67. Girls Tasting South Hot-Pot




" " Conversion or speech

' ' thoughts

[ ] Sys talking



Headmaster Biblia office,

"So that's what happened, basically white demon lord problem solved completely and here something which might be useful for future!" Kosei Hesperia stood in front of Headmaster Biblia and told everything that happened in the eternal library, he also gave him the key to access the eternal library in form of a sword-shaped locket.

"Okay, I get that part but why are you giving me that key, shouldn't you give this to your disciple Arata to keep it!" Headmaster nodded hearing my end of the story and asked feeling intrigued why I am trusting the headmaster with the key.

"Well, when it comes to keeping things he is not very good with it so I thought of the headmaster who is a capable and reliable person so I leave it to you!" Kosei said matter of fact as Arata has a knack for messing things up and Kosei knowing that he will need the headmaster's permission soon so he tried using flattering words and from the smile on the headmaster's face, he was successful.

"Hohoho! Good young man, you have a bright future ahead. Now you can go and take a rest!" Headmaster laughed feeling pleased that at least someone has admiration for him as most of the time he gets stink eye.

Kosei took his leave and directly went to the boys' bathroom to wash off first, after washing up he changed into comfy clothes and teleported to his apartment.

"Hey, girls! Did you wait too long, just give me five minutes I will prepare the dinner first!" Kosei greeted the girls as the first thing he saw in his vision.

"Kosei/ Ko-nii!!" Everyone greeted back.

"Finally, hurry up. We were waiting here for half an hour!" Akio shouted hearing that Kosei is going to make dinner, she was feeling the urge to eat something for a while now but as the girls were busy with the serious topic she didn't bring it up.

"Yeah, we are starving now, common make something delicious Ko-nii!" Selina also chirps in.

"Okay...okay! Just five minutes!" Kosei said and entered the kitchen then in a few seconds letter burning of oil and striking knife voices started coming from inside.

After exact five minutes,

"Hey, girls! Do you mind helping me carry the plates to the table!" Kosei called out from the kitchen.

"Okay, I will help out!" Akio said and stood up to help Kosei.

"I also help you out as I will eat here so this much I can at least do!" Lilith also stood and followed Akio inside the kitchen.

Other girls also wanted to help out but Kosei said two are more than enough to bring the stuff.

"Okay, Akio and Lilith! Could you please arrange the plates on the table and I will carry the pot over!" Kosei said looking at the big size pot and plates kept on the side.

"Okay!" Akio and Lilith nodded and took enough plates for all of them with other utensils then went out of the kitchen to arrange them on the table.

"So what did you cook today, Kosei? It smells great!" Akio asked when Kosei put the boiling hot pot on the table.

"Well, I thought everyone would want to enjoy something new so I made a mix hot pot!" Kosei smiled when Akio asked so he replied proudly as he was confident that the girls would like the change in menu.

Kosei uncovered the pot and the rich smell of spices assaulted everyone's nose, making them almost gulp their saliva.

The hot pot that Kosei made is south China style which is focused on different spices and bringing a rich flavour to the broth.

"Wow! It's fantastic, just smelling the aroma is making me hungry!" Levi exclaimed with an amazed expression and almost drooled imagining the wonderful taste.

"Hahahaha! What are you waiting for, girls? Let me pour it for you!" Kosei laughed looking at Levi and others' expressions so he beckoned them to give him their plate then he poured them their portion and took one for himself and sat down.

"Itadakimasu!" Everyone pray and took their spoonful to their mouth then blow it on to cool it down a little and then they gulped down.

"Hmmmnn!" ×7

The moaning voice of the girls entered Kosei's ears which made him stop and look at the girl's expressions who were having a blissful smile with their hands on their cheeks.

Kosie hurriedly took out the camera from his inventory and took some hundred photos of each girl, he even used light speed to slow down the time and move very fast to capture their smiles with different angles.

After taking it and looking at it, he was satisfied so he down and put the camera back into inventory and started to eat his broth like nothing happened, just as he down time again flowed normally.

"I want seconds!" "Me too!" "Hehehe! I also finished!"

The girls finished their portion at a very fast speed and started asking for seconds, one after another so Kosei finished his broth and stood up to give them another serving.

In the end, the pots were emptied clean by the girls, yeah! Pots, as it's not just one pot but two more. Akio went all out after taking her first sip from the broth and ate more than all of them combined. One whole pot was consumed by her alone and the other two were consumed by the rest of the girls.

"Burp...!! Haaaa! That was the best meal I had in a while!" Akio burped and sighed with satisfaction then patted her stomach which didn't change one bit to which Kosei wonders where all the broth went to.

"Mmnn! Ko-nii, don't forget to invite me next time. It was out of world experience I had so please don't forget to include it in your dinner in the future!" Selina's eyes practically shine with light and begged Kosei to invite her again with her puppy eyes.

"Yeah, It was great! I felt that I can leave everything else and live with you rest of my life if you can provide me with this kind of deliciously food, Kosei~~!" Liese commented with a huge dreaming smile and licked her lips looking at Kosei for a reaction to which he just kept a small smile on his face and ignored Liese's sultry response.

Even Mira has a bright expression with anticipation when Selina asked him to invite her again so he takes it from the other's face which says that they were also eager for another invitation.

Kosei outside kept the proud smile but inside he was dancing with a large grin that he finally manages to make them addicted to his cooking.

Now he was 80 percent confident that if he asked them to join him on his journey, they won't outright reject him.

"Okay, guys! I will invite you guys next time if we have a chance in the future!" Kosei replied ambiguously as he remembered that only two more days left before he have travelled to another world.


