband, here I will help you stand up!" Arin came beside Arata and lift him from the ground then gave him her shoulder for support to stand up.

"Hmmn! Thank you for the help Arin, I seriously needed that as my body felt a little numb from the fight so I think that I need to clean bath and sleep to restore my spirit!" Arata thank the girl for being considerate, well after the lecture from Kosei. Arata has become conscious of Arin's actions or affection towards him so now he doesn't object to her outright but tries to understand her.

Kosei seeing the progress felt thankful that his previous talk with Arata, had helped him in his relationship.

He smiled seeing everyone has enjoyed this small trip to the eternal library, then he clapped his hand to gather everyone's attention.

"Okay, everyone! Now you should go and clean yourselves. Once you are ready, go to my restaurant and wait for me in my apartment!" Kosei looked at the clothes which has become dirty from the fight so he suggested that they should wash up and then go to his apartment in a fresh mood to enjoy his food.

"What about you, Kosei? Where are you going?" Mira noticed his subtle meaning so she asked as if ready to help if needed.

"Ohh! Nothing much I just need to check something and seal this library and once I handed the key and report to the headmaster. I will head out and meet you guys at my apartment so don't worry about it!" Kosei smiled seeing Mira has opened up a little, even though she has her tsundere side but now she shows much more emotion like right now, she has a worried face.

"Okay, then! Come back fast." Mira nodded as if understanding it was nothing much so she nodded and was ready to go out from here.

Kosei then transferred everyone, one by one outside to the academy grounds.

"Hurry back Ko! We will wait in your apartment!" Yui said before leaving with the others.

"Phew, okay then I should finish with this ruined place or more like I should seal it in a strong sealing dimension as I remembered that those 99 cheap copies of White Zetsu are preserved somewhere in this library!" Kosei looked at this ruined place with disinterest and thought that those cheap copies might be helpful for the headmaster in the future.

"Sys, is there any seal like that which can seal this place in an isolated place and nobody can access it!" Kosei asked Sys if there is then his work might become easier.

[ Hmmn, Yes, host! There is but I don't think you need to buy it from the system. You can ask your Grimoire for that as she does have something like that which might be helpful for this situation. ]

"Ohhh! Thanks for reminding me Sys, I completely forgot about Illia's abilities!" Kosei felt like an idiot for forgetting something like that then he thank Sys for reminding him.

"Hey, Illia! Come out, I need you to do something for me!" Kosei then called out to Illia who was in her Grimoire form and stuck in his neck with beautiful chains.

"Hmmn, yawn~! What it is, Master!" Illia materialise in her human form then yawned cutely and looked at Kosei with a confused face.

"Ahem! Illia, I need you to put this library in a separate dimension and make a key to access it!" Kosei coughed and came out from the trance which he got into because of Illia developed body which has very dangerous curves with a balance figure, then he said what he originally called her out for.

"Hmmn! Okay, I can do that but I need a core with high-quality energy to keep the dimensional barrier active!" Illia said without thinking much as it wasn't something hard for her.

"Huh! I forgot about the core!" Kosei looked at her dumbly.

[Ummn, host! If your memory is correct then, shouldn't there be a demon lord element present in a crystal here? ]

'Ahh! You are right, after Liese's case was solved so I completely neglected that crystal which has a demon lord element in it!' Kosei thought and remembered about it after Sys reminder as he didn't have any need for it so he ignored it completely but now it can be used for a core material purpose.

'Sys, try and locate that demon lord element as you already have the signature so it shouldn't be hard for you!' Kosei asked Sys to search it around the whole library.

"Wait here for a minute, I will be back with the core for the formation!" Kosei said and leap into the distance after informing Illia as Sys has located energy similar to demon lord element from further inside of the library.


